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‘Turkey’s Syria stance aggravates plight of Iran’s Turks’

You are creating stories of your own, nothing to see there.

It is you who choose to ignore millions of Azeri Turks who demand independence, and go and create stories about clerics.

I only described a part of traditional Kurdish society and culture. And compared the situation they have in TUrkey, with that of Azeri TUrks in Iran. You jump in and post irrelevant stuff, and accuse me of things I never said.

And yes, Kurds are one of enemies of Azeri Turks and Turks in general. They are terrorizing Turkey for the past 30 years, Look at what they did with Turkomans in Iraq, in Kerkuk. We will take the revenge one day.

And you are apparently too stupid to even realize that Kurds actually claim Azeri lands in Urmiya etc...So yes I'm very sensitive about that particular case.
You are creating stories of your own, nothing to see there.

It is you who choose to ignore millions of Azeri Turks who demand independence, and go and create stories about clerics.
So now you're supporting separatists? interesting.

It's better if you support Azaris looking for rights instead of separatists. By the time Iran becomes a federal democracy, tens of generations would have passed. By that time, will we see a double digit Azari representation (by mother tongue which stand at 13%) if the status quo is kept? Meaning that if Persian remains the sole represented language in schools. Of course not. I am a proof of this. My father and his brothers and sisters are proof of this. My grandfather was a native Qashqai, now my entire family is considered Parsi and I consider myself a Parsi.

This IMO isn't right, but it's a reality. When you say things like above, it will do more damage than good. Iran isn't a federal democracy and won't be anytime soon. The country is also very urbanized and every nook and cranny is controlled by the central govt and its ideals. You be the judge. I'm sure the logical people reading this post know what I mean and what I'm saying.
Only in your dream.

Look at this what kid is saying in Tabriz; My mother language will never die or turn into a foreign language

This is the generation brought up in Azerbaijan. Aren't you tired of your lies already?

13% in your dream, it's at least a quarter of Iran, and in fact more than 30%.
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well more power to them.
doesn't bug me the slightest.

Iran is a big country. Every Iranian can have their own land and we would still have room for many times more people. If you think us southerners care about what language is spoken up north, which is farrrr away from our daily lives, or vice versa, you're mistaken.

I've said my peace and everybody can read what I wrote and judge and deduce reality. I never said there are only 13 percent. I said people who speak it as their mother tongue are only 13 percent. This is backed up by census data, NGOs etc...

When you go to pre-school, elementary and high school and then post-secondary and learn, converse and get educated in Persian, you don't learn your own language. Teaching at home will work for only so long. Just like my grandfather, there will come a time when the parents either don't see the benefit or don't have the power to overcome the process.

This is not right.
The very least of the negatives about this is that it allows people like you to cry crocodile tears so that you can push your own agenda. Azari should be though at schools.
LOL, you are totally unaware of new generation of Azeri Turks, watch the video above (there are many other examples), good luck with "erasing" the language.

The situation follows the path of ultimate independence, not dropping of Azerbaijani language. Look at the realities.

I suppose you also know about supporters of the local Tabriz football team and their ideas, their chants during football matches.
With millions of Azerbaijani Turks, Qashgais, Afshars, Turkmens and Hazaras, i hope Iran Will find its deserved place among Turkic countries in a near future. :)
@Abii: Please don't waste your time responding to this ASQ guy,he is a liar an a false flag,and of course racist.
Yesterday,he said Azeris in Iran don't have the right to speak Azeri,and are jailed for it!!Also he called Kurds some low life goat f**kers.What else do you expect from a person like this,your replies are definately going nowhere.

Turkey is hosting some separatists who almost none of them are Iranian.This what happens when you do too much good for other countries.Iran should also host some of those Kurds separatist,they sure are a nightmare for Turkish government.
these turks think that just because there are a part of NATO and have some tank and air force they are now the masters of the ME and can seprate parts from other countries , you better know that iranian diffrent race (like turk kord baloch arabs, are just like soap , you can't just remove a part of soap from it but for example in US black and white people can be divided because they have serious problems with each other but we? NO i have friend from every part of the iran ! so shut The "F" your mouth up!
of course NO! because if help them to seprate a propaganda agaist iran will start again ,
badbakhtia aval inghelab ro yadet rafte chegad shahid dadim ta in korda ro aroom konim? har tape 100 shahid

and PKK killed some of the SABERIN ...
of course NO! because if help them to seprate a propaganda agaist iran will start again ,
badbakhtia aval inghelab ro yadet rafte chegad shahid dadim ta in korda ro aroom konim? har tape 100 shahid

and PKK killed some of the SABERIN ...
dadash khar ke nistam.
daram tike miparunam.ta befahmand tahdid tamamiat arzie ye keshvar yaani chi.
well it's not that bad because the propaganda was always against iran, we can help them to seprate and join iraq kurdistan
yes bro.i dont know why but nowdays i became a little more fan of them and their peaceful activities.
bro are you ready to make a special thread about it.

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