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Turkey refuses to join US-led offensive on ISIS-held Raqqa if Kurds involved

1- There is no Kurdistan / Diyarbakır region but there is Diyarbakır city of Turkey. Your words show how pathetic hatred you are in with Turkey :D

Some geo lesson for you ...


2- Yes they blamed us for cleaning terrorists from there when they tried to declare autonomy in 2015 and 16 :D all PKK scums cleaned now within months, now Kurdish citizens enjoy new governance under new mayors happily. I don't know which civil war you talking about, it never happened. Ofcourse during operation some towns damaged but everything is rebuilt/rebuilding in a better way. All terror victim Kurdish citizens returned home.

3- In diplomacy there is no love and friendship, just interests. Sometimes interests may clash, that's normal. Unsignificant countries like Italy hardly experience this situation in the middle of Europe with no interest out of Europe except trade deals.

4- Turkey has enemies, so what? China has enemies, Russia has enemies, Syria has, USA has, Iran has even Kenya has enemies :D. ( Read No :3 again )

In Italy it is called "kurdish region". Nothing to do with hate. Just what they say in news.

2. I dont care what they blame you. I just would never accept this within our nation. Armed conflicts, relocations of hundredthousands and so on. Thats "african standards". Chaotic and 3rd world.

3. "Insiginficant" countries like Italy? Italy is in the G7, that means under top 7 economic powers in the world. Our GDP is 1.8 trillion €. Yours is just 822 billion. Not even half of our economic power.

If you are happy with that so be it. I´m just glad that my country is not on such a low level. And i thank god for that.
In Italy it is called "kurdish region". Nothing to do with hate. Just what they say in news.

2. I dont care what they blame you. I just would never accept this within our nation. Armed conflicts, relocations of hundredthousands and so on. Thats "african standards". Chaotic and 3rd world.

3. "Insiginficant" countries like Italy? Italy is in the G7, that means under top 7 economic powers in the world. Our GDP is 1.8 trillion €. Yours is just 822 billion. Not even half of our economic power.

If you are happy with that so be it. I´m just glad that my country is not on such a low level. And i thank god for that.

We didn't accept it neither, that's why cleaned all scums in our soil and keep cleaning.

Dude italy is in the middle of europe with no terror, no minority struggle, european union funds, no problematic region like ours, no historical foes like greece, armenia etc. and no wars at neighborhood, if you ask me italy has poor performance on economy with all these positive incomes. For example Germany, UK and France have bigger economies than yours. Btw G7 is nothing but a bubble,some leaders meet and talk on some days thats all.. glory days of Italy were looong time ago. Now you can't even hear about it. Germany and France rule EU, they barely let Italy to speak, it's a humiliation.
We didn't accept it neither, that's why cleaned all scums in our soil and keep cleaning.

Dude italy is in the middle of europe with no terror, no minority struggle, european union funds, no problematic region like ours, no historical foes like greece, armenia etc. and no wars at neighborhood, if you ask me italy has poor performance on economy with all these positive incomes. For example Germany, UK and France have bigger economies than yours. Btw G7 is nothing but a bubble,some leaders meet and talk on some days thats all.. glory days of Italy were looong time ago. Now you can't even hear about it. Germany and France rule EU, they barely let Italy to speak, it's a humiliation.

I´m fine with that as long we never fall on the level you lay on. I could never accept such low standards.
Those leaopards are outdated and stand no chance agains modern ATGM's it was not simple guns, stop talking if you have no clue about a subject.

You can try to make fun of Turkish army but ES its still a lot more than Italian army has done since WWII... :coffee:

Turkey took a good stand in a way... not against the ISIS but refusing to accept the legitimacy for those who want to split Turkey's territorial integrity.

While fighting the ISIS for Turkey's security is important, I think your country is best served taking unilateral decisions to protect your nation rather than taking orders from someone across the ocean.
Turkey took a good stand in a way... not against the ISIS but refusing to accept the legitimacy for those who want to split Turkey's territorial integrity.

While fighting the ISIS for Turkey's security is important, I think your country is best served taking unilateral decisions to protect your nation rather than taking orders from someone across the ocean.
I agree, espacially when those are following policies that are threatening our national integrity while being our ally at the same time.

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