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Turkey reaffirms its strong support for Kashmir cause

The turks in reality are an irrelevant nation even in the middle east, nevermind worldwide.

Your obsession with Turkiye is similar to Indians' obsession with Pakistan.
"Turkiye is irrelevant nation". This honestly made me laugh. Either you hate it too much or too dumb to understand its importance in Middle East now. Do a little research before uttering your detest. :)
Your obsession with Turkiye is similar to Indians' obsession with Pakistan.
"Turkiye is irrelevant nation". This honestly made me laugh. Either you hate it too much or too dumb to understand its importance in Middle East now. Do a little research before uttering your detest. :)

The turks in reality are an irrelevant nation even in the middle east, nevermind worldwide.

the second largest consumers of Turkish flat screen TVs (as a mere example) are EU markets...study Koc and Sabanci conglomerates and see how much reach they have. To say "Turks in reality are an irrelevant nation" is intellectual laziness and stupidity and little else

Don't be surprised if in the future they came running to India and start begging for rapprochement. They did the same thing with Russia

india may beg to the Turks, you'll never see a Turk begging to any indians....Turkiye's engagement w/Russia is based on trying to find some common ground vis a vis war torn Syria, as well as gas deals which had already been on the table for some time
Your obsession with Turkiye is similar to Indians' obsession with Pakistan.
"Turkiye is irrelevant nation". This honestly made me laugh. Either you hate it too much or too dumb to understand its importance in Middle East now. Do a little research before uttering your detest. :)
Compared to Iran turkey is less important
Seljuks were not Turks, huh?? Hahahahahah
You are such little whores, it is a joke.

Turks fought:

and more

What about Iran??? You are nothing!!

Aziz Dostlar!! Iran herself was ruled mostly by dynasties of Turkic origin. Pahlavi dynasty was an exception. And, strangely, they were the most friendly toward Turkey and Pak. I miss Rahmetli Shah...

Its dead scary...I thought only Pakistanis and Indians threaten each other with nukes..Its look like Russians and Americans are as childish as us...lol

Nobody has patent or copyright over childishness....

Turkey’s support to Pakistan’s high decibel campaign is a surprise especially since Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu paid a visit to India in August and held extensive discussion on common areas of concern. Turkey had asked India to close down several schools and institutions with ties with the Gulenist movement that Turkey holds responsible for the July 16 failed coup attempt.

Really? I hope the Indian foreign services aren't from the 5th grade, like the guy who wrote this. When has Turkey ever not completely supported Pakistan? Apparently, in Indian minds, discussing common areas of concern with India will turn Pakistan's staunchest allies away from us.

Azerbaijan’s support to Pakistan’s position has also raised eyebrows as India maintained regular diplomatic contact with the country and sent out the Secretary (West) Sujata Mehta to the oil rich country in July. (...)

Seriously, who let this get published?
Aziz Dostlar!! Iran herself was ruled mostly by dynasties of Turkic origin. Pahlavi dynasty was an exception. And, strangely, they were the most friendly toward Turkey and Pak.

What Turkic origin ??
Are you signed to this forum to insult all the middleast together?and especially countries like israel&turkey which are much more superior to your country,and you're so proud about iran that it makes you live in the "big satan"???
It's like the mullahs themselves writing here....hmmm
Please. Mullah who keeps blabbering about wiping Israel from the face of earth forgot how he tools weapons from ISRAEL (Iran-Israel contra affair)

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