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Turkey refuses to join US-led offensive on ISIS-held Raqqa if Kurds involved

you should stop embarrassing yourself

It is embarassing for a president to shot down a russian airplane. Then get humilated from russia and accept to apologize and then call russia a friend while this friend openly allows PKK office in moscow.

But what expect from a man who wears bad sitting suits. :D
Turkey refuses to join US-led offensive on ISIS-held Raqqa if Kurds involved
Published time: 23 Mar, 2017 22:57Edited time: 23 Mar, 2017 23:23
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© Rodi Said / Reuters
#ISIS in #Raqqahttps://t.co/VFtKVVusnxpic.twitter.com/KCcKs1MGSa

— RT America (@RT_America) March 22, 2017
"Turkey will also support such an operation... But if you are saying ‘We will bring in the PYD [Kurdish Democratic Union Party] while taking Daesh [IS] away,' Turkey will never allow it. We will not be involved in such an operation," Kurtulmus told the Anadolu news agency.

Saying that the anti-terrorist operation in Syria is a question of both Turkey's border protection and national security, Kurtulmus added that the issue of the Kurds' participation had been discussed with both the US and Russia.

"If peace is not established in Syria, there will be no regional peace. And if there is no regional peace, there will be no global peace," the official warned.

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While dozens of countries talk about fighting ISIS, Russia is actually doing it – Kremlin
Turkey views the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its militant wing, YPG, which has been a key force fighting Islamic State militants in northern Syria, as linked to the PKK, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which operates in Turkey and Iraq. Ankara considers the PKK a terrorist organization and blames it for being behind the Kurdish insurgency in eastern Turkish regions. The US has designated PKK as a terrorist group, while supporting the YPG in Syria. Russia considers neither of the groups to be terrorist.

The Pentagon on Wednesday confirmed that US aircraft airlifted some fighters from Syrian Democratic Forces, a multinational Kurdish-dominated group, in a bid to retake the Tabqa Dam from Islamic State. US forces also provided fire support.

Earlier Wednesday, US Senator John McCain, who heads the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that the Kurdish issue was an "enormous challenge" for Washington in regard to its relations with Ankara.

Saying that the Trump administration is weighing the issue of providing the Kurdish fighters with heavy arms for the anti-IS offensive, the American official admitted the US faces "tough decisions," and should be careful not to cross its NATO ally.

"The conundrum is that if you don't use the Kurds, [the battle against IS] takes a lot longer... But if you do, you have an enormous challenge as far as relations with Turkey are concerned, including things like the use of Incirlik [military base]," McCain told reporters as cited by AFP. The Turkish air base of Incirlik is heavily used by NATO and the US-led coalition to fight Islamic State in the region.

Washington has been long involved in discussions with Ankara on how they "might contribute to the liberation of the city" of Raqqa, but apparently no agreement has yet been reached.

"We haven't come to an agreement about what that role will be or if there will be one, but we talk to Turkey through military channels and I believe at diplomatic levels every day. So, we'll have to let that continue to be worked out," a US Department of Defense spokesperson told the media.
Good,we should stay out of it.
It is embarassing for a president to shot down a russian airplane. Then get humilated from russia and accept to apologize and then call russia a friend while this friend openly allows PKK office in moscow.

But what expect from a man who wears bad sitting suits. :D

Does italy have a rival country around ? I mean you probably sent by italy's rival to show how italians close to moronship ...
It is embarassing for a president to shot down a russian airplane. Then get humilated from russia and accept to apologize and then call russia a friend while this friend openly allows PKK office in moscow.

But what expect from a man who wears bad sitting suits. :D
you have no ideal what you are talking about do you?
Does italy have a rival country around ? I mean you probably sent by italy's rival to show how italians close to moronship ...

Excuse me. I´m not the one who is from a country that currently goes down on evry front and has a maniac wannabe Sultana as leader. Adressing that fact is not "moronship".

Turkey is a place that causes great amusement in Europe this days.

Btw did Erdo already issue those "hard meassurements" he said he would install against Netherlands? Or just hot air as usual?

What else must we do. Please tell me. Europe doesnt send Turkey weapons but arms Kurds. We insult your crazy dictator evry day. He is the target of more fun that Kim Jong Un.

How is the "free visa" going along?

Erdo talks alot about "honor" but he has none. He has isolated his nation evrywhere and showed that its military is weak. Thats not a positive wy he leads his nation.
Excuse me. I´m not the one who is from a country that currently goes down on evry front and has a maniac wannabe Sultana as leader. Adressing that fact is not "moronship".

Turkey is a place that causes great amusement in Europe this days.

Btw did Erdo already issue those "hard meassurements" he said he would install against Netherlands? Or just hot air as usual?

What else must we do. Please tell me. Europe doesnt send Turkey weapons but arms Kurds. We insult your crazy dictator evry day. He is the target of more fun that Kim Jong Un.

How is the "free visa" going along?

Erdo talks alot about "honor" but he has none. He has isolated his nation evrywhere and showed that its military is weak. Thats not a positive wy he leads his nation.

Well, it seems europeans have really really bad sense of humor ... In this part of the world, we really don't care what they think ... But keep being a media monkey since it makes you sleep well, apperantly :)
It was no simple guns? Can you explain to me how ISIS was able to get their hands on operational Leopard II tanks?

Option1 is that turkish soldiers run away in panic and left this equipment.

Option 2 is that Turkey activle gave those tanks to ISIS.

Its a matter of fact that no tank in the world is able to stand a chance in a street fight. No tank can survive an advanced ATGM strike. The Leopard 2 is one of the best tanks. The question is, why Turkey was sending those tanks into an environment they are not build for.

What Italy has done since WW II? We actually have fought in real wars. Turkey not so much, beside attacks against kurdish civilians in the Diabakir region of Kurdistan.

It would help if Turkish soldiers try not to leave their equipment behind when they run away from the enemy.
-The Leopards that have been left behind were not operational and were only left behind because a recovery is difficult and not worth the risk, you claim those were operational, prove it and post a video where you see them being used by isis.
US army abandoned a number of Abrams during gulf war, its nothing unusual and happens even to the best armies in the world.

-And yes Leopard II A4 are outdated, they dont even have a active protection systems on them, and since you mentioned ''street fight'' (probably urban warfare) look at the pics those Tank arent in Urban area, they have been attacked by isis VBIED's in the outskirts of Al-Bab if i recall correctly.

-Pls list the wars that Italy has fought since WWII im really curious, you will probaly list its participation in Iternational missions which all NATO countries did so far, even Belguim is sending soldiers abroad, its something completely different than ES.
Excuse me. I´m not the one who is from a country that currently goes down on evry front and has a maniac wannabe Sultana as leader. Adressing that fact is not "moronship".

Turkey is a place that causes great amusement in Europe this days.

Btw did Erdo already issue those "hard meassurements" he said he would install against Netherlands? Or just hot air as usual?

What else must we do. Please tell me. Europe doesnt send Turkey weapons but arms Kurds. We insult your crazy dictator evry day. He is the target of more fun that Kim Jong Un.

How is the "free visa" going along?

Erdo talks alot about "honor" but he has none. He has isolated his nation evrywhere and showed that its military is weak. Thats not a positive wy he leads his nation.

Erdo is a dictator and mussolini a democrati champion, right? Why don't you find a fascist forum where you can sh!t in public places without being kicked.
The most interesting thing is that the US and Russia are on the same page when it comes to Kurds. Will this lead to divisions between Russia and Iran and rapproachment between Turkey and Assad/Iran.
I dont really think it matters what we think. We just see a country die. Its interesting to follow the total economic and diplomatic downfall right now. I guess we will also see civil war there.

P.s.: The leader of your secret service MIT acted like an idiot. He gave the leader of the germans ecret service BND a list of targets in Germany. The list mentions people from the Gulen movement. The turks expected the German BND would help them spy on german soil.

One must be really brainwashed to believe so. The BND warned the people on the list and as able to counter the operation and start investigations against BND.

No you don't guess, you deeply hope a civil war and total downfall of Turkey. But it never gonna happen, sorry buddy. You are right about chief of MIT that thinking europeans trustworthy allies is bullshit.
Bengalis are Back Stabbers of Muslims like Afghans.........Whole Muslim Ummah must beware of these Many Face Bengalis Please

Can't see beyond your generalization and blind hatred can you? This failure of Muslims like you is one of the the reasons for break up of many Muslim states and the eventual division among Muslims, remember this.
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Well, that is what I said Many Faces of Bengalis - What Muslim Ummah, You curse Pakistan many times and said Pakistan did Genocide of Bengalis but the Truth is that Mukti Bhani did all the Killings and Rapes of Bengalis who Love Pakistan and do not want to get Separated........Mukti Bhani was trained, funded and Armed by India and Russia against Pakistan

I was seven when the fat headed Pakistani leaders decided to crush the election result with brute military power on 25th March. I was in Dhaka and still remember running away with my family. Bhutto wanted this to happen knowing all too well that if Pakistan remained intact democratically he could never be the PM. Stupid Pakistani leaders played right into the hands of the indians and those who wanted to prevent this in East Pakistan are still paying with their lives for the mistakes of 'Pakistani patriots' like you. I get this impression that you are not too different from those stupid Pakistani leaders who broke up the country with their hot headed suckular ego. The PPP is still there and as far as I know they haven't changed a bit after all these years.
Seriously in what world you live in ?? :D

In a world where the UNO blamed your country a few weeks ago for thousands of dead civilians in Kurdistan / Diyabakir region


Compared to european countries, your nation is very poor. Sorry but as Italian i have another living standard than your "developing country".

And yes isolated. EU is your enemy. Russia is your enemy and humilates you with PKK offices in moscow. China is your enemy. Israel is against you. Syria is your enemy. Iran is your enemy. Egypt is your enemy. Is there any entity you haven´t as enemy now?
In a world where the UNO blamed your country a few weeks ago for thousands of dead civilians in Kurdistan / Diyabakir region


Compared to european countries, your nation is very poor. Sorry but as Italian i have another living standard than your "developing country".

And yes isolated. EU is your enemy. Russia is your enemy and humilates you with PKK offices in moscow. China is your enemy. Israel is against you. Syria is your enemy. Iran is your enemy. Egypt is your enemy. Is there any entity you haven´t as enemy now?

1- There is no Kurdistan / Diyarbakır region but there is Diyarbakır city of Turkey. Your words show how pathetic hatred you are in with Turkey :D

Some geo lesson for you ...


2- Yes they blamed us for cleaning terrorists from there when they tried to declare autonomy in 2015 and 16 :D all PKK scums cleaned now within months, now Kurdish citizens enjoy new governance under new mayors happily. I don't know which civil war you talking about, it never happened. Ofcourse during operation some towns damaged but everything is rebuilt/rebuilding in a better way. All terror victim Kurdish citizens returned home.

3- In diplomacy there is no love and friendship, just interests. Sometimes interests may clash, that's normal. Unsignificant countries like Italy hardly experience this situation in the middle of Europe with no interest out of Europe except trade deals.

4- Turkey has enemies, so what? China has enemies, Russia has enemies, Syria has, USA has, Iran has even Kenya has enemies :D. ( Read No :3 again )

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