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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

use pythogoras theoram to find V1

after resolve V1 V2 in x and y direction and add/sub them to get resultant
dude, the answer of V1 will be 5, the line of 5 and 14 cant possibly be equal, and i dont think the hyp of the small triangle can be equal to "x" owing to their difference in size?

'x' is easily found using Pythagoras theorem. 3^2 + 4^2 = x^2. So x=5.
how can you be sure that the hyp will be equal to the un known line of "x" ?
You have tried in the past. You won't be stupid enough to try it in future. If you want to, go ahead. But there is a reason why your military has not dared to openly attack India since 1971, and has outsourced fighting to non uniformed terrorists. That strategy has harmed you more than us.

What other "hard way" do you have in mind?


We are more than happy with the status quo. Pakistan is too weak to steal our state from us by force.
Well could anybody explain or update why the indian army chief said that if POTA is repealed from J&K then we would lose Kashmir by 2015.Was he accepting the weakness of his organisation or just making a point about impending storm ?
Well could anybody explain or update why the indian army chief said that if POTA is repealed from J&K then we would lose Kashmir by 2015.Was he accepting the weakness of his organisation or just making a point about impending storm ?
I think you meean AFSPA. POTA was repealed from all over India long back.

He said that because without AFSPA, anybody would be able to file frivolous cases against army officers, and the armymen would have to spend all their time in courts instead of killing militants.
I think you meean AFSPA. POTA was repealed from all over India long back.

He said that because without AFSPA, anybody would be able to file frivolous cases against army officers, and the armymen would have to spend all their time in courts instead of killing militants.
So AFSPA is the only tool for holding kashmir ?
Now you are fucking reminded of the Shimla agreement? Yes Kashmir is an "issue", an issue of hegemonic aggression and occupation of Pakistani integral territory by bully india.
Yea I'm reminding you of the Shimla agreement you signed. If you don't want to honor it, that's fine with us. We will not let anybody interfere in our Kashmir. You can call it what you want, it will remain ours.:enjoy:

So AFSPA is the only tool for holding kashmir ?
No. It is a necessary legal provision, not only for Kashmir, but wherever the army operates inside India - like Assam or Mizoram.
Big up Turkey & Pakistan maximum respect set like concrete .
Burn fire on the oppressors.
from a Kashmiri
The Turkic Moghuls

Thanks for Turkish offer to mediate in Kashmir issue, but we are doing fine on Kashmir and will solve it bilaterally with Pakistan. On the other hand, we offer to mediate between Turkey and Kurds (PKK) and help both parties to chalk out a mutually agreed independent Kurdish state from Turkish occupied Kurdish land.

We are also offering to mediate between Turkey and Greece to facilitate the return of Turkish occupied Greek islands to Greece!!!
Ok, what about this. You solve our problems and we will fix you a toilet? :lol:
Lol we shall see. India can continue to improve as much as it wants the moment when Pakistan can both sustain a war and both capture and hold then we can talk Kashmir before that it is a waste of time.
You know what Pakistan's policy is, if India tries to take Pakistani Kashmir? Nukes!!!

Now does it occur to you that India has nukes as well?

Even if, in your hypothetical scenario, Pakistan grows militarily and economically stronger than India (which means Pakistanis have to be 7 times richer than Indians per capita and several times militarily stronger to make up for geography), do you think India would simply let Pak steal one of our states, and keep our nukes in cold storage?

Whether you like it or not, India is a military and economic power, and a nuclear power to boot. Nobody will steal anything from India. Two generations of Pakistanis have ruined themselves chasing the Kashmiri chimera, and I don't know how many more generations have to deluede themselves with that pipe dream. Taking territory from a stronger, bigger, richer country is impossible in the real world, unless you convince yourself of the old "ek mussalman = 10 kafirs" theory.

The Turkic Moghuls
Are those "Turkic moghuls" coming to take Kashmir and hand it over to Pakistan? If not, what's the relevance on this thread?
Are those "Turkic moghuls" coming to take Kashmir and hand it over to Pakistan? If not, what's the relevance on this thread?
We have historical relevance to the region.
are you a toilet cleaner??
No, but I can hire one for you. I also can donate you some toilet paper so you don't have to shake my hand with your brown hand.
You know what Pakistan's policy is, if India tries to take Pakistani Kashmir? Nukes!!!

Now does it occur to you that India has nukes as well?

Even if, in your hypothetical scenario, Pakistan grows militarily and economically stronger than India (which means Pakistanis have to be 7 times richer than Indians per capita and several times militarily stronger to make up for geography), do you think India would simply let Pak steal one of our states, and keep our nukes in cold storage?

Whether you like it or not, India is a military and economic power, and a nuclear power to boot. Nobody will steal anything from India. Two generations of Pakistanis have ruined themselves chasing the Kashmiri chimera, and I don't know how many more generations have to deluede themselves with that pipe dream. Taking territory from a stronger, bigger, richer country is impossible in the real world, unless you convince yourself of the old "ek mussalman = 10 kafirs" theory.

Such threats on India's part are irrelevant, I don't think your government has the balls for such a thing and either way it does not concern me because once war starts anything is a go. If I was in a position of power in Pakistan I would just keep silent until the time is right and then like I said we will see. :D
The Turkic Moghuls
View attachment 91120

Ok, what about this. You solve our problems and we will fix you a toilet? :lol:

Yeaaa, thats what you can do better!!!!!:D You already have lot of experience of cleaning European a$$es and fixing their toilets to get an entry into EU!!!! But sadly EU did not give a shi# to your hard work:coffee:!!!!!

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