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Turkey: No tolerance for Kurdish entity in Syria

So a nation's honor is slightly different than a man's honor?
I was saying that a presedent of a country doesn't fall for what a shopkeeper for for.
We've lost five hundred troops in Cyprus but we didn't let Turkish Cypriots to be oppressed.
It doesn't always work like this. If so, Turkey would have sent troops to help it's oppressed brethren in China and middle Asia from Russia. Turkey did the best thing with Bashar.
What does it mean? Why is Blinxs5295 a falseflagger? Can't read Arabic or Turkish.
What does it mean? Why is Blinxs5295 a falseflagger? Can't read Arabic or Turkish.

He says " biji pkk u pyd" praising these organizations in Kurdish.

En iyi Turk olu Turk ( the best Turk is a dead Turk)
Sehitlerinizin mezarligini ****** mongol maymun. (İ'll f**k the graves of your sehit soldiers you mongol monkey.
I was saying that a presedent of a country doesn't fall for what a shopkeeper for for.

It doesn't always work like this. If so, Turkey would have sent troops to help it's oppressed brethren in China and middle Asia from Russia. Turkey did the best thing with Bashar.
I don't like you, did I ever tell you that?
Can you see what Erdogan, Moorsi and their Moslem Brotherhood affiliates had done to the Moslem world lately? Catasthrope!! A big one, indeed!!
I was saying that a presedent of a country doesn't fall for what a shopkeeper for for.

It doesn't always work like this. If so, Turkey would have sent troops to help it's oppressed brethren in China and middle Asia from Russia. Turkey did the best thing with Bashar.

It's not that simple, Blackeagle. Both of those countries have nuclear stockpiles, have very large military budgets, and are permanent seat members on the UN Security Council. If Turkey wants to free them, it has to plan for it with some of that Ottoman creativity, not just charging in there blindly. You should be thankful that your big brother Turkey is willing to protect your country from Iran, given that Turkey has her own territory to protect.
As if you would give a rat for brats!

I don't look for people to like me, otherwise I wouldn't be having tens of members calling me various of names :chilli:

It's not that simple, Blackeagle. Both of those countries have nuclear stockpiles, have very large military budgets, and are permanent seat members on the UN Security Council. If Turkey wants to free them, it has to plan for it with some of that Ottoman creativity, not just charging in there blindly. You should be thankful that your big brother Turkey is willing to protect your country from Iran, given that Turkey has her own territory to protect.

What I was saying is that the middle age time is so over, and you can't do whatever you want just because you think you're strong. You get to play smart in this world.
It is a shame that @Blinkx5295 was chased away like that since the turkish section would be more informative with different opinions into the kurdish question.
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It's not that simple, Blackeagle. Both of those countries have nuclear stockpiles, have very large military budgets, and are permanent seat members on the UN Security Council. If Turkey wants to free them, it has to plan for it with some of that Ottoman creativity, not just charging in there blindly. You should be thankful that your big brother Turkey is willing to protect your country from Iran, given that Turkey has her own territory to protect.
Turkey is protecting Arabs against Iran? What are they? Jews? What are we? Nazis? Who is Turkey? Oscar Schindler?
You got it all wrong mate, you should study more on ME, and Foxnews is not a good point to start.

Turkey’s deputy prime minister says his country supports Syria’s territorial integrity and won’t tolerate the creation of a “de facto” Syrian Kurdish entity on its frontiers.

Speaking to reporters Monday, Bulent Arinc would not spell out what Turkey would do prevent any such entity from coming about but said it would act carefully and in a cool-headed manner.

Authorities here have been concerned over Syrian Kurdish militants’ recent strengthening of power in areas bordering Turkey.

The concerns have been heightened by reports that Kurds in Syria are preparing to form an autonomous region in those areas.

Last week, a Syrian Kurdish group - affiliated with Turkey’s own autonomy-seeking Kurdish rebels - took control of a town on the border with Turkey after fighting radical Islamic groups.


It's acceptable for the Turks to resist Turkish ground from being taken by the Kurds, but it's a step to far to interfere with the creation of a Kurdish homeland outside their borders!
It's acceptable for the Turks to resist Turkish ground from being taken by the Kurds, but it's a step to far to interfere with the creation of a Kurdish homeland outside their borders!

Didn't the Turks prepare for something like this?

I mean they are supporting FSA & Co for some time now against Assad, and a country in civil war is an opportunity for the Kurds, especially now that they started fighting the Jihadis.

Getting involved in this Proxy/Civil war was bound to have repercussions...:hitwall:

Mr Bulent can tolerate or not whatever he wants, there is very little he or Turkey can do in practical terms, besides what they are already doing..

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