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Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege

Sunain Butt Sahab, what can I do for you?

(i) Kashmiriyon ko Azad karvaa deiiin ! :kiss3:

(ii) Pakistan-Israel relations ko behtar karvaa deiin ! :)

(iii) Pakistan-Palestine relations ko downgrade karvaa deiiin & by eliminating the Emotional Stupidity of our Nation vested with it ! :agree:
I loose sight of logic ? I - who taught Socrates, Plato & Aristotle the very meaning of the word 'Logic' ? :o:

I look it from a Pakistani perspective, first, second & last ! :)

I do appreciate that Armstrong though I am unable to think the way you do. I find it unreasonable to expect the Palestinians to show their support for Kashmir since they are suffering from a brutal occupation themselves why not ask other Islamic states to do so and why have they not backed up our stance?? They are far better off and don't really give a damn about Kashmiris, though whether they care about even Pakistanis or not is another debate.
So those pilots did so out of free will? Or did Pakistan order them to do so?
Sorry to say this man but before commenting about an issue you should have sound knowledge regarding that matter, you continue to contradict yourself(no offence intended but i read the whole thread which btw also game me a headache)
I do appreciate that Armstrong though I am unable to think the way you do. I find it unreasonable to expect the Palestinians to show their support for Kashmir since they are suffering from a brutal occupation themselves why not ask other Islamic states to do so and why have they not backed up our stance?? They are far better off and don't really give a damn about Kashmiris, though whether they care about even Pakistanis or not is another debate.

I ask the lot of them; the only Nations who've ever been truly sincere to us in anything more than a Transactional Relation are either Predominantly Non Muslim or Secular Nations like Turkiye, China, Sri Lanka etc.

I have a soft spot for the Saudis & the Jordanians too but not of late !

And it is not unreasonable to ask 'Why are you so tongue tied ?' its not as if I'm asking your Ambassador to pick up a G3 & cross over into India !

Did he volunteer to be one of the pilots amongst those Pakistan wanted to send? Or did Pakistan allow him to leave the Pakistani Air Force and make his own personal decision? Your thread still mentions he came to aid of Arabic nations.

Sorry to say this man but before commenting about an issue you should have sound knowledge regarding that matter, you continue to contradict yourself(no offence intended but i read the whole thread which btw also game me a headache)

This off topic issue I'm asking from him and learning from him. I will read what he provides, however he should leave his off topic rant he only goes on against Palestinians elsewhere.
Turkey has booming economic ties with Israel. None Arab country has that.

Eh? I already explained how the Mullah's use you. It's common sense.


I even recall Iranians using Israeli experts in helping Iran fighting their drought and helping their agricultural sector etc. So yes, Iran has relations with Israel despite claims of the opposite.

Well, that's what I mean. Don't expect outsiders to solve your problems when the people are not fully united. Nobody should expect that no matter where they are from. That's my point.

They can support you verbally as 90% of all Muslims do already. Other than that not much. They can't even have any real influence in their own countries yet alone Palestine!

al-hasani, for God's sake stop writing so much nonsense here, there are people out there who are not that stupid to believe these ridiculous claims.

About that wiki link that you have posted on this forum for a million times. Most of those claims in the article are denied by Iran. But even if they are true, I have absolutely no problem with it, because it all happened when you gave the madman, Saddam, $60 billions to fight Iran. Do you have any idea how much that is? Instead of all these whining about conspiracy theories regarding Israeli-Iranian relations, you could give at least a percent of that money to your 'brothers' in Palestine.

while you claim that Iran and Israel have secret relations, there are too many reports about secret deals between Arabs and Israel to team up against Iran. So don't try to play innocent with us, it doesn't suit you.
Did he volunteer to be one of the pilots amongst those Pakistan wanted to send? Or did Pakistan allow him to leave the Pakistani Air Force and make his own personal decision? Your thread still mentions he came to aid of Arabic nations.

Obviously Pakistan never allowed him or others like him to leave the PAF - They were Pakistani Pilots on secondment to Arab Countries who volunteered to fight in the Arab-Israeli War because they like all Pakistanis cared about the Palestinian Issue & the ensuing Arab-Israeli Rivalry, the Govt. obviously permitted him to do so - a little like how the American pilots fought under the British Flag in WW2 before America was officially in the war !

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has received 100 time more attention in the media, Muslim world etc. for those following reasons which I will quickly try to list.

1. Palestine/Israel is the seat of 3 major world regions. The Abrahamic. Which all have ancient ties to the region and holy sites.

2. Palestine is an Arab entity and thus it is branded as an Arab affair. The Arab world is nearly the size of Russia and extends from Mauritania next to the Atlantic Ocean in the West and to Oman near the Arabian Sea in the East. And from Northern Iraq to Sudan and more precisely to the Comoros in the Indian Ocean south of the equator! The Arabs are the second biggest ethnic group in the world after the Han Chinese and have traditionally been the representatives of Islam so to speak. At least outsiders look at us this way and for nearly 1000 years of the 1400 year old Islamic history it was this way. The 3 holiest sites of Islam are also located in Arab lands. Moreover the Arab world is one of the most rich regions in terms of resources so it has a tremendous geopolitical importance to the remaining world, even more so earlier due to the dependency of the world in terms of oil and gas etc.

3. Israel and Jews in general are the most influential people compared to their numbers. The Europeans and Western world have a huge guilt due to the Holocaust and the centuries of Jewish oppression that they took part in. Jews at the other hand have tremendous financial, political etc. importance in the West. Lastly Israel/Palestine is situated in the backyard of Europe. Greece, Cyprus etc. is just to the west. While Kashmir is a land thousands upon thousands of km away from Europe and the West that have controlled and still controls most of the media.

4. Kashmir only concerns a newly founded country (1947) and directly only the Kashmiri people a ethnic group compromising about 6 million people! The region has little geopolitical importance nor any religious importance. The other opponent involved in the conflict is India which is several times bigger than Pakistan and several times more populous. Moreover the region is divided between Muslims and Hindus so putting a religious spin on it is also more difficult.

Those are some of the reasons for the Palestine-Israeli getting much more publicity.

In reality both should get equal treatment. I also agree that Pakistanis did more for Palestine than the other way around.
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(i) Kashmiriyon ko Azad karvaa deiiin ! :kiss3:

Bhai we have tried a lot, Kashmiris always respond to our efforts a decade too late!

(ii) Pakistan-Israel relations ko behtar karvaa deiin ! :)

Not in our lifetime, Musharraf tried to get that done but neither the people of Pakistan nor the people of Israel showed much enthusiasm for the idea of greater Israel-Pak relations.

(iii) Pakistan-Palestine relations ko downgrade karvaa deiiin & by eliminating the Emotional Stupidity of our Nation vested with it ! :agree:

Once again, not in our lifetime. We need to solve the Israeli-Arab crisis for that.
I ask the lot of them; the only Nations who've ever been truly sincere to us in anything more than a Transactional Relation are either Predominantly Non Muslim or Secular Nations like Turkiye, China, Sri Lanka etc.

I have a soft spot for the Saudis & the Jordanians too but not of late !

And it is not unreasonable to ask 'Why are you so tongue tied ?' its not as if I'm asking your Ambassador to pick up a G3 & cross over into India !

Okay so you did have a soft spot for the Saudis and the Jordanians then you must ask them why are they closemouthed and have never shown any support to us as far as Kashmir is concerned. I know what your asking for but i haven't seen other Muslim countries do even the little bit you demand from the Palestinians even though they are not fighting a battle for self determination and are far better off than most countries let alone the Palestinians.
al-hasani, for God's sake stop writing so much nonsense here, there are people out there who are not that stupid to believe these ridiculous claims.

About that wiki link that you have posted on this forum for a million times. Most of those claims in the article are denied by Iran. But even if they are true, I have absolutely no problem with it, because it all happened when you gave the madman, Saddam, $60 billions to fight Iran. Do you have any idea how much that is? Instead of all these whining about conspiracy theories regarding Israeli-Iranian relations, you could give at least a percent of that money to your 'brothers' in Palestine.

while you claim that Iran and Israel have secret relations, there are too many reports about secret deals between Arabs and Israel to team up against Iran. So don't try to play innocent with us, it doesn't suit you.

I am not going to have a discussion with you. You are a Mullah supporter and live in Tehran where your computer etc. are monitored. You don't live in a country where free speech etc. exists. Go protest/conspire against your Mullah rulers and you will end up in prison or worst off get hanged for being "an enemy of God". No matter what you say then your country (Mullah regime more precisely because the commoners like you have little to say) have had ties with Israel. They helped you when you most needed it. That's a fact. Everybody knows it.
But if @Hazzy997 believes in empty slogans, as seen from this news, then I cannot do much. But this will not fool me.
Okay so you did have a soft spot for the Saudis and the Jordanians then you must ask them why are they closemouthed and have never shown any support to us as far as Kashmir is concerned. I know what your asking for but i haven't seen other Muslim countries do even the little bit you demand from the Palestinians even though they are not fighting a battle for self determination are are far better off than most countries let alone the Palestinians.

I demand all of that from the Arabs as well & expect much more of them then I do of Palestinians hence why I want a formulation of domestic & foreign policy that renders inert our idiotic notions of Muslims everywhere being Brothers of one another - Our Muslim Brethren don't care about us...not in the least bit !

All they care about are $$$s or their ethnicities !
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