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Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege

Yeah but whats frustrating is that those countries don't get to face the heat in most cases. They are usually referred to as brothers and supporters as if they had backed us concerning Kashmir. Mahmoud Abbas visits Pakistan and places India and Pakistan on the same plane, as far as their policy goes, and its a betrayal but the same done by the Saudis and God knows how many others goes unnoticed. These are plain double standards :)

Even the Palestinians are referred to our beloved People in Pakistan - We're a stupid Nation...what can I say ? :unsure:

Every Muslim Country in the World including the blasted Afghans become our Brothers by virtue of being Muslims !

LOL. The streets in Denmark are run by Arabs, Turks and others. Nobody dares to touch them. Besides there is more racism towards Eastern Europeans who are accused of stealing the jobs of locals and for being criminals and towards Gypsies than there is towards any Arabs let alone people from the ME. Some are against Islam and thus see the Arabs and other Muslim groups as enemies but they are in the minority.

Many of the richest/most successful businessmen are of Arab origins. Likewise Arab women are doing better off academically than the native Danes!

The men on the other hand are doing much worse than their women and the native Danish males!

Regarding Kashmir:

On the other hand our humanitarian aid, financial support, especially from KSA, extends what they have offered millions times over. I don't ever expect them to repay that nor do I want that to happen. We have more money and it is our obligation as Muslims, humans etc. to help people in need especially long-time allies. It depends what you prefer or what you focuses on.

Likewise Pakistan was stronger militarily back then so. This just shows that there is at least hope and that both our governments who we do not represent directly have helped both people which is a good thing if you ask me.

It helps the pessimist in me.

Thats why I consider Saudi Arabia a friend...a brother, even if I'm not very happy with you guys !
* Only person with IQ bellow 60 will start war with Israel over 9 Darwin award idiots.
* But person with IQ bellow 60 will never come to power in Turkey.

So sorry to disappoint u.

They tried to breach a legal blockade.

If u see 9 Israelis who want to deliver aid to PKK u can shoot them.


Sorry to burst ur bubble:


No developed country recognizes Palestine.
Bs,how can international waters be a breach of a legal blockade,do explain?
Because Pakistan has supported the Arab-Israeli Wars, has struck up an enmity with Israel & refused to recognize Israel because of the Palestinian Cause not because of some frigging Border Issue between Israel & Syria !

Okay, and what relevance does this have to this thread?
Now I understand what your problem is.
I'm not a mullah supporter and I have my own problems with them which are not of your concern, but at least I'm not a dying fan of a single family who is ruling your my country for nearly a century and have changed the name of the country to their tribe. :lol:

And Iran's relation with Israel is not your concern either, go do something about secret meeting of your representatives privately begging Israel and U.S to do something about Iran. I mean that's even more lame. There are hundreds of different reports confirming it.

Yes, you are. Otherwise you would not be defending your Mullah's or spreading deliberate lies not to "lose face" in public. I know that kind of behavior. It's very common in the region. Unlike you I have lived across the world and on 3 continents and have ties to both cultures directly. I know the psyche of our region very well.

Arabia, an ancient name, is still part of the name. That family has actually ruled parts of KSA for 300 years and it helped unite the country which all Saudi Arabians will forever be grateful for. No matter if we agree with everything they do or not. Lastly KSA is doing better on nearly every parameter than Iran be it HDI, economy etc. Lastly I am not living in KSA. And have not for many, many years.

Besides about 50 countries of the world are named after persons.

No, we don't make it a secret that we are against your fake wannabe Arab Mullah's and that we consider them as our enemies. It should not be a secret for you anymore.

But I will counter false claims of "the Mullah regime never having any ties with Israel". Which is simply nonsense.

Anyway @Wholegrain already answered.
Even the Palestinians are referred to our beloved People in Pakistan - We're a stupid Nation...what can I say ? :unsure:

Every Muslim Country in the World including the blasted Afghans become our Brothers by virtue of being Muslims !

You can only hold those responsible who happen to have attained a position of relative advantage and i myself blame them. Calm down your Kashmiri blood is boiling i am sure by now :lol:
Don't lie, you brought the off topic rant directed at me in post 91.

That was in relation to what you were saying to @xenon54 & how I felt about it; no where did I quote you !

I thought you were bold like i am:what::azn:

I just wish I still had my Punching Bag ! :(

It was both good exercise & anger management ! :)
You can only hold those responsible who happen to have attained a position of relative advantage and i myself blame them. Calm down your Kashmiri blood is boiling i am sure by now :lol:

Yes it is ! :mad:

Now go & make me some Lemonade - Quickly.....quickly now ! :)

Now means NOOOOOWWW ! :pissed:
Yes, you are. Otherwise you would not be defending your Mullah's or spreading deliberate lies not to "lose face" in public. I know that kind of behavior. It's very common in the region. Unlike you I have lived across the world and on 3 continents and have ties to both cultures directly. I know the psyche of our region very well.

Arabia, an ancient name, is still part of the name. That family has actually ruled parts of KSA for 300 years and it helped unite the country which all Saudi Arabians will forever be grateful for. No matter if we agree with everything they do or not. Lastly KSA is doing better on nearly every parameter than Iran be it HDI, economy etc. Lastly I am not living in KSA. And have not for many, many years.

Besides about 50 countries of the world are named after persons.

No, we don't make it a secret that we are against your fake wannabe Arab Mullah's and that we consider them as our enemies. It should not be a secret for you anymore.
I'm not defending anyone, just stating facts here. You can call me a mullah supporter, that doesn't bother me in anyway and I really don't care about your judgement on my political views.

As I said earlier, even if my country had relations with Israel in the past to deter Arabs, it's totally fine since they backstabbed Iran many times. But you can't come here saying that we support 'Palestine' blah blah while you have secret dealings with Israel right now.
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