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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

You know what Pakistan's policy is, if India tries to take Pakistani Kashmir? Nukes!!!

Now does it occur to you that India has nukes as well?

Even if, in your hypothetical scenario, Pakistan grows militarily and economically stronger than India (which means Pakistanis have to be 7 times richer than Indians per capita and several times militarily stronger to make up for geography), do you think India would simply let Pak steal one of our states, and keep our nukes in cold storage?

Whether you like it or not, India is a military and economic power, and a nuclear power to boot. Nobody will steal anything from India. Two generations of Pakistanis have ruined themselves chasing the Kashmiri chimera, and I don't know how many more generations have to deluede themselves with that pipe dream. Taking territory from a stronger, bigger, richer country is impossible in the real world, unless you convince yourself of the old "ek mussalman = 10 kafirs" theory.

Are those "Turkic moghuls" coming to take Kashmir and hand it over to Pakistan? If not, what's the relevance on this thread?
'elite' :D
ps-egging u on,bohot maza aaya
Kashmir is a bilateral issue now. India will not recognize any foreign entity to meddle in this issue. That was agreed upon in the Shimla agreement.

Bilateral my a$$ , just because india says it is doesn't mean shit because it isn't simple as that let the people of Kashmir decide their own faith rather trying to keep them boxed in like the Israelis have the Palestinians .
Of course it is a positive gesture from Turkey...But again, India at no circumstance will allow to separate Kashmir Valley from India...So any one can come and be a mediator...But this is the bottomline...Shimla Agreement is just a way out for India to avoid any legal constraint...Because India knows well, Simla agreement is just nothing...India can dictate rules in bilateral agreement and maintain status quo...
You are just jealous of our looks when you look to yourself in the mirror and see a bleak stretched face who looks identical to the other 1,5 billion Chinese.

You should be glad with the race you are. No need to be so nazi about genetics.

Is this relevant?? lol now we're become jealous of Anatolian look :o:, only a nation call Turkey has identity crisis: too shamefull to confess and accept to be an Anatolians and too shy to be claim to be a real Turk because we Chinese deny you this identity.
Bilateral my a$$ , just because india says it is doesn't mean shit because it isn't simple as that let the people of Kashmir decide their own faith rather trying to keep them boxed in like the Israelis have the Palestinians .
Its not India saying...its an agreement between our countries...Try to honor it...I asked many times here where was Pakistan's commitment to Kashmiries when they acceded the land belong to them to China..Such a drama queens..
India knows what allowing the people of J&K to exercise their birth right to self determination would lead to. The entire Indian nation suffers from genocidal hegemony and living in mass self inflicted denial that somehow it would be able to maintain its colonial rule of J&K against the will of the people forever. India itself was once occupied by a superpower, if that can end, the Indian occupation of J&K will end too.

what worries india is that they know a referendum would be a death-sentence to their honour and dignity - since Kashmiris would readily choose for total independence, or accession to Pakistan (seems the younger generations are more inclined towards the former).

furthermore given the communal and ethnic overtones, it worries indian because they are scared of many indian states demanding referendum as well

in a nut-shell, these are the reasons why plebicite as a solution terrifies them....they know it's a fight they'll lose

as for Turkiye - they've been a reliable ally to Pakistan and the older generations of Pakistanis belonging to prior to independence very enthusiastically supported Turkish war of independence...it's a natural alliance and we appreciate their support in times of need as do they
Bilateral my a$$ , just because india says it is doesn't mean shit because it isn't simple as that let the people of Kashmir decide their own faith rather trying to keep them boxed in like the Israelis have the Palestinians .
Do Palestians have the same rights as Israelis? Can Palestinians send legislators to the Israeli parliament? Do Palestinians have their own legislature? Can Palestinians travel freely anywhere in Israel? What exactly is this stupid comparison about?

Kashmiris have the same rights as any other Indian, and then some more. If Kashmiris are "boxed in" by India, then so are Tamilians, Maharashtrians, Biharis etc.

Palestine, my foot.
Its not India saying...its an agreement between our countries...Try to honor it...I asked many times here where was Pakistan's commitment to Kashmiries when they acceded the land belong to them to China..Such a drama queens..

Pakistan has been in compliance; it's your side that hasn't

in fact even the hardliner pro-Pakistan separatists of Kashmir (like APHC) or moderate/non-militant nationalist groups like JKLF have repeatedly called for pundits (the ones that actually were forced out, however small a number it is) to return to Kashmir --- as per stipulations of the very same agreement
what worries india is that they know a referendum would be a death-sentence to their honour and dignity - since Kashmiris would readily choose for total independence, or accession to Pakistan (seems the younger generations are more inclined towards the former).
furthermore given the communal and ethnic overtones, it worries indian because they are scared of many indian states demanding referendum as well

in a nut-shell, these are the reasons why plebicite as a solution terrifies them....they know it's a fight they'll lose
as for Turkiye - they've been a reliable ally to Pakistan and the older generations of Pakistanis belonging to prior to independence very enthusiastically supported Turkish war of independence...it's a natural alliance and we appreciate their support in times of need as do they
nice dream :tup:
I see your point but you don't want to see my point. Apart from our historical presence we want to see the region in equilibrium to counter Chinese aggression. Pakistan is important ally for us but I think Turkey will remain unbias otherwise the two groups India and Pakistan won't come to a resolution.
so,u think, acting against Indias interests is going to counter Chinese aggression.
or maybe u think,u support Pakistan n Pakistan support u against Chinese aggresion.....forgot deeper then ocean,higher thn mountains friendship :D
Of course it is a positive gesture from Turkey
Are you serious? Saudi,turkey,Iran and Qatar are fighting for the prized Muslim leadership.

hese countries are involved in funding and exporting terrorism. Letting them poke into our business is suicidal for existence of India. We surely don't want a Kashmir in every state. Indian Muslims are easy to provoke and be brainwashed.

Chinese members were partially right when they said Ummah will go up against India. But our internal threat is bigger than the external one.

Here in Baroda itself, Muslims attacked Navratri procession and mandal yesterdaywhat will be the consquences if Ummah interferes in India.

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