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Turkey warns against Kurdish self-rule in Syria

I tend to sympathise with Kurds more than al Qaeda terrorists.

But world is a lot more nuanced than that
And what would you do once PKK starts a civil war in the cities? And what will you do when PKK starts warfare in the cities? We know they are capable of it. Turkey can not even fight the PKK in the mountains. How the hell are they going to cope with them in an all out war situation that would hit cities too? Are you even thinking about the consequences or are you just living in your chauvanist fantasy world?

Airplanes, armor etc. will not work in the mountains. The only way for Turkey to defeat PKK in the mountains is either by dropping a small nuke there or try to take over the mountains with infantry.

Barzani would not start a war with Turkey. Instead he would send Peshmerga heavy weaponry to PKK and further strengthen PKK.

Nothing will happen you will loose big time Turks will win..

Yeah? Im not a CHP voter but who is making peace talk with PKK now?

AKP however ideologies of CHP ulusalci and other leftists are almost the same as pkk.
Iraq has to compensate directly to the many victims of al Anfal campaign and Halabja. Last I heard, the victims were still waiting for compensation. If Iraq does not do that then of course KRG will use it as a political pressure against the central government. The sooner Iraq pays compensation to the individuals the sooner they will stop hearing from KRG.

$384 billion compensation for Halabja ?

That is the full Iraqi budget of 3,5 years that they are asking for, why not cut the 17% and let them collapse since they hate us anyway ?

It’s not like they can force us with the UN like Kuwait war reparations, I know this request won’t be taken seriously anyway it shows the mindset of them towards us.

Your pulling a blind eye to the genocide which Kurds took part of, I guess you know what I mean, since Kurds don’t even acknowledge or pay to that genocide then... no double standards from any Kurd.
.... I dont think you can find even one point where CHP is similar to PKK ideology. CHP are fake leftists. There is nothing leftism over them. They are ultra nationalist in the core. Ultra Nationalists can not be leftists.
$384 billion compensation for Halabja ?

That is the full Iraqi budget of 3,5 years that they are asking for, why not cut the 17% and let them collapse since they hate us anyway ?

It’s not like they can force us with the UN like Kuwait war reparations, I know this request won’t be taken seriously anyway it shows the mindset of them towards us.

Your pulling a blind eye to the genocide which Kurds took part of, I guess you know what I mean, since Kurds don’t even acknowledge or pay to that genocide then... no double standards from any Kurd.

That is why I am saying they should pay to the individuals or else these numbers will be pulled against them. If Iraq pays the individuals tomorrow then KRG can not use the compensation pressure card. It is only fair that Iraq pays to those individuals. They have been waiting 20 years for some sort of compensation.

What genocide are you talking about?
So you say CHP wants to divide Turkey?

I just said same ideology but pkk you have the Kurd factor which make them ofcourse separatist, i see no difference with a kurd that dislike pkk and a turk that dislike chp they are the same people.
That is why I am saying they should pay to the individuals or else these numbers will be pulled against them. If Iraq pays the individuals tomorrow then KRG can not use the compensation pressure card. It is only fair that Iraq pays to those individuals. They have been waiting 20 years for some sort of compensation.
Iraq pays KRG ~20 billion every year, now let KRG pay the victims.

KRG has no pressure card, who do they want to pressure, Iraq can cut the budget share in case of hostility then they have no source of income anymore, Barzani said in an Al Jazeera interview that he would declare war on us than but he doesn’t have that much power anyway.

What genocide are you talking about?
Who’d you think, those Christian guys in Northern Iraq you forgot their name, KRG has not even acknowledged it let alone compensate so we see double standards. If they deny their involvement Iraq can deny it’s involvement in Halabja, it has not been proven anyway, a dirty game I agree but are the Kurds doing something different in this case ?
I just said same ideology but pkk you have the Kurd factor which make them ofcourse separatist, i see no difference with a kurd that dislike pkk and a turk that dislike chp they are the same people.
I dont know what you mean by this but rating people because of their Ideology isnt the right thing (as long as the ideology isnt dangerous).
Iraq pays KRG ~20 billion every year, now let KRG pay the victims.

KRG has no pressure card, who do they want to pressure, Iraq can cut the budget share in case of hostility then they have no source of income anymore, Barzani said in an Al Jazeera interview that he would declare war on us than but he doesn’t have that much power anyway.

Who’d you think, those Christian guys in Northern Iraq you forgot their name, KRG has not even acknowledged it let alone compensate so we see double standards. If they deny their involvement Iraq can deny it’s involvement in Halabja, it has not been proven anyway, a dirty game I agree but are the Kurds doing something different in this case ?

But KRG does not have to pay anything to the victims. That would not count as compensation. There is a difference between compensation and the state budget of a country. They are seperate things. If tomorrow KRG pays them in 17%, it would still the next day say that Iraq has not paid compensation because Iraq actually has not paid compensation. So KRG can keep asking for compensation as long as no compensation is given to the individuals.

Elaborate on those Christian guys. Last I checked, the Christians from Iraq were resettling in KRG and had normal lives.
I dont know what you mean by this but rating people because of their Ideology isnt the right thing (as long as the ideology isnt dangerous).

unfurtionately that's what happens all the time.

I mean conservative turk and the kurd go to same mosque and ulusalci and separatist kurd get educated at same universities aint that right?
unfurtionately that's what happens all the time.

I mean conservative turk and the kurd go to same mosque and ulusalci and separatist kurd get educated at same universities aint that right?
Maybe, but you cant compare ulusalci and separatists these two are different things.
But KRG does not have to pay anything to the victims. That would not count as compensation.
Maybe they do, let’s look at it another way, Kurds had 2 choices. Either side with Iraq and be "jahsh" or go fight a guerilla war in the mountains, they were hiding among civilians and fighting asking for them all to be attacked, you know Israel always uses this propaganda so now we should as well knowing howmuch Kurds love Israel.

We don’t have to pay anything either but we are.

There is a difference between compensation and the state budget of a country.
Not a country, compensation while KRG denies what genocide Kurds did ? as I said, when double standards are met why should we be fair.

They are seperate things. If tomorrow KRG pays them in 17%, it would still the next day say that Iraq has not paid compensation because Iraq actually has not paid compensation.
Kurds have not paid compensation either for the massacres they have done.

So KRG can keep asking for compensation as long as no compensation is given to the individuals.
They can ask but it doesn’t change a lot how often they ask.

Elaborate on those Christian guys. Last I checked, the Christians from Iraq were resettling in KRG and had normal lives.
Assyrians, Kurds have massacred them. The only reason they went to KRG is because of the stability, that region did not face the war of 2003.

But KRG does not have to pay anything to the victims.

Btw before you go further.

The article of 384 billion, it’s a number he pulled out of his ***, there was nothing Kurds had to damage to that extent of a price back in those days even today there is not. It just exposes the money hungry politicians. So where are you getting all this compensation bs from, is this your dream or something, I am arguing the article not your ideas.
Mate calm down, try to use a polite language, otherwise there is no need to discuss. Also, try to not lie. Peshmerga did not hide among the civilians. They were up in the mountains and not in the cities. And yes, Kurds had a third option and that was to take refuge in Iran, Turkey or Syria or even move to Europe which hundreds of thousands did. You are talking as if Saddam absolutely had to use chemical weapons and attack civilians.

Kurds love Israel? I dont know where you get this from. Our Kurdish leader Ocalan was caught by Israel and Israel and Turkey has a close military co operation against PKK. We dont love Israel at all.

I am not telling you to be fair. You can pay or you can refuse. The more you refuse, the more KRG will use it as a political mean. But if you pay compensation tomorrow to the individuals, KRG will have nothing to complain about. I am looking at a solution, you keep asking for problems.

What massacres have Kurds done against Assyrians? Do you know the meaning of a massacre? Do you know the meaning of genocide?
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