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Turkey ready to support military intervention !

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Assad also supported terrorist against us. And soon we will declare war on him and set records straight as warning towards others who also supported terrorist against Turkey.

Insurgents is the word,not terrorists.
Baykuş;4717907 said:
PKK members are regarded as terrorists by us and our allies.
Btw, why don't you live up to your signature?

They are fighting for a separate homeland for Kurds. Thats insurgency or rebellion..
Terrorism is a totally different thing. Terrorism has no target and no defined agenda.Its about Killing people for personal anger,or disrupting general peace for same reason without any gain,political or otherwise.
For example Attack on WTC...Nothing had to be gained from it,apart fro mass murder and loss of property for some peoples personal vendetta,based on religion or political ideology.
Hope i have explained well.

as for second part of your comment,that's none of your concern.Please stay on topic.
Offtopic,but this whole USA-Syria episode reminds of this stoty.

Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down. "There's my supper," thought he, "if only I can find some excuse to seize it." Then he called out to the Lamb, "How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?"

"Nay, master, nay," said Lambikin; "if the water be muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me."

"Well, then," said the Wolf, "why did you call me bad names this time last year?"

"That cannot be," said the Lamb; "I am only six months old."

"I don't care," snarled the Wolf; "if it was not you it was your father;" and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and ate her all up. But before she died she gasped out:

Moral of Aesops Fable: "Any excuse will serve a tyrant."
Common interets in repulsing terrorist does not mean splendid relations. Showing a treaty as a proof of good relations is more laughable. Current Syria with its current leader would have never been a "friend" of Turkey. When the chance would appear either one of the countries would make sure for the downfall of the other, which also happened.

İf turkey was afraid of the Kurds in Syria and that would have been the motivation to meddle in Syrian issue, then they would have supported al-Assad from the beginning. Since the chance of a kurdish presence in Syria would be almost impossible under al-Assad regime. Division by ethnicity or religious motives is far more plausible if al-Assad will lose.

Under current situation,both Turkey and Syria will go down..
Turkey is undergoing Poitical turmoil and barely survived a coup,and Erdogan has barely saved his eat after Taksim Protests.Too many people are disgruntled by him,and it will be a mater of time when they rise again against him.
In case of war if Turkey suffers excessive loss of life.Turkey herself may become the victim via political unrest,as many in Turkey will cease the opportunity to overthrow Erdogan's government.
Erdo is being juvenile by embarking upon Syrian adventure.
You can call this a conspiracy theory,but its all about leaving one and only one Stable country in the region,and destabilize the rest...
Guess which country is that?
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said a "limited" operation would not be enough to satisfy Ankara and pleaded for an intervention similar to the one in Kosovo in 1999.


after such statements llke the one above, i am pretty sure that there will be some suprise for us from Assad regime when usa hitting them.

Erdoğan should learn how to speak on the eve of a war; otherwise Turkish citizens will again suffer from the consequences as in Reyhanlı.
Been following this thread and outsiders, non turks so to say, are too keen to see Turkey go down. Yet, you guys present no real explanation on how this will be accomplished.. Who will bring down Turkey, and by which means?

1. A coalition of our fresh made enemies, because of our governments foreign policy, i.e Egypt, Iran and Syria just to give an example, wouldn't suffice to bring down Turkey in a sole military perspective.

2. You say coup, yet there are no hard facts than those two trials, Ergenekon and Balyoz, and the facts that we mortal internet surfers get to take part in shows really no plans for coup. Paranoia by AKP.

3. Protests such as Taksim (Gezi) are really just overblown by western media, I personally followed every detail and yet failed to see any overthrowing of the gov. The police easily trumped all the protesters when they were given the green light, and kept Taksim locked down despite some terror & commies trying to breach. And to answer your conspiracy theory; Israel is in full military readiness, they know that some scuds could fly over their heads. This will be felt by the inhabitants of Israel, and scared humans spell trouble. Have you seen the articles in the web where high ranked officials are making statement such as; We are ready for anything, We will respond and etc. Just see the recent giving of gas masks. No one in Turkey is even troubled with these problems, everything is as it's been. So Turkey and it's people will just sit, relax and wait for the Tomahawks to pound Syria :) Meanwhile in Israel.. "When will the scuds come, Netanyahu?"

(Don't let the smile deceive you. I'm by no means advocating a strike on Syria, just the ugly reality that will face them.)
They are fighting for a separate homeland for Kurds. Thats insurgency or rebellion..
Terrorism is a totally different thing. Terrorism has no target and no defined agenda .Its about Killing people for personal anger,or disrupting general peace for same reason without any gain,political or otherwise.
For example Attack on WTC...Nothing had to be gained from it,apart fro mass murder and loss of property for some peoples personal vendetta,based on religion or political ideology.
Hope i have explained well.

as for second part of your comment,that's none of your concern.Please stay on topic.

You better buy a dictionary;
Under current situation,both Turkey and Syria will go down..
Turkey is undergoing Poitical turmoil and barely survived a coup,and Erdogan has barely saved his eat after Taksim Protests.Too many people are disgruntled by him,and it will be a mater of time when they rise again against him.
In case of war if Turkey suffers excessive loss of life.Turkey herself may become the victim via political unrest,as many in Turkey will cease the opportunity to overthrow Erdogan's government.
Erdo is being juvenile by embarking upon Syrian adventure.
You can call this a conspiracy theory,but its all about leaving one and only one Stable country in the region,and destabilize the rest...
Guess which country is that?


Turkey is a democracy, it's leaders gets elected and the same leaders can be removed by elections. Thus the desire to overthrow a government by other means doesn't have much support from the entire population of Turkey.

We also won't have any unrest in such a degree of Syria or Egypt. We as a nation all ready experienced those periods and we as a nation will prevent anything that will harm that same nation.
We won't grab our guns at any little spark to shoot each others head in, for that you will have to look to other muslim nations.

You as a non-Turk won't understand it, but our mindset and the way we think is different right to the core then most other muslim countries.

2010 Istanbul bomb blast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes they are good at their Insurgents !!!

What kind of an ........ are you ? Trolling everytime in Turkish Section ?

PKK fights against other Kurdish Groups ,and first they kill other Kurds in Turkey who don´t give their childs as Recruits or make Genocide on small Kurdish Villages with a Population 100 Civilians.

Those Villages aren´t more exit.

In Germany some Minority groups cannot be Doctor or a Lawyer,the Statute don´t allows that.

In Turkey everyone can be that what he won´t ,there aren´t Statute that´s Stop´s you.

Really maybe you will get an Perma Bann ,best Option for someone who comes from outside and talking Bullshit everytime.

Maybe you love more the Queen then Pakistan ,maybe this is your Major Problem.
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2010 Istanbul bomb blast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes they are good at their Insurgents !!!

What kind of an ........ are you ? Trolling everytime in Turkish Section ?

PKK fights against other Kurdish Groups ,and first they kill other Kurds in Turkey who don´t give their childs as Recruits or make Genocide on small Kurdish Villages with a Population 100 Civilians.

Those Villages aren´t more exit.

In Germany some Minority groups cannot be Doctor or a Lawyer,the Statute don´t allows that.

In Turkey everyone can be that what he won´t ,there aren´t Statute that´s Stop´s you.

Really maybe you will get an Perma Bann ,best Option for someone who comes from outside and talking Bullshit everytime.

Maybe you love more the Queen then Pakistan ,maybe this is your Major Problem.

Istanbul bombing was the work of TAK. TAK is not PKK.
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All I feel and will say is M.E is one f***** up place. :help:
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