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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

I don't see south India as mughal land

Indian cheap labor will take care of the shit and we will assign a minister of toilet in India who will report to us.

The mughal rule was golden period in that region. if tengri wills it we can do it again.

Do you keep talking nonsense?
This has nothing to do with Pakistan, Anatolians turk are just troublemakers.

The anatolians are poking hornet's nest around themselves.syria,iraq,egypt etc.Now they want to bump to kashmir also.

mongols build the biggest empire in eurasia and mongolia will rule eurasia again :lol:

Russia and USA/UK/Israel coalition is the new mongols of this era .Though opposed to each other.

I told you. We have historical presence and relevance to that region. We ruled that region for centuries in equilibrium and tranquillity. I understand your point of view and Turkey has to be sensitive. I didn't want to insult Indians but when I saw rude comments about my country I couldn't hold myself to teach some history

150-200 years of mughal rule.
I told you. We have historical presence and relevance to that region. We ruled that region for centuries in equilibrium and tranquillity. I understand your point of view and Turkey has to be sensitive. I didn't want to insult Indians but when I saw rude comments about my country I couldn't hold myself to teach some history
So other than the historical relevance (by which you mean mongol-turkics hundreds of years ago ruled parts of present day India) there is nothing that modern day Republic of Turkey has to offer in the Kashmir issue to the Republic of India, right? Thats precisely why we don't want you as mediators.

It's not just Turkey, it is the same with any other country - in the past we have also said "thanks, but no thanks" to American offers to mediate. We consider Kashmir as our integral part, and we don't want any mediation on it. And militarily we are confident that we can keep it, and prevent our neighbours from stealing it. We will keep doing these useless talks with Pakistan, because that keeps them under the delusion that they are doing something. At the end of the day, we are not going to give up an inch of territory to Pakistan, whether they talk their way into it, or try force as they have done and failed in the past.
I told you. We have historical presence and relevance to that region. We ruled that region for centuries in equilibrium and tranquillity. I understand your point of view and Turkey has to be sensitive. I didn't want to insult Indians but when I saw rude comments about my country I couldn't hold myself to teach some history

Lol an Anatolian talk about their relevance? :lol: when Turkish Invader raided Anatolia, you Anatolians were forced to worship the invaders as your forefather and erased all your native history...LMAO. Only few of real turkish blooded sultans royal family and noble clans control the entire slave Anatolians and make them as Janissary to serve Ottoman empire...you guys are nothing be a laugh stock of 21st century.
So other than the historical relevance (by which you mean mongol-turkics hundreds of years ago ruled parts of present day India) there is nothing that modern day Republic of Turkey has to offer in the Kashmir issue to the Republic of India, right? Thats precisely why we don't want you as mediators.

It's not just Turkey, it is the same with any other country - in the past we have also said "thanks, but no thanks" to American offers to mediate. We consider Kashmir as our integral part, and we don't want any mediation on it. And militarily we are confident that we can keep it, and prevent our neighbours from stealing it. We will keep doing these useless talks with Pakistan, because that keeps them under the delusion that they are doing something. At the end of the day, we are not going to give up an inch of territory to Pakistan, whether they talk their way into it, or try force as they have done and failed in the past.
I see your point but you don't want to see my point. Apart from our historical presence we want to see the region in equilibrium to counter Chinese aggression. Pakistan is important ally for us but I think Turkey will remain unbias otherwise the two groups India and Pakistan won't come to a resolution.

Lol an Anatolian talk about their relevance? :lol: when Turkish Invader raided Anatolia, you Anatolians were forced to worship the invaders as your forefather and erased all your native history...LMAO. Only few of real turkish blooded sultans royal family and noble clans control the entire slave Anatolians and make them as Janissary to serve Ottoman empire...you guys are nothing be a laugh stock of 21st century.
Smoking bonzai again :lol:

That is some scifi **** you wrote there.

We have historical relevance to the region.

No, but I can hire one for you. I also can donate you some toilet paper so you don't have to shake my hand with your brown hand.

Like Russia has/continues historical relevance in your circassian region
We don't need EU. If you compare Turkey to India. Turkey is already there whereas India still lives in 19th century without toilets. We need to help India. Probably Babur Han would turn in his grave if he saw what his lands turned into.

Surely Tsar Alexander and Tsar Nicholas I would be turning in their graves that circassians and caucusians ran away and could not be converted to Christianity and apostasy could not be corrected.

Mughals were the ony ones to unite India. I'm sure we can do it again.

Like how Russia unite your turkic and circassian lands under its iron fist lol.
I see your point but you don't want to see my point. Apart from our historical presence we want to see the region in equilibrium to counter Chinese aggression. Pakistan is important ally for us but I think Turkey will remain unbias otherwise the two groups India and Pakistan won't come to a resolution.
mongols were historically present in most of the eurasia but how mongolia is relevant today??
Smoking bonzai again :lol:

That is some scifi shit you wrote there.

I don't write sc-fic, you Anatolians did, in order to cover your shamefull hisotry defeated under the hand of Turkish invaders so you deny your real ancestors and claim to be descendant of Turks, how much humiliation you want more...LMAO. go look at the mirror before claim to be relevance in front of audience.
I don't write sc-fic, you Anatolians did, in order to cover your shamefull hisotry defeated under the hand of Turkish invaders so you deny your real ancestors and claim to be descendant of Turks, how much humiliation you want more...LMAO. go look at the mirror before claim to be relevance in front of audience.
I don't know what you are talking about. That is like saying. Original Chinese weren't that yellow because they didn't have food and today Chinese are yellow today so you aren't real Chinese. I think you have to rethink your point of view and smoke less Japanese crack. You don't make sorry
Like Russia has/continues historical relevance in your circassian region

Surely Tsar Alexander and Tsar Nicholas I would be turning in their graves that circassians and caucusians ran away and could not be converted to Christianity and apostasy could not be corrected.

Like how Russia unite your turkic and circassian lands under its iron fist lol.
Russia will be fine as long as it bows down to us.

mongols were historically present in most of the eurasia but how mongolia is relevant today??
Moghuls weren't Mongols. Only partially.
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I don't know what you are talking about. That is like saying. Original Chinese weren't that yellow because they didn't have food and today Chinese are yellow today so you aren't real Chinese. I think you have to rethink your point of view and smoke less Japanese crack.

LOL an Anatolian is living in denial, sure you can pretend that you don't know what I'm talking, and it's better this way because your real history is too shamefull and to painfull to be remembered.
I don't know what you are talking about. That is like saying. Original Chinese weren't that yellow because they didn't have food and today Chinese are yellow today so you aren't real Chinese. I think you have to rethink your point of view and smoke less Japanese crack. You don't make sorry

Russia will be fine as long as it bows down to us.

Moghuls weren't Mongols. Only partially.

Bows down to you lol. Well ,the turks and kavkazians bow down to Rus.
LOL an Anatolian is living in denial, sure you can pretend that you don't know what I'm talking, and it's better this way because your real history is too shamefull and to painfull to be remembered.
You are just jealous of our looks when you look to yourself in the mirror and see a bleak stretched face who looks identical to the other 1,5 billion Chinese.

You should be glad with the race you are. No need to be so nazi about genetics.

you can't see the analogy between turks and turkey and mongols and mongolia??

I guess it is beyond you. I'm sorry.

Bows down to you lol. Well ,the turks and kavkazians bow down to Rus.

Russia and Turkey have good relations. Why are you acting so nazi? Do you want us to join EU coalition and lock you up in the black sea? Oh, I almost forgot. You are not Russian but pretending to be one..

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