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Turkey sends another warning to Syria..

You go and fight and get killed in Iranian war. Count me out. I Will be waiting guard for the NeXT war between Turks and Jews and Kurds.

Are you stupid or something? That also counts for the people who made a similar post. I already said Turkey will be the one defending, while US/Israel will be the one attacking to destroy Nuclear facilities. Iran will attack Turkey, Turkey will never attack Iran out of the blue.

Iran has said this in couple of news outlets. If Iran attacks our soil. Won't you protect your country?

By the way,I strongly believe patriot systems are there for future hostility in the region. NATO doesn't just spend millions to place patriot systems if it is not for their own benefit.
Can't you see what the false politics of our puppet govt turned Hatay into? the same city that chose to be part of Turkey.. are now in strife with our citizens and those FSA scums who threaten to kill them too, after finishing with Syria.. Our policy is wrong.. and turning both mid-east countries and our nation against our country..

All I'm saying is our government is betraying us. Assad has the right to fight those foreign backed insurgents. Just as we have the right to fight PKK. Our govt. should support Syria against those terrorists. Or else, when -God forbid- a civil strife takes place in Turkey, we will face the same thing. What goes around comes around.

Turkey should be doing what Iran has been doing. Call for leaving guns and set dialogues etc. It's for the good of imperialists who until 1920s had been fighting with us, invaded our country, that Mid-East countries become powerless fighting each other.. Turkey should work for dialogue and stop arming those insurgents against Syria.. Just as Iran is not arming the protesters in Bahrain, KSA etc.. Only that way, mid-east countries stay strong and united.. Only that way, no more western invasions take place.. No more bases.. Drone killings.. or else the whole muslim countries will suffer..

we're the only season why they put patriots. Not to protect israel nor against iran. They came here with our request to invoke article 4. And as you know it's the 3rd time we called for patriots. :)
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we're the only season why they put patriots. Not to protect israel nor against iran. They came here with our request to invoke article 4. And as you know it's the 3rd time we called for patriots. :)

But, is Patriot only against Syria?
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I don't know your angle brother but we don't need anymore wars between Muslim countries.

A war between Turkey and Iran would be Pakistan's WORST NIGHTMARE. Turkey and Iran are two of Pakistan's closest Muslim allies. for Pakistanis, that is the ultimate worst case scenario.

The possiblity of a war between Turkiye and Iran is close to zero. However, Iranians have proven themselves as untrustable allies in every oppurtunity they found. So, we don't trust them. I recommend same to our Pakistani brothers. Some people, including me, in Turkiye don't even consider Iran as a Muslim country because they have given the most damage to muslim unity.
I will start with a maybe,

Maybe they made a deal with the US,that if the US(with or without Israel)attacks Iran the Turksih soil would be somehow protected against incoming missiles.
We all know Syria is no threat to Turkey.
Off all the maybees this is the only plausible one in my opinion.
If you love to have a war with Iran this much,why don't you and everyone else from Iran and Turkey who want to kill each other, gather in an open field and beat the crap out of each other with sticks and stones?The world will be a better place then.
We never said we want war with Iran!
guys can we expect a war??
if yes,whether a major one or a minor one??

@Hyperion @Neptune @Gaara.

unlikely no,

a war between Iran and Turkey is never gonna happen. But between syria and us has a possibility about % 8-9. Maybe someone can do sth crazy to push us into war which's what the world is tryin to do. But it'll be minor like a military intervention. Hope it helps ;)

guys can we expect a war??
if yes,whether a major one or a minor one??

@Hyperion @Neptune @Gaara.

unlikely no,

a war between Iran and Turkey is never gonna happen. But between syria and us has a possibility about % 8-9. Maybe someone can do sth crazy to push us into war which's what the world is tryin to do. But it'll be minor like a military intervention. Hope it helps ;)
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unlikely no,

a war between Iran and Turkey is never gonna happen. But between syria and us has a possibility about % 8-9. Maybe someone can do sth crazy to push us into war which's what the world is tryin to do. But it'll be minor like a military intervention. Hope it helps ;)

unlikely no,

a war between Iran and Turkey is never gonna happen. But between syria and us has a possibility about % 8-9. Maybe someone can do sth crazy to push us into war which's what the world is tryin to do. But it'll be minor like a military intervention. Hope it helps ;)

thnx mate.
Being the boss of the ME is not easy just as tryin to keep ourselves not to laugh to your idiotic troll attempt.

you guys are not the boss of the ME. far from it. the only bosses are Israel, US (backed by gulf countries) and Iran. only these countries are involved in a (covert) war and influence policies in the ME. nobody gives a nickle about turkey.
you guys are not the boss of the ME. far from it. the only bosses are Israel, US (backed by gulf countries) and Iran. only these countries are involved in a (covert) war and influence policies in the ME. nobody gives a nickle about turkey.

Congrats! That was to make yourselve revealed! I really wonder to know, how's the feelin of being jealous of Turkey. Because it can kick your a$$
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