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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

LOL who asked Turkey and Saudi Arabia to intervene in our Domestic issue in first place?
No power on earth can intervene in Kashmir.India will have its way.
After signing of Shimla Agreement no third party can Intervene not even UN.
Don't like what India says, keep crying, nothings going to change in a 1000 years.:enjoy:
we were the smaller country, we were the poorer country, dont you try to be a cry baby

yes, we beat the daylights out of you in the West

i think we won two of them and got the third one a draw

i am all for it, but the International community starts crying

Why call it a draw ? Just openly claim that you won all three. I'm certain that will make you feel better. Or has the history books been revised in Pakistan recently to refer to the 1971 war as a draw and not a victory ? After all in 1965 you set out to capture Kashmir and ended up defeating Lahore. Now if that isn't a victory I certainly don't know what it can be called. In the 1971 war you set out to attack India and ended up having an Indian woman carve Pakistan into two. Certainly not a "draw" but an outright victory. (I still can't believe that an Indian woman whipped the butts of your martial Pakistani men by the way :rofl::rofl::rofl:) In the Kargil war , you came to "liberate" the Kashmiris and they ended up reporting your presence to the Indian army. You then retreated after calling in the US to help you out there. Certainly a victory. I wonder when the Indian dictionaries will revise the word "victory". These stupid publishers in India I tell ya :D
IAF was flying the mig-21 only in the 1971 war, and you know the result of that war. In 1965 we did not use mig-21. All we had were folland gnats.

Nope, not quite.

IAF MiG-21s At War

No.28 did see action, not so much, but they did fly missions.
India knows what allowing the people of J&K to exercise their birth right to self determination would lead to. The entire Indian nation suffers from genocidal hegemony and living in mass self inflicted denial that somehow it would be able to maintain its colonial rule of J&K against the will of the people forever. India itself was once occupied by a superpower, if that can end, the Indian occupation of J&K will end too.
Hey we still have Kashmir after 68 years and you trying your force,if you talk about history, try kashmir again in next 200 years, perhaps then we shall see if its ok with us or not. ;)
Did you notice the next few words? Not only have we grown stronger, but even our relative strength over Pak has increased tremendously, not to mention our economy.

In 1965, India was battered from a war with China, had only WW2 equipment, inferior aircrafts and tanks, while Pak had cuttting edge hardware from the USA. Today we have both quantitative and qualitative superiority in all fields. And that gap will only keep growing.

PAF can only hope to do a few strikes on forward posts, and at best defend their airspace. It has no offensive capability to do deep strikes into the Indian mainland. But India has at least 15 squadrons as of now that can strike any inch of Pak. About the navy, less said the better - a comparison with our coast guard would be more appropriate. The armies are better matched qualitatively, but India has the numbers as well as the depth as well as the reserves to completely and utterly outmatch Pakistan. It is a no contest - Pakistan cannot take anything from us by force. In fact, even China will find it difficult to take our territory without being severely mauled in return - which is why they are not taking AP by force. Barring the USA, it is nearly impossible for any country to take a state from India.

China can invade India if it wanted to as well.
Nope, not quite.

IAF MiG-21s At War

No.28 did see action, not so much, but they did fly missions.

Yes, I'm aware of that. That is why I did not say that we did not have mig-21s, just that we didn't use them because we did not have sufficient numbers to form even one operational squadron. The link you provided says they did fly some missions. In any case, we did not have enough of them or enough trained pilots to make a difference to the outcome of the war. PAF had the qualitative advantage. Since the 1970s though, that has not ben the case.
India doesn't WANT a solution. It wants to keep Kashmir colonized under the iron first of 700K armed troopers. Now BJP's Hindutva camp wants to end Kashmir's special status which would only make it worse. The problem lies in the genocidal mentality of Indian nation in denial.
It is inevitable we will end Kashmirs special status why did you think BJP got that Huge Mandate for?We will dilute article 370, end special status for kashmiris, rehabilitate Hindus and Kashmiri Pandits back and i will buy myself a piece of land over there and use it as summer home.
Eventually Kashmir will be like any other state of India.
Yes, I'm aware of that. That is why I did not say that we did not have mig-21s, just that we didn't use them because we did not have sufficient numbers to form even one operational squadron. The link you provided says they did fly some missions. In any case, we did not have enough of them or enough trained pilots to make a difference to the outcome of the war. PAF had the qualitative advantage. Since the 1970s though, that has not ben the case.

Understandable, but they were used ineffectively and also had weapons problems, as opposed to their small numbers.

But anyway, it's old history.
China can invade India if it wanted to as well.
Read my sentence again. I said China cannot take a state from India without getting severely mauled in return. Yes it is true that in a fight to the finish China will prevail - but the losses they will suffer make the fruits of victory not worth it. That is why they are not trying to take what they consider to be "South Tibet" by force.

Other than the USA, no country can invade India without suffering repercussions.

It is inevitable we will end Kashmirs special status why did you think BJP got that Huge Mandate for?We will dilute article 370, end special status for kashmiris, rehabilitate Hindus and Kashmiri Pandits back and i will buy myself a piece of land over there and use it as summer home.
Eventually Kashmir will be like any other state of India.
It is very unlikely that any change will be made to article 370 in the next five years.
Read my sentence again. I said China cannot take a state from India without getting severely mauled in return. Yes it is true that in a fight to the finish China will prevail - but the losses they will suffer make the fruits of victory not worth it. That is why they are not trying to take what they consider to be "South Tibet" by force.

Other than the USA, no country can invade India without suffering repercussions.

No China has little military fear of India. China is immensely more powerful than India both conventionally and in nuclear power. Chinese will suffer little military loss as they destroy the Indian military in the whole North East sector.

China does not want a frightened India to invite the US military into India and that is the number 1 reason they do not take South Tibet. Also China would rather wait till they become immune to economic sanctions and then will deal with India from a position of even greater strength.
No China has little military fear of India. China is immensely more powerful than India both conventionally and in nuclear power. Chinese will suffer little military loss as they destroy the Indian military in the whole North East sector.

China does not want a frightened India to invite the US military into India and that is the number 1 reason they do not take South Tibet. Also China would rather wait till they become immune to economic sanctions and then will deal with India from a position of even greater strength.

Your cheerleading is commendable, but the facts on the ground is very different from what is on paper. There is a himalayan mountain range seperating India and China, and heavy vehicles or armour cannot move throught them. In war, what matters is the concentration of force at a point. China cannot concentrate forces in the Indian territory, due to the terrain. But India can. Similarly Indi too cannot take the fight up the mountain into China. In both cases, the defenders will mow down the attackers. There is a reason why there has been no large movement of troops between these two entities in the past few millenia. China cannot take an Indian state by force that easily, unless they are prepared to fight to the end.
Your cheerleading is commendable, but the facts on the ground is very different from what is on paper. There is a himalayan mountain range seperating India and China, and heavy vehicles or armour cannot move throught them. In war, what matters is the concentration of force at a point. China cannot concentrate forces in the Indian territory, due to the terrain. But India can. Similarly Indi too cannot take the fight up the mountain into China. In both cases, the defenders will mow down the attackers. There is a reason why there has been no large movement of troops between these two entities in the past few millenia. China cannot take an Indian state by force that easily, unless they are prepared to fight to the end.

OK. Whatever you say.
India should offer to mediate independence of Turkish kurdisatan...

Then will understand what is meddling in others affairs....

Even if turkey wants to mediate then it can mediate in its nearer countries like Iraq and ISIS and Syria issues of middle east.
well great majority kurds of turkey dont want to independency or join ıraq and syria kurdistan just marksist and leftist kurds wants it (pkk example) in addition turkey have good relation with ıraq kurdistan because they sell to us cheap oil and we have good trade capacity with them . the relations ae increasing day by day as economic ,cultural etc so your claims are baseless in hear finally we are open each offer to for better solution;)

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