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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

From the article,
''Turkey is ready to play its due role for a peaceful settlement of longstanding Kashmir issue and the solution should be acceptable to Pakistan, India and Kashmiri people – the real stakeholders''.

Offering help for a peaceful solution is meddling in your affairs?

As explained before ..Indian and Pakistan have signed an agreement, which prohibits third party mediation on Kashmir..or why do you think all the world super powers never attempted to mediate on Kashmir.
A Word to the wise..Pakistan has already lost half its country, in hopes it will one day capture Kashmir and rest of it teeters on the edge...come to your senses before you loose it all.
if we loose it all, so be it, but we will not abandon our brothers and sisters in Kashmir

Today we are militarily a lot stronger, even the military disparity with Pak is a lot more in our favour, we are prepared to face conventional or sub conventional war, from your terrorists or your army. And we are only going to get stronger every day, so Pak is not going to take our Kashmir. You might realize this when you are 90 years old and Kashmir is still with us. Then it will be your grandkids living with the same dream.
you are not the only ones who got stronger
if we loose it all, so be it, but we will not abandon our brothers and sisters in Kashmir

you are not the only ones who got stronger

That's true, Pakistan is improving somewhat, but at a far slower pace than India, far, far slower. The gap is ever increasing.
yes you wanted a war, you have always wanted wars, you also started shit on Runn Of Kutch, which also contributed to it

We always wanted war but you always started on our behest. Whatever makes you sleep lady.
you are not the only ones who got stronger

Did you notice the next few words? Not only have we grown stronger, but even our relative strength over Pak has increased tremendously, not to mention our economy.

In 1965, India was battered from a war with China, had only WW2 equipment, inferior aircrafts and tanks, while Pak had cuttting edge hardware from the USA. Today we have both quantitative and qualitative superiority in all fields. And that gap will only keep growing.

PAF can only hope to do a few strikes on forward posts, and at best defend their airspace. It has no offensive capability to do deep strikes into the Indian mainland. But India has at least 15 squadrons as of now that can strike any inch of Pak. About the navy, less said the better - a comparison with our coast guard would be more appropriate. The armies are better matched qualitatively, but India has the numbers as well as the depth as well as the reserves to completely and utterly outmatch Pakistan. It is a no contest - Pakistan cannot take anything from us by force. In fact, even China will find it difficult to take our territory without being severely mauled in return - which is why they are not taking AP by force. Barring the USA, it is nearly impossible for any country to take a state from India.
if we loose it all, so be it, but we will not abandon our brothers and sisters in Kashmir

Well then bring it on..in words of prime minister A.B Vajpayee ..ek baar kar lo aar ya paar ki ladai(lets have a decisive war)...winner takes it all.
if we could take you on in 48, 65 or 71, im sure we are way better now

Pakistan was a prosperous and far more economically capable nation than India until the early 90s.

You do forget, you guys lost all those 3 wars too?
If they are so weak,why not take over the whole of Pakistan,since you obviously must be very strong?

Why would India want to take over a failed state ? Would you as a Turk promote your government annexing Syria or Iran even though you have the muscle to do so, for example? As for the Turks, it remains better for your government to keep away from the Kashmir issue. I am certain that your government wouldn't appreciate India suggesting that they mediate in the claim for a Kurdish state ? You guys have a limited or negligible knowledge on the Kashmir issue. Don't parrot the Pakistanis. India never seems to have had any time for Turkey and its issues. Perhaps it would remain healthier for Turkey to reciprocate India on that basis
if we could take you on in 48, 65 or 71, im sure we are way better now
Yes I'm sure you are capable of "taking us on" like 1971.:pakistan:

Pakistan was a prosperous and far more economically capable nation than India until the early 90s.

You do forget, you guys lost all those 3 wars too?
He's been taught that they won them all. So you are talking cross purposes. What can I say - we are happy to repeat a 1965 or 1971, if necessary.
What a waste of bandwith, discussing an issue which we all know will go nowhere. Your parents couldn't touch it and future generations will not dare touching it. Now get well soon!!
India knows what allowing the people of J&K to exercise their birth right to self determination would lead to. The entire Indian nation suffers from genocidal hegemony and living in mass self inflicted denial that somehow it would be able to maintain its colonial rule of J&K against the will of the people forever. India itself was once occupied by a superpower, if that can end, the Indian occupation of J&K will end too.
Sir you're a nefelibata! :)
Colonial rule in J&K??
If you dont know then J&K has its own constitution and flag to begin with.No Indian can buy land in J&K.If not anything else these kashmiris enjoy a premium citizenship in our country.Had it been annexed after independence like Hyderabad then there would have been no "Kashmir" issue today.
And give me one good reason why Kashmiris would want to join Pakistan???
Nobody steps on a sinking Titanic!!
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But imagine the cheek of the Turks.

Its a warning for the future. Somewhere down the line we need to cut them down to size.
Ummah coalition is coming for India. Combined with PLA attack, India in for a gangbang. Turkey will be the third front in a three front war!

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