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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

We Turks are the politically most fractious nation of the Middle East and perhaps even the world. We argue, fight and insult each other again and again with no merci. But as soon as a threat from the outside brings our fatherland in danger, we will react as a team, close our ranks and stand side by side regardless of our political ideology. This makes us unique in the Middle East. One thing we have in common with our Pakistani bros and sis. Look at our histories! :tup:

Our secret of success is easy to divine: It is the spirit of Canakkale, which lives on in every single citizen of Turkey.
We don't need to shoot down an American Cessna, we bring down their most advanced UAV and they ask it back, only receive a middle finger in response, yes something like that deserves a celebration.

There is a thin line between stupidity and courage, and certainly there is nothing to celebrate about shooting down a Su-24 which is on a ground attack mission, especially when you claim it has only violated your airspace for 17 seconds. Airspace violations happens so regularly in the world.

Turkey violated Iran's airspace in 90s dozens of times, I can already imagine what would some Pakistani members' reaction be if Iran shot down a Turkish jet for violating our airspace for 17 seconds. Hypocrisy at its best.
Let me ask you why you brought down the american UAV? - let me guess it violated your airspace - same rules apply to Turkey - now thats what i call hypocrisy -
And i believe the - 10 radio warnings from Turkey to Russians were also in span of those 17 seconds- damn the turks speak fast and their missile fly even faster-
A tip for Russian pilots for next time
I think you're exaggerating Pakistan's importance. To begin with, Pakistan already has a lot to deal with with regards to Afghanistan, Zarb-E-Azb, India. Secondly, You must understand China will veto any significant action against Russia on Pakistan's part. And by allying with Turkey, expect more action on Pak-Iran border. Pakistan simply can't afford it.

My articulation is very conservative and please elucidate with precise analysis why my opinion on the importance of Pakistan is exaggerated? The objectives of Operation Zarb-E-Azb is nearly achieved and terrorism related incidences in the country has reduced to 70% and next year the statistical figure will be much lower, because most of the attacks occurred during the period of January to March in 2015. The destiny of Afghanistan will be shaped by Pakistan and this is accepted by America, since the negotiation of peace talks with the Taliban will go through us. China is an important ally and we respect their opinion, however they do not control Pakistan and have no authority to tell us what to do. The economic corridor is vital, however in the long term it benefits China as much as Pakistan. Pakistan is not afraid of Iranian aggression, because the Iranian foreign minister was groveling in Islamabad convincing our military not to intervene in Yemen. My question of supports relates to a full out war between Russia and Turkey and not a small skirmish.
Dude, Russian missiles are navigating all over your cities, While you are not even aware of what is going on but Coming here to judge the respectability of shotting down a Russian bomber something like a small thing to do. If I were you, I would have judged my own country in order to have ballz enough to do such an action/capability against USA instead of talking about 10 years old child stories...

Show me ONE SINGLE incident in which U.S jets have violated our air space and we didn't respond despite having the capability. You should work better on your counter arguments. ;) On the other hand, we have shot down their drones who had violated our airspace and captured few intact, including their most advanced drone, and gave them the middle finger when they asked for it.

About Russian missiles or planes going from Iran's air space, it's because we allow it. If you want to bring up that example, is it appropriate if I say Turkey is playing U.S's bitch by giving Incirilik air base to U.S? American jets navigating 'all over your country'? See? A lame argument is easily debunked.

Iran's jets escorting escorting Russian bomber in Iran's airspace. They go because we allow it, nothing hard to understand.

Russians second-biggest visitors by nationality to Turkey

To put the previous posts in context, a sharp reduction in Russian tourists visiting Turkey could have a big impact. Recent figures from the Turkish authorities suggest Russians are the second biggest visitors by nationality.

Russian Market


Top 10 countries whose residents provided the most visits to Turkey (2012 est.)

2:57 p.m. - 24 November 2015

Russia tour operator suspends sale of package holidays to Turkey

BBC Monitoring

Posted at15:11

Natali Tours, one of Russia's largest tour operators, has suspended the sale of package holidays to Turkey, news website Gazeta.rureports [in Russian].

According to a press release from the company, the decision is based on President Vladimir Putin's decree of 8 November announcing measures aimed at "ensuring the safety of Russian citizens".

Tourism season is already over. :) They will forget that we shot their aircraft in 6 months. :lol:
Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and stand with your friends. We have been supporting Turkey since World War I even when Pakistan was under British colonial rule. There is lot of difference between Pakistanis and the sectarian minded Iranians and Iraqis.
Your stand with Turks based on sectarianism.

Defeating isis and alqaeda suppose to be our goal all of us not stand with it.
Show me ONE SINGLE incident in which U.S jets have violated our air space and we didn't respond despite having the capability. You should work better on your counter arguments. ;) On the other hand, we have shot down their drones who had violated our airspace and captured few intact, including their most advanced drone, and gave them the middle finger when they asked for it.

About Russian missiles or planes going from Iran's air space, it's because we allow it. If you want to bring up that example, is it appropriate if I say Turkey is playing U.S's bitch by giving Incirilik air base to U.S? American jets navigating 'all over your country'? See? A lame argument is easily debunked.

Iran's jets escorting escorting Russian bomber in Iran's airspace. They go because we allow it, nothing hard to understand.


With borrowed planes from Iraq, did you already paid for them ?
I think Pakistanis need to get over their misgivings, that they broke up any country much less the Soviet union.

It was the way Soviet handled their economics that broke their country.

It was CIA which funded and supplied the weapons, Afghan Jihadis who fought against Soviet forces. Pakistanis were just the middlemen used by American to transfer Israeli (captured by Israelis in their war against Arabs) and American weapons to Afghans.
U r underetimating role of Pakistan in that proxy war
LMAOF... I dont know about Russia but I dont think Turkey could even handle Greece...
Don't make yourself a joke... Turkey is a strong modern and decent nation but not a economic or military super power.
True. Turkey sneak attack another NATO member Greece in 1974 and managed only to secure half the small island

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