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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

Such threats on India's part are irrelevant, I don't think your government has the balls for such a thing and either way it does not concern me because once war starts anything is a go. If I was in a position of power in Pakistan I would just keep silent until the time is right and then like I said we will see. :D

Ah yes, same old, same old.

"We will not hesitate to vaporize India with nukes if they step even one inch into our land. But if we steal their state, they will simply sit and watch and not use any nukes, because they don't have balls."

Sure mate, whatever floats your boat.

For one thing, it will be a cold day in hell before Pakistan achieves economic or military parity with India. That pipe dream is similar to India aspiring to take on NATO some time in the glorious future.

And secondly, we already have the capability to turn Pak into a nuclear wasteland. We are not going to sit by and let the mard-e-momins steal our state. We have shed a lot of blood to prevent that from happening, and we will do it to our last breath. And we will make sure that our last breath is also our enemy's.
Yeaaa, thats what you can do better!!!!!:D You already have lot of experience of cleaning European a$$es and fixing their toilets to get an entry into EU!!!! But sadly EU did not give a shi# to your hard work:coffee:!!!!!
We don't need EU. If you compare Turkey to India. Turkey is already there whereas India still lives in 19th century without toilets. We need to help India. Probably Babur Han would turn in his grave if he saw what his lands turned into.
We have historical relevance to the region.
"Historical" being the keyword. Presently you have no relevance.

In any case, I asked another Turkish poster earlier, which he never answered: What exactly can Turkey contribute, what can you bring to the table to make both sides happy?

We don't need EU. If you compare Turkey to India. Turkey is already there whereas India still lives in 19th century without toilets. We need to help India. Probably Babur Han would turn in his grave if he saw what his lands turned into.
Sure, then come here and build toilets, if thats your ambition in life. But Kashmir will remain India's, that will not change.
who the hell cares turkey plays no significant political role internationally ,they failed to stop even the Israelis when the Israelis were bombing the shit out of there ummah brothers haha but i'm glad you raised it up this Exposes HOW INDIA CAN NOT TRUST ANY MUSLIM REGIME a great slap on the faces of those secular Indians crying about Palestine you see indians good now i hope you take this further let the secularist learn a lesson from this .as for the turks keep trying this is 2014 the best thing you turks can do right now is rant about India's poverty and toilets to appease your fellow jihadi brothers online good luck nothing changes !!!
"Historical" being the keyword. Presently you have no relevance.

In any case, I asked another Turkish poster earlier, which he never answered: What exactly can Turkey contribute, what can you bring to the table to make both sides happy?

Sure, then come here and build toilets, if thats your ambition in life. But Kashmir will remain India's, that will not change.
Mughals were the ony ones to unite India. I'm sure we can do it again.
Mughals were the ony ones to unite India. I'm sure we can do it again.
Wrong. Mauryas, Guptas etc did it before them. And BTW Mughals did not rule present day South India or north east India.

Yea, come and try. Bombast on PDF is easy.
We don't need EU. If you compare Turkey to India. Turkey is already there whereas India still lives in 19th century without toilets. We need to help India. Probably Babur Han would turn in his grave if he saw what his lands turned into.

Yes....you can definitely use your EU experience of cleaning shit in India!!!!!
Mughals were the ony ones to unite India. I'm sure we can do it again.
I don't see south India as mughal land
Doesn't matter what you see or don't see. Answer my question: What exactly can Turkey bring to the table on the Kashmir issue, that will please both sides? If Turkey doesn't have anything to contribute, then its mediation is as useless as your presence on this thread - good only for trolling. While PDF may be a troll magnet, governmental level talks cannot afford to accomodate useless trolls.

So for the last time - what exactly can Turkey bring to the table on the Kashmir issue?
India is getting gangbanged. First China spanks. Then Turkey slaps on face. Soon Iran will meddle in Kashmir. Indonesia too. Maybe Barak HUSSEIN Obama has something to say about Kashmir :)

Same turkey and USA are avid supporter of uighur turkic freedom also.
Modssssssssssssssssssssssssssss clean the thread from trolls and sh!t posts
Doesn't matter what you see or don't see. Answer my question: What exactly can Turkey bring to the table on the Kashmir issue, that will please both sides? If Turkey doesn't have anything to contribute, then its mediation is as useless as your presence on this thread - good only for trolling. While PDF may be a troll magnet, governmental level talks cannot afford to accomodate useless trolls.

So for the last time - what exactly can Turkey bring to the table on the Kashmir issue?
I told you. We have historical presence and relevance to that region. We ruled that region for centuries in equilibrium and tranquillity. I understand your point of view and Turkey has to be sensitive. I didn't want to insult Indians but when I saw rude comments about my country I couldn't hold myself to teach some history

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