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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Here is nothing personal. I can understand your mental condition currently but typing here anything will not going to change your destiny. Your destiny already written now .... Just wait for your turn and chant aluaakhbur as many times as you can
No offence Intended

then don't quote dumb link...
Such incidents will directly change the power projection of Turkish industry... The new targets should be;

-Nuclear Tech is a must for Turkey.
-Long range land attack cruise missiles ! (Already have an ongoing project with a range of 1000km range but The schedule should be accelerated)
-Ballistic Missiles !
-Domestic Low-Medium and Long range SAM missiles (Already have but The schedule should be accelerated )
Ballistic missile and nuclear tech :D just ask from borther will be gift pack to you..no need to worry for these...:D

We are Turkey
Shooting down a ground attack jet with no proper air warfare capability from behind and during peace time is nothing to brag about, it would be something significant if you could have shot down a Su-30 in an air warfare or something like that. ;)

You can use a 10 year old kid in an F-16 to lock on a Su-24 and shoot, well done, mission accomplished.

Dude, Such childlike statements from a Mod doesn't make any sense ! Since everything in your country purely depends on propaganda, You can easily talk about such 10 years old child stories regarding a serious military incident but I think It is possible only in your Qhaher fighter driven by an 10 years old child, locking an Su-24 toy in his/her playground.
People talk here as if Pakistan is some big time military superpower, that would shift the balance of war?

What does Pakistan have to offer, that Turkey already doesn't posses or can't get from NATO?

Instead of writing gibberish nonsense from your rear end, read the context of my post carefully. Pakistan can play a major role in the Middle East, by diffusing the existing tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia who have escalated the conflict beyond its boundaries. Russia's declaration of war against Turkey will galvanize mass Muslim support and Pakistan will support its existence against Russia. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has no control over foreign policy, therefore the decision to defend Turkey will rest in the hands of the Army. Pakistan can never be considered a military superpower, however we did contribute to the collapse of the Soviet Union whose power was far greater than the current political set up of Russia. In addition, Pakistan has effectively become the real victor in Afghanistan because the Haqqani network is running the show and the Americans want us to negotiate peace-talks, which means our influenced has increased and not waned in Afghanistan and Central Asia. Turkey can receive support from NATO, however under no circumstances shall Pakistani's watch Turkish cities being bombed by Russian fighter jets.
Turkey of today reminds me of Pakistan of 80's:
-Conflicts in neighbouring countries-Check
-Directly or in directly supporting insurgents in that country-Check
-Russian intervention-Check
-Downing of Russian jets-Check
-Being frontline state in a US led coalition-Check
-Islamic radicalisation creeping into society-Check
-Millions of refugees flooding in-Check

Expecting a different fate then that of Pakistan will be like living in fools paradise.

Erdogan would be the Zia Ul Haq of Turkey
Dude, Such childlike statements from a Mod doesn't make any sense ! Since everything in your country purely depends on propaganda, You can easily talk about such 10 years old child stories regarding a serious military incident but I think It is possible only in your Qhaher fighter driven by an 10 years old child, locking an Su-24 toy in his/her playground.

And here we see whose comment is childish.

Good, you can celebrate over this super duper victory, shooting down a ground attack jet out of nowhere during peacetime, indeed the world is amazed at this spectacular and unparalleled victory in the history of air warfare.
Turkey of today reminds me of Pakistan of 80's:
-Conflicts in neighbouring countries-Check
-Directly or in directly supporting insurgents in that country-Check
-Russian intervention-Check
-Downing of Russian jets-Check
-Being frontline state in a US led coalition-Check
-Islamic radicalisation creeping into society-Check
-Millions of refugees flooding in-Check

Expecting a different fate then that of Pakistan will be like living in fools paradise.

That is a striking comparison. However, I will say one fundamental difference is Turkey is constitutionally a secular republic. The military leadership in Turkey is also very pro-secular. Turkish society is largely secular as well contrary to Pakistani society and Pakistani military. So they won't be as receptive to radical Islamic militarism. However, I do think Turkey will suffer something as to what extent is debatable.

Another major difference is the Turkish economy is a trillion dollar economy and growing, Pakistan in the 1980's wasn't economically vibrant. So secularism and economic success in Turkey will allow Turkey to steer away from radical Islamic militarism. Turkey is also a member of NATO unlike Pakistan.
Instead of writing gibberish nonsense from your rear end, read the context of my post carefully. Pakistan can play a major role in the Middle East, by diffusing the existing tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia who have escalated the conflict beyond its boundaries. Russia's declaration of war against Turkey will galvanize mass Muslim support and Pakistan will support its existence against Russia. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has no control over foreign policy, therefore the decision to defend Turkey will rest in the hands of the Army. Pakistan can never be considered a military superpower, however we did contribute to the collapse of the Soviet Union whose power was far greater than the current political set up of Russia. In addition, Pakistan has effectively become the real victor in Afghanistan because the Haqqani network is running the show and the Americans want us to negotiate peace-talks, which means our influenced has increased and not waned in Afghanistan and Central Asia. Turkey can receive support from NATO, however under no circumstances shall Pakistani's watch Turkish cities being bombed by Russian fighter jets.

I think you're exaggerating Pakistan's importance. To begin with, Pakistan already has a lot to deal with with regards to Afghanistan, Zarb-E-Azb, India. Secondly, You must understand China will veto any significant action against Russia on Pakistan's part. And by allying with Turkey, expect more action on Pak-Iran border. Pakistan simply can't afford it.

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