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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

If they are so weak,why not take over the whole of Pakistan,since you obviously must be very strong?

Will u take in Iraq if given for free?

why would india add crores of religious fanatics .. we will not take pakistan land even if given for free
Thank you for the offer, we can also help play a role for the Kuristan settlement. Please get in touch with the government regarding this.
Begani shadi mein abdullah deewana.

If turkey wants to mediate what shall it do? barge in and insist on speaking with the indian interlocutors?
Not bad as counter-offer :agree:

In your dislike of india please remember that your dispute stretch with india only regard to border. We are alike in many other ways.

Whereas whats happening in your xinjiang province with all those muslim fanatics, is being directly/ indirectly supported by Pakistan. Pakistan is your ideological enemy, you just don't know it yet.
Well ... Thank You Turkey for the offer but we respectfully rejects it .
Relax guys. They wanted to offer some "help". Lets just say thanks but no thanks and move one. It's not wrong on their part to offer "help". Atleast they didnot make any rabid statements like kashmir must gain independence and all. They said there must be a solution which should be acceptable to all...including the Indians. Being a staunch pakistani ally, not the best choice of words. These comments should have been made by the turks after persuasion of the pakistans. The turks definitely kept Indian concerns in mind before the press briefing. If I was a pakistani, I would have been disappointed by their statement for being neutral towards Indians.
I think Indians can hardly afford Huawei Ascend P7 or Mate 7. Pinnacle of Chinese consumer electronics technology.

People are buying Iphone, iPad and you talking about pathetic chinese Huwai company.
hahaha.....status quo..... ask ur soldiers that whether status quo still exists in Kashmir.....???
We appreciate turkey's help but pakistan forced us to sign shimla agreement in 1972 which doesn't allow involvement of any third party :cry:
Saudis need Pakistani animals for hunt and other fleshy prey for free. Iran pipeline was abandoned as a trade off for money and support for Kashmir.

Turkey has been humiliated by EU and NATO is now a symbolic tag they carry with a burden of doing more for them not the opposite.

They have now started contemplating the fantasy of forming a grand Muslim confederation involving Pakistan, Afghanistan and others where they will be the leaders of the pack.

They can see how Pakistanis are already a half cooked Etli ekmek with defunct concept of 'Khilafat', thus a population romanticizing with them. They see Pakistan as a good market being favorable to them, which is a poor model of business though given the sham state of economy of Pakistan but since Pakistan has been endorsing themselves to Turkey with conviction they have to oblige by highlighting issues Pakistan demands them to raise.

Turkey know their diatribes are of no consequence to their non existing relation with India. Not only that they know India wouldn't give a damn in return but it is my observation that in long run Turkey will taste its own medicine from Indian side. I don't expect Modi to offer mediation between their violent confrontations and regional conflict but anything to keep these people at the receiving end will be welcomed.

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