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Turkey reaffirms its strong support for Kashmir cause

Seljuks were not mongols. You are whores today. You are NATO's whore.
Iranians put your master US on their feet few months ago, this is not empty threats. It must be sad for a whore to seed her pimp put on his knee!
Seljuks were not Turks, huh?? Hahahahahah
You are such little whores, it is a joke.

Turks fought:

and more

What about Iran??? You are nothing!!
Seljuks are forefathers of Ottomans

The same turks with turkmen origin from turkey

Real torks are mongols:


Seljuks were not Turks, huh?? Hahahahahah
You are such little whores, it is a joke.

Turks fought:

and more

What about Iran??? You are nothing!!

seljuks were not mongols.
We are talking about today, where you're a whore for NATO. As if I am going to list everyone Iran fought in his history. you turks got raped by the Iranic safavids anyway.
turks will put their tail between their legs and leave Iraq. Iraqis will be on mosul soon, lets see if you have balls to stay there. Your pathetic military can barely contain the PKK, don't get too big in your fantasy, real life will bite you in the face and wake you up abruptly. What is turkey for anyone to be afraid of them? you're a mongoloid whore for the NATO and nothing more.

Turks and Arabs ruled persia for 1000 years

Turks are your fathers :lol:
Turks and Arabs ruled persia for 1000 years

Turks are your fathers :lol:

Persian ruled antolia for thousands of years. real turks are mongols and nothing more. Persian have no connection to mongoloids.
turks will put their tail between their legs and leave Iraq. Iraqis will be on mosul soon, lets see if you have balls to stay there. Your pathetic military can barely contain the PKK, don't get too big in your fantasy, real life will bite you in the face and wake you up abruptly. What is turkey for anyone to be afraid of them? you're a mongoloid whore for the NATO and nothing more.

Make us leave then, who is going to force us out PMU or stronkk mollah power Iran?
Safavids, Seljuks , Huns or whatever were not Turks for this idiot Rukari. hahahahah
It is incredible the amount of lies they're fed in Iran, a backward Islamist hellhole lol

Safavids are Iranic. I just showed you what real tork look like:


This is not what Azaris look like nor seljuks.

Make us leave then, who is going to force us out PMU or stronkk mollah power Iran?

Once mosul has been liberated, if you have not left, you'll be send back home in body bags. I guarantee not long before mosul is retaken, you will like a donkey go back home. You don't have the balls to stay.
Persian ruled antolia for thousands of years. real turks are mongols and nothing more. Persian have no connection to mongoloids.

You're speaking about long time before turks even entered anatolia

There were no turks in the area in that time

Remember we're the decendants of conqueror gokturks, seljuks and ottomans
You're speaking about long time before turks even entered anatolia

There were no turks in the area in that time

Remember we're the decendants of conqueror gokturks, seljuks and ottomans

You're mongols. Only reason today you don't look like those pics I posted is due all seedins done on you from Kurds, Greeks, Antolians etc.
You're mongols. Only reason today you don't look like those pics I posted is due all seedins done on you from Kurds, Greeks, Antolians etc.

Turks of Anatolia look nothing like this lol.
Anatolians share nothing with Persians. stop this nonsense!!
Anatolians are mostly Greek, Balkan, that is it. Nothing to do with Kurds, Iranians etc.
The only time in history persians dare to challange turks was during the turkic safavid era of persia

But it didnt make a difference the safavids got crushed aswell :lol:
I am sure the Indians are devastated. The turks in reality are an irrelevant nation even in the middle east, nevermind worldwide. Their foreign policy is extremely moronic. Don't be surprised if in the future they came running to India and start begging for rapprochement. They did the same thing with Russia
Funny this is coming from an Iranian. Turkey is ahead of Iran in almost all aspects. Get out of this obsessive sick attitude of putting down other countries due to envy and hate. Learn to actually get along with your neighbors.

You sure Turks are irrelevant?

Hmm, lets see.
  • Turkey is the bridge connecting the East and West.
  • Turkey is a member of NATO.
  • Charter member of UN
  • Founding members of OECD, CCTS, OSCE, OIC and G-20
  • Associate member of EEC
  • One of the best performing economies in Europe and the Middle East
  • A growing regional power
  • Has the 8th strongest military in the world
  • Second largest military force in NATO
  • 14th largest and one of the fastest growing arms exporters
  • One of the highest HDIs in the Middle East
and so much more that i'm too lazy to list.

Apparently, Turkey is such an "irrelevant" nation in the Middle East that they have military advisors and trainers in almost every Middle Eastern country (just one example).
You sure Turks are irrelevant?

Hmm, lets see.
  • Turkey is the bridge connecting the East and West.
  • Turkey is a member of NATO.
  • Charter member of UN
  • Founding members of OECD, CCTS, OSCE, OIC and G-20
  • Associate member of EEC
  • One of the best performing economies in Europe and the Middle East
  • A growing regional power
  • Has the 8th strongest military in the world
  • Second largest military force in NATO
  • 14th largest and one of the fastest growing arms exporters
  • One of the highest HDIs in the Middle East
and so much more that i'm too lazy to list.

Apparently, Turkey is such an "irrelevant" nation in the Middle East that they have military advisors and trainers in almost every Middle Eastern country (just one example).

Turkey is important. You are over-inflating its importance
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