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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

hehehe........nothing .... u r right....it exists.....hahahaha......
yes yes honey.... no proofs.... just keep believing as it is.....:p:
India knows what allowing the people of J&K to exercise their birth right to self determination would lead to. The entire Indian nation suffers from genocidal hegemony and living in mass self inflicted denial that somehow it would be able to maintain its colonial rule of J&K against the will of the people forever. India itself was once occupied by a superpower, if that can end, the Indian occupation of J&K will end too.
No. Wanna bet ? And I have a very simple logic behind this. Pakistan is much weaker conventional military power than India. If it is able to maintain its control over Balochistan, India should have no problem holding on to J&K.
Now you are fucking reminded of the Shimla agreement? Yes Kashmir is an "issue", an issue of hegemonic aggression and occupation of Pakistani integral territory by bully india.

Kashmir is a bilateral issue now. India will not recognize any foreign entity to meddle in this issue. That was agreed upon in the Shimla agreement.
In your dislike of india please remember that your dispute stretch with india only regard to border. We are alike in many other ways.

Whereas whats happening in your xinjiang province with all those muslim fanatics, is being directly/ indirectly supported by Pakistan. Pakistan is your ideological enemy, you just don't know it yet.

This has nothing to do with Pakistan, Anatolians turk are just troublemakers.
We don't want the Kashmir issue to be resolved, we just want to troll Pakistan.
Now you are fucking reminded of the Shimla agreement? Yes Kashmir is an "issue", an issue of hegemonic aggression and occupation of Pakistani integral territory by bully india.

Yes hegemonic aggressor India released your 90,00 0 POWs unconditionally during same Shimla agreement ...just to bully Pakistan !
Thanks for Turkish offer to mediate in Kashmir issue, but we are doing fine on Kashmir and will solve it bilaterally with Pakistan. On the other hand, we offer to mediate between Turkey and Kurds (PKK) and help both parties to chalk out a mutually agreed independent Kurdish state from Turkish occupied Kurdish land.

We are also offering to mediate between Turkey and Greece to facilitate the return of Turkish occupied Greek islands to Greece!!!
Ah, good luck for your studies.
Physics is already killing me,

dude, how do i find "X" in this?

pakistan is a generous country :lol:

Thank you pakistan :pakistan:
dont thank me, Thank Ayub and Bhutto

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