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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

India doesn't WANT a solution. It wants to keep Kashmir colonized under the iron first of 700K armed troopers. Now BJP's Hindutva camp wants to end Kashmir's special status which would only make it worse. The problem lies in the genocidal mentality of Indian nation in denial.
Sure boss, whatever inaccuracies it takes to keep the peace in your side of the woods, by all means go for it. The situation hasn't changed in 65 plus years of chest beating, freedom fighter sneaking, pandit killing, local leaders 2-facing, proxy-warring, so India by now has re-actively learned to deal with all that BS. Come up with something new if you think the world should take notice of a dead matter which by all means and purposes was lost due to shoddy planning by your own leaders and serves no other purpose than to divert attention away from other issues. You may have had some semblance of an argument 65 years ago, not anymore.....
But imagine the cheek of the Turks.

Its a warning for the future. Somewhere down the line we need to cut them down to size.

Those guys went from having zero problem with their neighbors to only problems with their neighbors. Lesson not learnt yet, I guess.
In 1965, India was battered from a war with China, had only WW2 equipment, inferior aircrafts and tanks, while Pak had cuttting edge hardware from the USA. Today we have both quantitative and qualitative superiority in all fields. And that gap will only keep growing.
we were the smaller country, we were the poorer country, dont you try to be a cry baby

Yes I'm sure you are capable of "taking us on" like 1971.
yes, we beat the daylights out of you in the West

You do forget, you guys lost all those 3 wars too?
i think we won two of them and got the third one a draw

Well then bring it on..in words of prime minister A.B Vajpayee ..ek baar kar lo aar ya paar ki ladai(lets have a decisive war)...winner takes it all.
i am all for it, but the International community starts crying
we were the smaller country, we were the poorer country, dont you try to be a cry baby

yes, we beat the daylights out of you in the West

i think we won two of them and got the third one a draw

Whatever floats your boat. May you have many more such "victories".:wave:
Pakistan and India have signed a bilateral agreement during the last conflict.

So it will be settled by us.

You do forget, you guys lost all those 3 wars too?

Who told you that? Do you seriously believe this?

48 and 65 were stalemates, according to virtually all international opinion and historians. 71 India won.
we were the smaller country, we were the poorer country, dont you try to be a cry baby

yes, we beat the daylights out of you in the West

i think we won two of them and got the third one a draw

i am all for it, but the International community starts crying

Pakistan was double the size it is now, in all 3 wars. It was richer than India.

In every single war it's been soundly beaten in every sector. It's incredible that with so much information at your fingertips (Google) you still refuse to believe that. In 1965 the PAF did remarkably well, and that was the crowning achievement of the Pakistani military in all of it's history.

You can think what you like. There is reason why Pakistan is in the state it is now. Why Bangladesh exists and why despite so many claims of human rights abuses, Kashmir is safer and more prosperous than anywhere in Pakistan.

Who told you that? Do you seriously believe this? It's like Pakistani members claiming we won 65...
48 and 65 were stalemates, according to virtually all international opinion and historians. 71 India won.

Strategic victory. India achieved it's objectives. All forces returned to their original positions so not much in the way of lasting changes.

1948 was definitely a stalemate. India didn't achieve its objectives, neither did Pakistan.
From the article,
''Turkey is ready to play its due role for a peaceful settlement of longstanding Kashmir issue and the solution should be acceptable to Pakistan, India and Kashmiri people – the real stakeholders''.

Offering help for a peaceful solution is meddling in your affairs?
thank u for ur concerns n offer to help,but India shall have to gracefully decline that offer to uphold shimla agreement. :)
as for the offtopic hindutva rhetoric by some members,I can rant too:
pashtuns n baluchis ,,,take heed.
look,they bomb u,ransack ur land n homes,raid ur masjids,even allow American drones to kill ur kin and later deny any involvement or responsibilty.
look around u,is this ur nation,ask urself,r these ur ppl.
even in UNGA,all they talk is kashmir,,,they dont care about the baluch or the pakhtun.all they want is ur land n resources.
Pakistan was double the size it is now, in all 3 wars. It was richer than India.

In every single war it's been soundly beaten in every sector. It's incredible that with so much information at your fingertips (Google) you still refuse to believe that. In 1965 the PAF did remarkably well, and that was the crowning achievement of the Pakistani military in all of it's history.

You can think what you like. There is reason why Pakistan is in the state it is now. Why Bangladesh exists and why despite so many claims of human rights abuses, Kashmir is safer and more prosperous than anywhere in Pakistan.

Are you being serious here? India had a colossal advantage in terms of men and equipment in every war. India was beaten on many fronts in the 48 and 65 conflict, as were we. I can't believe you even mention Google, then you should have known what happened in Chawinda then, and then what happened in Asal Uttar.
Are you being serious here? India had a colossal advantage in terms of men and equipment in every war. India was beaten on many fronts in the 48 and 65 conflict, as were we. I can't believe you even mention Google, then you should have known what happened in Chawinda then.

Yes, yes I know India lost battles. Advantage vis a vis equipment? Hardly, Pakistan was wealthier on a per capita basis and had American weapons, most of which were better than Indian equivalents. The rest, I'm just trolling. Ludicrous posts deserve equally ludicrous replies.
But imagine the cheek of the Turks.

Its a warning for the future. Somewhere down the line we need to cut them down to size.

Sure you will.

Member of NATO, one of the largest forces in the world, whose equipment mind you will soon be on par with its Western partners.

Stop writing such posts.

Yes, yes I know India lost battles. Advantage vis a vis equipment? Hardly, Pakistan was wealthier on a per capita basis and had American weapons, most of which were better than Indian equivalents. The rest, I'm just trolling. Ludicrous posts deserve equally ludicrous replies.

India had far more resources to call on, three times the number of troops and numerous more field guns and more armour. Yes we had American equipment, which was sanctioned, but the whole quality thing is way overstated considering the IAF were flying the Mig-21, driving the AMX, we both had Shermans and so on.

I get the whole part of trolling, fair enough.
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India should offer to mediate independence of Turkish kurdisatan...

Then will understand what is meddling in others affairs....

Even if turkey wants to mediate then it can mediate in its nearer countries like Iraq and ISIS and Syria issues of middle east.
India doesn't WANT a solution. It wants to keep Kashmir colonized under the iron first of 700K armed troopers. Now BJP's Hindutva camp wants to end Kashmir's special status which would only make it worse. The problem lies in the genocidal mentality of Indian nation in denial.

It doesnt suit to a administrator bro, think wisely.
India had far more resources to call on, three times the number of troops and numerous more field guns and more armour. Yes we had American equipment, which was sanctioned, but the whole quality thing is way overstated considering the IAF were flying the Mig-21, driving the AMX, we both had Shermans and so on.

I get the whole part of trolling, fair enough.
IAF was flying the mig-21 only in the 1971 war, and you know the result of that war. In 1965 we did not use mig-21. All we had were folland gnats.

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