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Turkey PM: No reconciliation with Israel until end of Gaza siege

But once again how can you seriously support this speech knowing that the same Erdogan's Turkey has a booming trade with Israel and thus directly supports the oppression of your people by strengthening Israel?

I'm not against economical relations between them, AKP prevent such things and as it would effect the economy and spark outrage. I'm not sure how that directly supports oppression of our people either. Would you say the same to Egypt, Jordan?

How can you say that Iran is "the only country in the world that has no relations with Israel" when I just proved you wrong?

Where did you prove me wrong?

Now you are saying that PA does not represent you as an Palestinian. This means that the Palestinians themselves are not fully united. What does this mean? Well this mean that there are huge divisions in our own countries even those that should put aside ALL differences for the common good of their country and people in such a situation like the one Palestine is in.
Yet we do not see this.

All people are divide everywhere go including Israel, in Israel they are on the same page regarding the Palestinians but are divided over how to implement their occupation.

Of course we don't live in a good world, it's because we've allowed this new world order to take over us citizens and Gaza is not part of it.
Likewise then you shouldn't hold it against Pakistanis who dislike your government for fueling the Indian economy with investments which then fuels their war machine, I think the relations on a people to people basis should always trump government policies.

I am not. I have repeatedly said that people can say what they want here. What I am against are false accusations and people commenting on issues that they have no clue about. You know what I am referring to and which people.
I have no problem with Pakistanis being against KSA having ties with India. I would react no differently but it works both ways.

Which again leads back to my earlier points.

I have never claimed that KSA is perfect. Some people expect us to be that but they are mistaken. It's not my problem that they are of this opinion. If they knew what they talked about they would be proven wrong like any other person who claims country x or y is "perfect".
That parochialism is what I'm talking about !

Why did we sent our boys in the Arab-Israeli Wars & struck up a perpetual enmity with Israel ? The Israelis did nothing to us nor we to them - then why ? Because we cared for the Palestinians enough to risk all of that !

Europeans stick with Europeans - Muslims are busy cutting each other's throats & the Royals, the Presidents & the Generals of Our World are far ahead than anyone in all of that !

And what relations exactly have we struck up with Iran ? We've had Cold Relations with them for the better part of a few decades because of you guys....because we've got Great Relations with you but ever since the Businessman in you has come out & arranged foreign policy accordingly where bonds of Fellowship mean nothing in front of more $$$s - We've started repairing our relations with Iran as well !

God Knows the Proxy War that the two of you have been fighting in our Countries - From Syria to Lebanon to Afghanistan to Pakistan - hasn't really gone unnoticed by the lot of us !

Saudi people love Pakistanis though so you shouldn't blame them for the policies of their royals. :P

True man and despite that the Israelis kept reaching out in friendly terms up until Musharraf was removed from office.
Because we cared for the Palestinians enough to risk all of that !

Are you sure about this? Can you support that anything? Because I believe it was due to Saudi Pakistani ties.

Either way, Arabs greatly appreciated their effort including Palestinians.[/quote]

The pilots & military trainers in Syria, Jordan & Egypt weren't fighting because of Pakistan-Saudi ties otherwise they would've stayed in Saudi Arabia instead of joining the fight !
I'm not against economical relations between them, AKP prevent such things and as it would effect the economy and spark outrage. I'm not sure how that directly supports oppression of our people either. Would you say the same to Egypt, Jordan?

Where did you prove me wrong?

All people are divide everywhere go including Israel, in Israel they are on the same page regarding the Palestinians but are divided over how to implement their occupation.

Of course we don't live in a good world, it's because we've allowed this new world order to take over us citizens and Gaza is not part of it.

Turkey has booming economic ties with Israel. None Arab country has that.

Eh? I already explained how the Mullah's use you. It's common sense.


I even recall Iranians using Israeli experts in helping Iran fighting their drought and helping their agricultural sector etc. So yes, Iran has relations with Israel despite claims of the opposite.

Well, that's what I mean. Don't expect outsiders to solve your problems when the people are not fully united. Nobody should expect that no matter where they are from. That's my point.

They can support you verbally as 90% of all Muslims do already. Other than that not much. They can't even have any real influence in their own countries yet alone Palestine!
There are million peaceful ways to protest. Those who attack armed soldiers with iron rods and knives are retards.

Because the IDF gave edited footage while not showing the hours before that where they fired bullets from helicopters killing one activist? You came with a hostile approach and they defended theirselves and many had multiple wounds to their heads and on their backs meaning they were killed by execution.
Turkey has booming economic ties with Israel. None Arab country has that.

Eh? I already explained how the Mullah's use you. It's common sense.


I even recall Iraians using Israeli experts in helping Iran with drought etc. So yes, Iran has relations with Israel despite claims of the opposite.

Well, that's what I mean. Don't expect outsider to solve your problems when the people are not fully united. Nobody should expect that no matter where they are from. That's my point.

What do you expect them to do when all nations supported Iraq? They were in a very desperate situation and not all of this is verified. Even Israelis at the time were saying it's better for the war to go on to weaken both nations. The prime minister of Israel said this at the time. He wanted to see Iraq in ruins.

I'm not expecting outsiders to solve our problems, outsiders are hypocrites who aid Israel and prevent us from self determination. They are on offensive against us since day one.
The pilots & military trainers in Syria, Jordan & Egypt weren't fighting because of Pakistan-Saudi ties otherwise they would've stayed in Saudi Arabia instead of joining the fight !

So those pilots did so out of free will? Or did Pakistan order them to do so?
I hope someday Pakistan & Israel have Fraternal Relations with each other & there is peace & prosperity in the region !

There are about 500 Jews left in Pakistan, this conflict needs to be resolved the religious overtones that have surrounded it (Israels own doing btw) has caused many a peoples lives to be ruined.
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