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Turkey ready to support military intervention !

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Wow sometimes the ignorance is just unbearable.
Obviously you weren't man enough to answer my first question, instead you preferred some good old mud throwing again.

About the Syria part. It seems that you forgot that Turkey, was the first country to actually desire a military intervention.
You seem not to know that the beef with Turkey and Syria goes way back to the eighties and nineties, when they were openly supporting and supplying the pkk and when they were giving the pkk leader housing in Damascus.

The bad relations with Syria have not started today.

Today we do the same thing they did to turkey in the past.
We support fsa and we give housing to their leader. Only difference is that we fack them up, we fack them up very bad.

Karma is a betch right?

80s and 90s support from Hafez to PKK is not related to the relations Erdogan had with his son Bashar. Actually, Erdogan had good ties with both Syria and Iran before 2011. They even created a military co operation to fight PKK and PJAK both with military and with political pressure. If I am not mistaken, during 2010-2011 most of the Kurdish politicians were imprisoned in Turkey and likewise in Syria. It was also during this time that Iran started executing more and more Kurdish activists and at the same time Iran started a massive offensive against PJAK in Qandil.

Actually since the very beginning of Syrian extradiction of Öcalan, the ties between -Turkey and Syria have been improving in what was called the Adana Agreement.

Late early agreement between Turkey and Syria

Syria, Turkey Sign Two Security Agreements | Al Bawaba

2011 agreement between Turkey and Syria to fight off PKK

Syria, Turkey sign security agreement focused on Kurdish insurgents

2011 agreemenet between Turkey and Iran to fight off PKK/PJAK

Turkey and Iran to co-operate against PKK - Europe - Al Jazeera English

My point is; Turkey is not doing this to take revenge on Assad. Politics is usually never about revenge. If everyone was to avenge themselves on everyone then there would be wars constantly around the planet. Turkey is afraid of a Kurdish autonomy in Syria ( much like it was with Kurds in KRG) so it has to support the invasion in order to create a somehow free zone in Northern Syria where Turkish army can operate freely. Arming and housing the FSA and its Al Qaeda affiliates in order to attack Kurdish civilians is another good example of how Turkey is trying every means to destabilize the relatively peaceful Kurdish areas in northern Syria.
@Yzd Khalifa, I know you are an insider agent of security matters of your country, but you have denied SA involvement. Read the news article below to see how your govt is funding arms to the Syrian rebels, and talk to your King not to work against a stable Muslim govt:

Saudi Arabia Arming Syrian Rebels With Croatian Weapons Since December 2012 (VIDEO)

Saudi Arabia Arming Syrian Rebels With Croatian Weapons Since December 2012 (VIDEO)
Agence France Presse | By
Posted: 02/26/2013 10:43 am EST

Saudi Arabia has been supplying Syrian rebels battling the regime of President Bashar al-Assad with arms bought from Croatia, according to The New York Times.

Citing unnamed US and Western officials, the newspaper reported late Monday that the Saudi-financed "large purchase of infantry weapons" was part of an "undeclared surplus" of arms left over from the Balkan wars in the 1990s and that they began reaching anti-regime fighters via Jordan in December.

That was when many Yugoslav weapons started showing up in YouTube videos posted by rebels, it said.

Since then, The Times added, officials said "multiple planeloads" of weapons have left Croatia, with one quoted as saying the shipments included "thousands of rifles and hundreds of machine guns," as well as an "unknown quantity of ammunition."

A spokeswoman for the Croatian foreign ministry told The Times that, since the start of the Arab Spring, the Balkan country had not sold any weapons to either Saudi Arabia or the Syrian rebels. Saudi and Jordanian officials meanwhile declined to comment, the newspaper added.

The Times said Washington's role, if any at all, was unclear.

However, it quoted one senior US official as describing the shipments as "a maturing of the opposition's logistical pipeline."

Rebels have been fighting Assad's regime since an uprising against his rule erupted in March 2011 and now control large parts of the country, especially in the north. According to the United Nations, the fighting has claimed 70,000 lives.

On Monday, Syria's opposition cancelled a planned boycott of an international conference on the conflict, to be held in Rome on Thursday, after appeals from Britain and the United States.

The Syrian National Coalition said Saturday it was withdrawing from the 11-nation meeting and planned visits to Washington and Moscow in protest at the world's silence over the mounting civilian death toll in Syria.
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After the fall of Turkish Khilafat, it has been backstabbing other Muslim countries with the help from the white Europeans and Americans. Its only wish is to enslave itself into the EU. In order to please its white masters it is doing any thing that goes against the Muslims countries.

A Syria adventure will cause Turkey to engage in many fronts including Iran. USA will not be there in the long run to help it out in such a situation.

Firtst of all its our fault...the non-Turk muslims that we still see Turkey as a ''muslim country'' who remotely gives any damn about muslim interests.
Turkey is a secular state and on government level (on public level may be) nobody thinks for the good of another country just because its a predominantly muslim country.

The british at the time of WW2 made a deal with muslims of then India,that if they participate in the war and fight for Britain,they wont disintegrate the ottoman empire .
Our grand parents beleived the British under the leadership of ''johar brothers'' (Google them) and thousands went to war for britain only to save ottoman empire....
My grand dad was one of them south asian muslims who fought from British side in Burma in hope that British will honour the deal and wont disintegrate ottoman empire...But the british did that eventually.

In its current form...Turkey is same as the rest of the Europe and NATO.

We should stop living in fantacy world...face the ground reality and treat Turkey same as we treat the rest of NATO.
80s and 90s support from Hafez to PKK is not related to the relations Erdogan had with his son Bashar. Actually, Erdogan had good ties with both Syria and Iran before 2011. They even created a military co operation to fight PKK and PJAK both with military and with political pressure. If I am not mistaken, during 2010-2011 most of the Kurdish politicians were imprisoned in Turkey and likewise in Syria. It was also during this time that Iran started executing more and more Kurdish activists and at the same time Iran started a massive offensive against PJAK in Qandil.

Actually since the very beginning of Syrian extradiction of Öcalan, the ties between -Turkey and Syria have been improving in what was called the Adana Agreement.

Late early agreement between Turkey and Syria

Syria, Turkey Sign Two Security Agreements | Al Bawaba

2011 agreement between Turkey and Syria to fight off PKK

Syria, Turkey sign security agreement focused on Kurdish insurgents

2011 agreemenet between Turkey and Iran to fight off PKK/PJAK

Turkey and Iran to co-operate against PKK - Europe - Al Jazeera English

My point is; Turkey is not doing this to take revenge on Assad. Politics is usually never about revenge. If everyone was to avenge themselves on everyone then there would be wars constantly around the planet. Turkey is afraid of a Kurdish autonomy in Syria ( much like it was with Kurds in KRG) so it has to support the invasion in order to create a somehow free zone in Northern Syria where Turkish army can operate freely. Arming and housing the FSA and its Al Qaeda affiliates in order to attack Kurdish civilians is another good example of how Turkey is trying every means to destabilize the relatively peaceful Kurdish areas in northern Syria.

Common interets in repulsing terrorist does not mean splendid relations. Showing a treaty as a proof of good relations is more laughable. Current Syria with its current leader would have never been a "friend" of Turkey. When the chance would appear either one of the countries would make sure for the downfall of the other, which also happened.

İf turkey was afraid of the Kurds in Syria and that would have been the motivation to meddle in Syrian issue, then they would have supported al-Assad from the beginning. Since the chance of a kurdish presence in Syria would be almost impossible under al-Assad regime. Division by ethnicity or religious motives is far more plausible if al-Assad will lose.
I think america wil attack in the end, only obama dont want to decide alone. When shits happens he can always designate someone:laugh:.

And next time obama wont talk big like he did before about chemical weapons:whistle:. No red line more for obama i think....

the prestige of america is in the hand of congres now....

it was a good thing of turkey to let Mujahieddeens to syria! Look how much kurds fled to iraq. They are usefull.....
Common interets in repulsing terrorist does not mean splendid relations. Showing a treaty as a proof of good relations is more laughable. Current Syria with its current leader would have never been a "friend" of Turkey. When the chance would appear either one of the countries would make sure for the downfall of the other, which also happened.

İf turkey was afraid of the Kurds in Syria and that would have been the motivation to meddle in Syrian issue, then they would have supported al-Assad from the beginning. Since the chance of a kurdish presence in Syria would be almost impossible under al-Assad regime. Division by ethnicity or religious motives is far more plausible if al-Assad will lose.

Turkey really has no friend in the region. The whole idea of a friend in Middle East is over estimated. I was not talking about friendship or anything like that. Turkey and Bashar had 10 times better relationsship than Turkey and Hafez. The co operation against PKK is just one sign of this. In the same time span, the economical and political co operation grew too.

Turkey was not able to support Assad because Turkey had already deemed Assad a child murderer and monster. Other than that, it would not have been in line with the US-EU line if Turkey had sides with Assad. Besides, at this point Turkey was already showing support for the opposition and basically advocating for a regime chance. So, Turkey siding with Assad is not even a realistic points of view. But you see, Assad was clever. He just left the Kurdish areas to the Kurds in order to avoid any trouble with the Kurds so he only had to focus on the FSA. By doing this he took revenge on Erdogan's support for the opposition and at this points the lines were already drawn. He got Erdogan forestall.

The Turkish opposition to a Kurdish autonomy is not something unique. The exact same thing happened in KRG.

So, it is not surprising that Turkey since long time now has been advocating for;

1) First a 'no-fly-zone' in the northern Kurdish areas. They were not able to do this.
2) Second, a direct intervention in the northern Kurdish areas after a fighter plane was shot down. This approach failed too.
3) Arming the Al Qaeda groups that attack Kurdish cities along the border. This is still on going. And as we know Al Qaeda groups, this tactic is probably going to backfire on Turkey sooner or later.
4) Turkey pushing for a bombardment of Assad/ military intervention. If Assad falls, Syria will be in control of FSA/SNC and thus also Turkey.

Turkey is undeniably the single biggest advocateur of a military intervention in Syria. Basically, not one day goes by without Davutoglu or Erdogan calling for a strike on Assad.
Altay won't be finished on time. The others could be tested. I'm wondering how quick we can produce extra T-129 if needed. We only have handful of them.

They might test the prototype of Altay there at some point.. Saudia Arabia is already getting ready to order about 200 i think, all it needs is some battle testing...

They will use the existing T-129 Ataks and might get some Italian Agusta ones, which are the same.. Maybe even some last minute Apaches gifted by USA.. and some cash incentives..

I am just waiting for some chemical-tipped shell to land in border Turkish village soon.. Doesn't matter who shoots it, they will fake it and call Nato... Then USA and even UK will be in there and NATO will bypass UN non-decision.. Joined by France (who are itching to have a go), Qatar and Saudi Arabia just to have some Arab say in it..

Turkey, in the last Iraq war didn't let the American armies into its territory, but this is payback time i think...

Also leaders that are having problems at home start winnable wars (Thatcher, Churchill etc etc) to get re-elected, this is Erdogan's chance to do that...
You mean in Syria?



I'm sorry, these are not terrorists?
Ḥashshāshīn;4717456 said:


I'm sorry, these are not terrorists?

Why are you showing them to me? I didn't even mention them anywhere and I never said I support any of them.
Why are you showing them to me? I didn't even mention them anywhere and I never said I support any of them.

Wasn't talking about you personally, was referring to your country.

Turkey supports them, yet, you can't negotiate with terrorists?
Ḥashshāshīn;4717486 said:
Wasn't talking about you personally, was referring to your country.

Turkey supports them, yet, you can't negotiate with terrorists?

There's a big difference. One is fighting against the regime / thus wanting a regime change, not to take land or anything and supported by half or more of country while ones purpose is taking land and other purposes and is listed as terrorist organisation by alot of countries.
Ḥashshāshīn;4717486 said:
Wasn't talking about you personally, was referring to your country.

Turkey supports them, yet, you can't negotiate with terrorists?
Assad also supported terrorist against us. And soon we will declare war on him and set records straight as warning towards others who also supported terrorist against Turkey.
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