Turkey is in the process of proving to Allah-u Azimushshan that she is worthy of getting 13m sq km back which was taken from her 100 years ago. Icing in the cake - as always - is the love and affection and support of the Pak folks..
As for the brave Kashmiri folks, they're the standard bearers of the Ummet. I have nothing to offer but the following lines from Ustad Sezai Karakoc's poem, "Ey Sevgilim" - Oh beloved...
Do not prolong my banishment on earth,
Are there any news from the birds of YOUR country?
There is a spring rising up even from the graves
What comes out of the deathman when there is the Beloved
There is an EXISTENCE apart from existence and inexistence
I am not the only guilty one
There is an evil eye that ravages me
There are lines to sing adoring that song
Never say fate, there exists a FATE over all fates
No matter what they do, there is a WILL that comes from the sky
What happens if the day falls there is an ARCHITECT who fixes the night
What If I am burnt, there is a fortress made of my ashes
There is a victory that grows in each failure
You have the key to reach the secret of all secrets
There is a vein in your heart that calls your banishment back
I never lose hope of YOU,
There is a plane in YOUR heart named compassion.
The Most Beloved
Oh, Beloved.