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Turkey: No tolerance for Kurdish entity in Syria

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of course,having a kurdish state,won't hold good for turkey..

perhaps like azerbaijan and iran..

Well we don't have problem with Azerbaijan we even were closer to them than the rest of USSR republics but sadly they started to talk nonsense about great Azerbaijan.
@Neptune, please check olcayto`s link and see 4th comment on that link.. @Blinkx5295 is a falseflagger..Strictly forbidden in PDF

LOL! I'm not a falseflagger.. just because i protect the Kurds suddenly i deserve to be banned? no wonder why this conflict never ends... Btw i'll leave this disgusting Turk dominated forum.. bye bye and don't forget my kebab inferior Turk
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Well we don't have problem with Azerbaijan we even were closer to them than the rest of USSR republics but sadly they started to talk nonsense about great Azerbaijan.
but now u dont have good relations with them??
and who they,the azerbaijanis,iranian azeris or both??
I was just about to ask to run his ID. Thx.

@olcayto good catch. But be patient bro.

Actually İ was quite patient. No swearing, being nice and all.

Wasn't İ a good boy :angel:
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LOL! I'm not a falseflagger.. just because i protect the Kurds suddenly i deserve to be banned? no wonder why this conflict never ends... Btw i'll leave this disgusting Turk dominated forum.. bye bye and don't forget my kebab inferior Turk

Bye :wave:
Hahaha omg you are so ridiculous! thanks for the laugh :) 1, No Sweden doesn't support PKK, especially not an organisation who are on EU-terror list! .. i mean come on! you Turks have fought the " mountain Turks" for almost 30 years without any success :( that's why you have started to accuse the entire world for supporting them.. Btw the third generation Turks doesn't education themselfs her in Sweden, that's why you all have ended up in kebab shops :( same goes with the Kurds.. and ohh i almost forgot, Turkey is supportin Al-Qaida openly in Syria!! so don't accuse my country for supporting the one you call "terrorists"

i was in stockholm few days ago..i only see many sushi places and gypies everywhere:):)i bet you eat soo much sushi:)
Turkey actually committed genocide against them ( Dersim, Zilan, Maras, Sivas and Roboski),
Turkey actually destroyed 5000 Kurdish villages during the 80-90's
Turkey actually banned their language, culture, traditions and even their existence!
Turkey is still closing their TV-channels across the world,
Turkey is still arresting Kurdish families when they are on summer vacation ( outside Turkey )

Turkey is even supporting Al-Qaida in Syria agains the Kurds, witch is targeting civilians and beheading them, just couple of days ago they kidnapped 500 civilians and then later realised 300 in exchange for their leader.. but they still hold 200 Kurdish civilians

The Turkish supported Al-Qaida terrorists are even getting medical treatment after the fight with Kurds,

At the end i want to say i had Kurdish-Turkish conflict many times as subject in school, plus i'm reading about it daily :)

First I thought you was a misinformed being but know I am pretty sure that you are the one of the biggest douche's in this forum.

Turkey actually committed genocide against them ( Dersim, Zilan, Maras, Sivas and Roboski),

FAIL NO 1: Genocide? What is your definition of genocide? If genocide is fighting of rebels, a genocide has occurred almost everywhere.

Turkey actually destroyed 5000 Kurdish villages during the 80-90's

FAIL NO 2: Do you have any clue what you are talking about? Villages where relocated due to insurgency. You want to se what the PKK done to Kurdish village men? Here this is what the PKK scum did;
(check the images your self as they are graphic)

.....and that is the sole reason (along with the fact that pkk members were using civilians a shields), for the relocation of villages. Don't talk shite to me about destroyed villages, because that's what the PKK did literally.

Turkey actually banned their language, culture, traditions and even their existence!
Turkey is still closing their TV-channels across the world,

FAIL NO 3 (my favs). First of all no one is stopping kurds from acting there traditions and culture; the easiest example is Kurdish wedding's; no one is stopping kurds from speaking Kurdish; the street signs in most Kurdish based cities are Kurdish and Turkish

Another fail from you side is the fact that you are saying turkey closed Kurdish tv channels. The state tv TRT, has a all Kurdish channel. When you say in the 'world', stuff change because Turkey has no authority to close down TV stations based in other countries such as Denmark; Denmark banned the Kurdish pro pkk- ROJ tv channel because it was affiliated with a terrorist organisation. So either way your points are invalid.

Turkey is still arresting Kurdish families when they are on summer vacation ( outside Turkey )

I love to see a source, its not that easy to talk from your arsee.

I'm not even going to bother replying to your, non relevant Syrian discussion, considering USA, itself is arming the people you just stated..

My point being is that you are a certified idiot, which is mumble on with basic PKK propaganda on the internet.
i was in stockholm few days ago..i only see many sushi places and gypies everywhere:):)i bet you eat soo much sushi:)

Read the previous posts. He is not a Swede, he is just a false-flagger, terrorist sympatizan.
Turkish supported Al-Nusra terrorists strikes again, postet couple of minutes ago by Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

ISIS blows up houses of Kurds in Tal Abyad

Raqqah province: The SOHR has been informed by several activists in the city of Tal Abyad that the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham has planted explosives and detonated several houses belonging to Kurdish families in the city of Tal Abyad. The ISIS are claiming legitimising the war crime by claiming that the houses belong to people from Liwa' Jabhat al-Akrad or the YPG, or that they found holes that were used to fire weapons, or that bullet shells were found in the house. The SOHR has also been informed that the ISIS has blown up the people's assembly building, which was run by the Kurdish Democratic Society Movement.

These actions of forced displacement, and systematic burning of houses of opposition or fighters' families reminds us only of the Ba'thist regime and its crimes. We at the Syrian Observatory strongly condemn the Islamic state of Iraq and its actions that are categorised as war crimes.

What about PKK scum terrorists? Haven't they performing terror attacks on civilians and neighboring countries?
The link doesn't work for me, what was in it....

I saw it now, and I realised he is that much of retarded to use the same username.

*implied facepalm*
Such thinking may work with a shopkeeper not a president of a country like Turkey. You lost 56 in a suicide attack while you would have lost thousands in a direct attack.
So a nation's honor is slightly different than a man's honor?

We've lost five hundred troops in Cyprus but we didn't let Turkish Cypriots to be oppressed.
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