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Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege

The blame is them they wanted to create a show and they got killed.. look Kizilay send a lots of help througout the world never before occured such event. Why?

You want to help fine go ahead why make show out of it?

why attack soldiers? to help humanity??

fvck off..

'fvck off', Sinan was right, i didn't know you, now i know.
I know what you mean but im talking espacially about Erdogan since i cant talk about others, i tried to explain his hypocracy to hazzy multiple times but he started attacking me like the avarage AKP supporter does normally.

I didn't attack you.
We don't expect more from the turks who betray Islam

Just don't pretend you are heroes like Iran, Syria, Hezbollah or palestinians

We don't expect more from the turks who betray Islam

Just don't pretend you are heroes like Iran, Syria, Hezbollah or palestinians

Humanity is what matters.. And our history speaks for itself nothing can change that.
I don't think that you should expect Palestinians, most of whom live really hard lives, to be influential enough to do anything anywhere else let alone Kashmir thousands upon thousands of km away.

But since you asked. Well, I have seen numerous slogans/graffiti in the streets of Gaza and the West Bank that proclaims support for Chechnya, Kashmir and most other conflicts where Muslims face injustice. That is done by the average Joe. The same average Joe that can be found on this forum and that makes empty slogans. Some undoubtedly genuine but what does it really matter when our countries are only controlled by a tiny, tiny elite?

We do that all the time & we expect better from you guys too; instead of entering into Strategic Partnerships with India as Oman even KSA & others have or would in the future - Grow some spine & some dignity & look past parochial corporate benefit & help us solve the Issue !

After that you can take an Indian Wife & I won't hold that against you !
....over 9 retards...

......Really? Was that necessary? You disrespect lives of turkish civilians just for them protesting the blockade and imagine how you people disrespect the lives of Palestinians you occupy....
Nothing offensive. No country will start war over 9 retards. For example Iran regularly kills Turkish peasants near border and Turkey will never start war over it. I guarantee you.

We defeated Egypt without Western help in 1948 and if u talk about Western help to Israel why dont u talk about huge Soviet help to Arab countries? It was much bigger. What Egypt would do without Soviet tanks and planes to Israel?
I don't believe that Iran has ever intentionally killed any innocent peasants there. They have been definitely bunch of PKK, PJAK supporters and members. Anyway, I don't care about your conflicts with arabs, so I don't want to continue the discussion about it.
Whats offensive about it?
Your comment literally means that all turkish leaders have been bunch of idiots. this is an offensive term. Don't you really get it?
We do that all the time & we expect better from you guys too; instead of entering into Strategic Partnerships with India as Oman even KSA & others have or would in the future - Grow some spine & some dignity & look past parochial corporate benefit & help us solve the Issue !

After that you can take an Indian Wife & I won't hold that against you !

Who are we? I am not a Palestinian nor do I speak for them. KSA does what every other country does. Looks after its own interest first and foremost. Like they should. We have relations with India because it benefits us. Why should I lie to you and claim otherwise? You, Pakistan, have relations with Iran for instance which creates nothing more than trouble in our Arab world. We don't hold that against you because that relation benefits you. Otherwise their would be none.

The Arab world as the entire Muslim world have enough of problems of their own to look after first before they can help and reach out to others.

KSA is already donating tremendous amounts in humanitarian efforts. I believe that only USA is ahead of us. Much of it goes to Pakistan.

PS: Some Indian girls are beautiful but overall I prefer women from my own region (ME) or nearby Southern Europeans. Aside from Latinas many who have Arab origins BTW.;)
You are naive @Hazzy997

Iran is using you to gain influence in the Levant region and only for political reasons. That's also how they use gullible Shia Arabs in Lebanon etc. to fight their wars for them. Look at most Iranian users here. They don't care about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and why should they if they are not even Muslims nor Arabs nor Israelis?

Yes, yet it did not stop Iran from having relations with Israel when they needed it the most….. So much for no ties…They as any other country have some ties with Israel one way or another. Either directly or indirectly.


It's not about supporting or not. Countries are not run as coffee clubs or a place where empty slogans are put into practice most of the time.

Who cares if 10.000 Osman's, Mehmet's or Abdullah's in Turkey support Palestine wholeheartedly when they have no influence at the end of the day. In every country less than 0,3% of the entire population control everything more or less. Like more than 1-2% of all the world rulers truly cared about the people let alone their own…..

If you said everything is run by money and interests then what difference does it make? The point is they do something different.

So everyone else is using everyone else or is this only directed at us?

If I have time I can quote 100 posts with some of the worst insults I have seen on PDF written by you.

Aren't you the one who calls everyone crybaby? And where did I call you idiot? Even if I call you an idiot that's still a trillion times better than the way you insulted me and other members on this forum.

Anyway as you delicately put this "muslim hater" notion on everyone you oppose have a look at what even a small non-muslim country like Sri Lanka did for a nation of incompetent losers like you. Not that we have anything whatsoever to do with Palestine. Most countries including non-muslim whom you hate so much have done at least a little for your country yet you people are incompetent on utilizing this support to build your nation.


Where have I insulted anybody on this thread? I'm a human too, am I not entitled to get emotional? Past is the past, I've never criticized Sri Lanka. I'm not sure what you're going off about.

And yes we've made mistakes and aren't perfect people, just like everyone else. I can also find ways to criticize whomever else ...

This is a political discussion and some people may be offended by other opinions, that's normal. I don't see why you deny my right to discuss politics and make it like a crime that I do so.
If you said everything is run by money and interests then what difference does it make? The point is they do something different.

So everyone else is using everyone else or is this only directed at us?

Yes, the world is run by money. It can only make a real difference when the Muslim world is run by more than a tiny, tiny elite that dictates the policy of all Muslim countries. Then the average Muslim Joe's opinion, which is undoubtedly in favor of Palestine, Kashmir etc. overall, would get an influence.

But once again how can you seriously support this speech knowing that the same Erdogan's Turkey has a booming trade with Israel and thus directly supports the oppression of your people by strengthening Israel?

How can you say that Iran is "the only country in the world that has no relations with Israel" when I just proved you wrong?

Now you are saying that PA does not represent you as an Palestinian. This means that the Palestinians themselves are not fully united. What does this mean? Well this means that there are huge divisions in our own countries even those that should put aside ALL differences for the common good of their country and people in such a situation like the one Palestine is in and has been in since 1947.
Yet we do not see this truly.

That's unfortunately the state of the Muslim world. If you, I and others continue to deny this and make silly excuses we will continue in the same path.
I am not going to be part of this at least anymore. I once was but that ended yesterday.
People stop bullying @Hazzy997 :guns:

Don't worry mate, some people here didn't come to discuss the thread but to express frustration against me.

The Prophet Muhammad was ridiculed, laughed at and , hated on by the vast majority of people, but that's not what mattered to him. What mattered was that he spoke the truth at all costs. And he never lived a life for the critic.
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@KingMamba - You know I actually like Israel a lot - a Nationalistic, Developed & Resilient Nation - A lot of lessons to be learned for us from their example ! :)

But I think @500 doesn't even like me ! :(
I like u a lot :)

......Really? Was that necessary? You disrespect lives of turkish civilians just for them protesting the blockade and imagine how you people disrespect the lives of Palestinians you occupy....
There are million peaceful ways to protest. Those who attack armed soldiers with iron rods and knives are retards.

I don't believe that Iran has ever intentionally killed any innocent peasants there. They have been definitely bunch of PKK, PJAK supporters and members. Anyway, I don't care about your conflicts with arabs, so I don't want to continue the discussion about it.
Even intentionally no one will start war over that.

Your comment literally means that all turkish leaders have been bunch of idiots. this is an offensive term. Don't you really get it?
No, it actually means the opposite.
Who are we? I am not a Palestinian nor do I speak for them. KSA does what every other country does. Looks after its own interest first and foremost. Like they should. We have relations with India because it benefits us. Why should I lie to you and claim otherwise? You, Pakistan, have relations with Iran for instance which creates nothing more than trouble in our Arab world. We don't hold that against you because that relation benefits you. Otherwise their would be none.

The Arab world as the entire Muslim world have enough of problems of their own to look after first before they can help and reach out to others.

KSA is already donating tremendous amounts in humanitarian efforts. I believe that only USA is ahead of us. Much of it goes to Pakistan.

PS: Some Indian girls are beautiful but overall I prefer women from my own region (ME) or nearby Southern Europeans. Aside from Latinas many who have Arab origins BTW.;)

Likewise then you shouldn't hold it against Pakistanis who dislike your government for fueling the Indian economy with investments which then fuels their war machine, I think the relations on a people to people basis should always trump government policies.
Who are we? I am not a Palestinian nor do I speak for them. KSA does what every other country does. Looks after its own interest first and foremost. Like they should. We have relations with India because it benefits us. Why should I lie to you and claim otherwise? You, Pakistan, have relations with Iran for instance which creates nothing more than trouble in our Arab world. We don't hold that against you because that relation benefits you. Otherwise their would be none.

The Arab world as the entire Muslim world have enough of problems of their own to look after first before they can help and reach out to others.

KSA is already donating tremendous amounts in humanitarian efforts. I believe that only USA is ahead of us. Much of it goes to Pakistan.

PS: Some Indian girls are beautiful but overall I prefer women from my own region (ME) or nearby Southern Europeans. Aside from Latinas many who have Arab origins BTW.;)

That parochialism is what I'm talking about !

Why did we sent our boys in the Arab-Israeli Wars & struck up a perpetual enmity with Israel ? The Israelis did nothing to us nor we to them - then why ? Because we cared for the Palestinians enough to risk all of that !

Europeans stick with Europeans - Muslims are busy cutting each other's throats & the Royals, the Presidents & the Generals of Our World are far ahead than anyone in all of that !

And what relations exactly have we struck up with Iran ? We've had Cold Relations with them for the better part of a few decades because of you guys....because we've got Great Relations with you but ever since the Businessman in you has come out & arranged foreign policy accordingly where bonds of Fellowship mean nothing in front of more $$$s - We've started repairing our relations with Iran as well !

God Knows the Proxy War that the two of you have been fighting in our Countries - From Syria to Lebanon to Afghanistan to Pakistan - hasn't really gone unnoticed by the lot of us !
@KingMamba - You know I actually like Israel a lot - a Nationalistic, Developed & Resilient Nation - A lot of lessons to be learned for us from their example ! :)

But I think @500 doesn't even like me ! :(

Actually I have argued for Pakistan to open some type of relations with them, their agricultural expertise is among the best in the world economic cooperation could do wonders for the fertile plains of Punjab. :woot:
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