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‘Turkey’s Syria stance aggravates plight of Iran’s Turks’

Watch this rascist Persians and someone will explain to you , or you will understand yourself

Im not talking about majority Pakistani's towards Turks , but yourself , you always try to nail us somehow

I have done nearly 14000 posts show me where I have ever been negative about Turkey. We in Pakistan are acutely aware that we owe a lot to Iranians Arabs and Turks in the past.

Because we will not take sides with one against another of the three does not mean that we are anti one or the other imo
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Watch this rascist Persians and someone will explain to you , or you will understand yourself

There may be small numbers in Iran hating Turkey and vice verca. But when I see Iranian and Turks argue or fight my heart sinks and I am distressed. I wish well on both and wish to see friendship between two great nations
My personal view is we should be very careful about interference in the internal matters of others. We in Pakistan Turkey and Iran have small minorities that could be used against us to sow discord by western nations who do not really care about us and have ulterior motives

my brother i can understand your genuine thoughts, but you need to ''upgrade'' some info about turkey and iran relation.

have you ever heard that iran has supported pkk terrorists against turkey and given them equipments and bases in iran, and no need to mention pkk is also drug smuggler and seller; this is the most disgusting fact about iran's stance to turkey, so please keep it your mind that it is the last nation(persians) among muslim countries that take muslim brotherhood serious in reality.

Im not talking about majority Pakistani's towards Turks , but yourself , you always try to nail us somehow

Man are you slow or something. Go check my posts I have always supported Turkey on Cyprus. I have always wished well on Turkey. Look at the Kurd threads I tend to ignore them and not comment. Why would I wish to nail Turkey?? I am articulate and am quite capable of making it clear if I dislike a nation or its leaders. I am not one that would hide or pretend I like something or someone.

my brother i can understand your genuine thoughts, but you need to ''upgrade'' some info about turkey and iran relation.

have you ever heard that iran has supported pkk terrorists against turkey and given them equipments and bases in iran, and no need to mention pkk is also drug smuggler and seller; this is the most disgusting fact about iran's stance to turkey, so please keep it your mind that it is the last nation(persians) among muslim countries that take muslim brotherhood serious in reality.


If there is any truth in this of course I condemn Iran for being involved in this.
If there is any truth in this of course I condemn Iran for being involved in this.

wow...i just take off my hat, i could give many sources and documents about my claim of pkk terrorists and iran relation, without saying just google what i said to you; but i now understand your attitude, and thats why i leave you with persians, and some turks , if any turk to consider talking to you is worth.

Man are you slow or something. Go check my posts I have always supported Turkey on Cyprus. I have always wished well on Turkey. Look at the Kurd threads I tend to ignore them and not comment. Why would I wish to nail Turkey?? I am articulate and am quite capable of making it clear if I dislike a nation or its leaders. I am not one that would hide or pretend I like something or someone.

If there is any truth in this of course I condemn Iran for being involved in this.

I expect you to find ASAP the truth of Iran's actions against fellow Muslim countries, then it would certainly help you to remove the big "IF" when you condemn the acts of Iranians.
wow how can we support PKK while we are in war with them?????
I expect you to find ASAP the truth of Iran's actions against fellow Muslim countries, then it would certainly help you to remove the big "IF" when you condemn the acts of Iranians.

Listen mate if they were in isolation I would be the first to blame. But we all need to look in the mirror. I mean in the case of my country Pakistan our leaders have not been innocent look they had influence over Taliban at one stage and Taliban were anti Iranian and killing Shias.

This interference in the internal matters of another country is wrong whether it is Iran or Pakistan etc

In the past Turks Arabs and Pakistan have also interfered in Iran. It is wrong whether it is Iran interfering or anyone else

wow...i just take off my hat, i could give many sources and documents about my claim of pkk terrorists and iran relation, without saying just google what i said to you; but i now understand your attitude, and thats why i leave you with persians, and some turks , if any turk to consider talking to you is worth.


What is your logic in that I said interference is wrong??
cirpinirdi karadeniz
bakip turk'un bayragina
ahhh olmeden bir gorseydim
dusebilsem topragina

sirmalar sarsam koluna
inciler dizsem yoluna
firtinalar dursun yana
yol ver turk'un bayragina

turkistandan esen yeller
simdi sana selam soyler
vefali turk geldi yine
selam sana turk'un bayragina

kafkaslardan asacagiz
turk'luge san katacagiz
turk'un sanli bayragina
turanele asacagiz


With utmost respect, i did not ask for the justification of your "IF" i humbly requested you to kindly try to find some facts of Iranian actions against the fellow Muslim countries. Again "two wrongs does not make one right".
With utmost respect, i did not ask for the justification of your "IF" i humbly requested you to kindly try to find some facts of Iranian actions against the fellow Muslim countries. Again "two wrongs does not make one right".

It is simply intellectual dishonesty to not look at the entire picture. I accept an eye for an eye may make the world but the solution to move forward is not to spend all our times on apportioning blame but to move forward and in that respect I support non interference in the internal matters of any state by any other state
It is simply intellectual dishonesty to not look at the entire picture. I accept an eye for an eye may make the world but the solution to move forward is not to spend all our times on apportioning blame but to move forward and in that respect I support non interference in the internal matters of any state by any other state

I never ever said that i am neutral and the theme of our discussion got molded towards that direction because of your over emphasis on so called neutrality on the same subject. I feel offended to call it intellectual dishonesty.

I could not reply your PM’s as the auto reply that I have just 400+ posts & to send private Message member must have more than 2000 posts. Kindly request the Mods to amend the rules.
I never ever said that i am neutral and the theme of our discussion got molded towards that direction because of your over emphasis on so called neutrality on the same subject. I feel offended to call it intellectual dishonesty.

I could not reply your PM’s as the auto reply that I have just 400+ posts & to send private Message member must have more than 2000 posts. Kindly request the Mods to amend the rules.

Mate I would love to but I doubt Mods would listen to me lo. It was not my intention to offend you but you can click on the link I sent you and comment on the thread. reason I suggested it was cos I thought you might like it
Aryab_B just don't ask ! we can't be friends with most of turks , you know why? because they want to seprate us! i even behave arabs better than these turks! and when Erdogan visit Imam Khameneii then US officals in syria friend ( read enemies) so ...
Aryab_B just don't ask ! we can't be friends with most of turks , you know why? because they want to seprate us! i even behave arabs better than these turks! and when Erdogan visit Imam Khameneii then US officals in syria friend ( read enemies) so ...
these people are so much racist+rude.
you are right arabs are 10 times better than these turks.
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