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Turkey warns against Kurdish self-rule in Syria

Mate calm down, try to use a polite language, otherwise there is no need to discuss. Also, try to not lie. Peshmerga did not hide among the civilians. They were up in the mountains and not in the cities. And yes, Kurds had a third option and that was to take refuge in Iran, Turkey or Syria or even move to Europe which hundreds of thousands did. You are talking as if Saddam absolutely had to use chemical weapons and attack civilians.

Kurds love Israel? I dont know where you get this from. Our Kurdish leader Ocalan was caught by Israel and Israel and Turkey has a close military co operation against PKK. We dont love Israel at all.

I am not telling you to be fair. You can pay or you can refuse. The more you refuse, the more KRG will use it as a political mean. But if you pay compensation tomorrow to the individuals, KRG will have nothing to complain about. I am looking at a solution, you keep asking for problems.

I am polite & calm and I have not lied, can you back these 3 things up in my post ? Where did I lie or insult ?

Peshmerga used guerilla warfare in the north which is fighting in cities, hiding as civillians when the army comes, part time civilian part time fighter like the Vietcong. Guerilla warfare.

Kurds love Israel yes, lol don't even question that, they hate Arabs so they side with Israel, Barzani himself is sucking up to Israel and America day and night for friendship.

As I told you, your looking to exploit Iraq not a solution, you want to take more cities of Iraq despite Iraq paying you and you want more money, what solution ? we could do much more actually, cutting the budget leads to economic collapse and chaos in KRG what will you do about that ? I am for cutting the budget since Kurdistan is not Iraq as Kurds say, I mean it is fair isn’t it, would you pay Turkey ?

What massacres have Kurds done against Assyrians? Do you know the meaning of a massacre? Do you know the meaning of genocide?

Do you have google ? If so then you can research and educate yourself about it.
I like your hypocrisy denying it.
You are not calm and you are not honest. You keep calling things '' bs'' and you say stuff like '' pulled out his ***''. Try having a civilized discussion.

This is the funniest though. You keep saying Kurds love Israel. I am telling you now, as a Kurd, that I do not love Israel. I dont think its that hard to understand. I dont hate it either. I dont hate Arabs either so that is another lie of yours. I am telling this as a Kurd. If that is not enough then you can keep living on a lie. Not that I care.

We have seen many guerilla warfares in the world. Never was chemical weapons used as Saddam did. It was the easy way out for Iraq back then. They could not handle the guerilla. Majority of the peshmerga were in the mountains. They only rarely came down in the cities. The main battles were not in the cities. They were in the mountains. Both before and after Halabja and al Anfal.7

I am not looking to exploit Iraq. I am telling you a solution that would suit both parts. Pay the individuals their compensation. Create an independant pannel that tries to figure out how much the damages cost and find a way to compensate.

There was no massacre from Kurds in Iraq against Assyrians. If you are talking about the Armenian/Assyrian genocide.
You are not calm and you are not honest. You keep calling things '' bs'' and you say stuff like '' pulled out his ***''. Try having a civilized discussion.

This is the funniest though. You keep saying Kurds love Israel. I am telling you now, as a Kurd, that I do not love Israel. I dont think its that hard to understand. I dont hate it either. I dont hate Arabs either so that is another lie of yours. I am telling this as a Kurd. If that is not enough then you can keep living on a lie. Not that I care.
Ok, have fun : Let me google that for you

We have seen many guerilla warfares in the world. Never was chemical weapons used as Saddam did. It was the easy way out for Iraq back then. They could not handle the guerilla. Majority of the peshmerga were in the mountains. They only rarely came down in the cities. The main battles were not in the cities. They were in the mountains. Both before and after Halabja and al Anfal.

Saddam is gone, the US and EU armed him with ( chemical ) weapons, you can ask them for compensation. After all, the Iraqis never liked him, he was forced on us so why should we pay for his crimes.

I am not looking to exploit Iraq. I am telling you a solution that would suit both parts. Pay the individuals their compensation. Create an independant pannel that tries to figure out how much the damages cost and find a way to compensate.
Not true, don’t be playing that political talk, just say the truth.

There was no massacre from Kurds in Iraq against Assyrians. If you are talking about the Armenian/Assyrian genocide.
Same thing and there has been, just google it isn't hard.
Gele Kurd evindara Israelê nine. Ew ji hemu derewen. Ger berjêngen te hene ji bo ve hezkirîne, di nav meda belav bike u em ê bibinin. Ez ji wek Kurdek ji tera debejim ku, ez Israelê hez nakim, lebelle, dijminatî ye min ber Israelê ji tune.

( Kurdish for; Kurds are not in love with Israel. This is a long told lie. If you have any proof about this love, you can spread the proof here and we can look at it. I am telling you as a Kurd that I do not love nor do I hate Israel.)

Well, someone has to pay compensation. Let an independant committee work it out. Include human rights organisations and find out who has to pay the compensation. This goes for anyone, not just Kurds. The central government has the right to set up such committees with the help of UN and various human rights organisations. I believe there is a reason they have not done it yet and you know that reason very well.
Who is talking about killing civilians? Last I checked, Turkey was accused by ECHR for killing civilians and for extrajudicial killings. I created a topic about it.
So you going to start a war in a city and not kill civilians? Primitive monkey brain

A war in the cities would ruin Turkey economy within weeks.
Not really. Economic center of Turkey is in west. Not in east. There is almost no industry in east part and once PKK disrupts and destroys peoples businesses wrath against PKK will only grow more.

Again, PKK is not present in Syria so how are they going to attack? If we talk about PYD however then I am sure that some countries in the region would not mind giving them heavy weapons to damage Turkey. Especially after Turkey involvement in Syria war.
What if Assad gives passage to PKK?

Also, how many times have you tried invading Qandil with infantry? It is simply not possible. The infantry can enter maybe 5-10 km into Qandil, but the PKK camps are deep inside Qandil. Maybe 30-40 km inside. Turkish infantries would never reach that point. They never have before and they never will.
Infranty, helicopters and UAV/satelite will do the job within couple of months. Because we never tried doesn't mean it is not possible.
384 billon$ / 5 million kurds = 77000 $
İf we consider a household consistşng of 3 children father and mother.
77000*5= 385000$.

Which inbred came up with the 384 billion compensation? What is this. Make the Kurds rich campaign?
Gele Kurd evindara Israelê nine. Ew ji hemu derewen. Ger berjêngen te hene ji bo ve hezkirîne, di nav meda belav bike u em ê bibinin. Ez ji wek Kurdek ji tera debejim ku, ez Israelê hez nakim, lebelle, dijminatî ye min ber Israelê ji tune.

( Kurdish for; Kurds are not in love with Israel. This is a long told lie. If you have any proof about this love, you can spread the proof here and we can look at it. I am telling you as a Kurd that I do not love nor do I hate Israel.)

Massoud Barzani on video said he wants an embassy in Israel, Mustafa Barzani met with Israelis in the 70’s for weapons, we have brains alright, we aren't stupid we know the story, the political talk does not work, theres much more evidence I can bring.

Well, someone has to pay compensation. Let an independant committee work it out. Include human rights organisations and find out who has to pay the compensation. This goes for anyone, not just Kurds. The central government has the right to set up such committees with the help of UN and various human rights organisations. I believe there is a reason they have not done it yet and you know that reason very well.

Yes the oilfields of Basra, that’s 17%, no we already paid enough, btw the Anfal victims have been compensated already. Now go away.
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So you going to start a war in a city and not kill civilians? Primitive monkey brain

Not really. Economic center of Turkey is in west. Not in east. There is almost no industry in east part and once PKK disrupts and destroys peoples businesses wrath against PKK will only grow more.

What if Assad gives passage to PKK?

Infranty, helicopters and UAV/satelite will do the job within couple of months. Because we never tried doesn't mean it is not possible.

Calm down . No need to insult people. Take it easy.

You start a war in the city to battle police, jandarma, soldiers and other security personel. If Turkey starts a massacre against Kurds then obviously there is going to be retiliation. Kurds are not going to lay down like lambs and accept a massacre upon their head. They will resist and retiliate.

Yes, economical centre is in Turkey. And last I checked, a small group of 50 TAK members were able to plant bombs in cities like Istanbul, Antalya, Antep, Izmir, Marmaris and Mersin. How are you going to cope with the thousands of PKK members once they start mendling in the civilian population both in east and west when you have difficulties fighting 50 TAK members who can plant bombs whenver they want? I dont believe you are thinking rationally.

You never tried? That has got to be the biggest jokes. There has been numerous cross border attacks where tens of thousands of soldiers were deployed in the mountain areas. But again, they never penetrated. If you had the chance, you would penetrate the mountains and bomb the PKK bases. But it is very simple; you simply cant. All partys but MHP accept that no military force can cope with PKK.

Massoud Barzani on video said he wants an embassy in Israel, Mustafa Barzani met with Israelis in the 70’s for weapons, we have brains alright, we aren't stupid we know the story, the political talk does not work, theres much more evidence I can bring.

Yes the oilfields of Basra, that’s 17%, no we already paid enough, btw the Anfal victims have been compensated already. Now go away.

You are a funny guy. Just find me one of my posts that is either anti-Arab or pro-Israeli. Happy hunting.
I just said same ideology but pkk you have the Kurd factor which make them ofcourse separatist, i see no difference with a kurd that dislike pkk and a turk that dislike chp they are the same people.
How can they be the same people?
What if the Kurd supports MHP and the Turk the AKP?
What if the Kurd supports AKP and the Turk the MHP?
And many more possiblities dont you think?
How can they be the same people?
What if the Kurd supports MHP and the Turk the AKP?
What if the Kurd supports AKP and the Turk the MHP?
And many more possiblities dont you think?

What if the Turk supports PKK?
You are a funny guy. Just find me one of my posts that is either anti-Arab or pro-Israeli. Happy hunting.

It never was about you here but either Kurds in general or KRG.
It never was about you here but either Kurds in general or KRG.

I can not speak of KRG. KRG do have some relationship with Israel and it is true that they have wanted broader relation with Israel.

But Kurds in general are not anti-Arab nor pro-Israeli.
You start a war in the city to battle police, jandarma, soldiers and other security personel. If Turkey starts a massacre against Kurds then obviously there is going to be retiliation. Kurds are not going to lay down like lambs and accept a massacre upon their head. They will resist and retiliate.
Turkish Armed Forces won't kill Kurdish civilians, only the PKK supporters who start a war in their cities, destroy their businesses and put their families in danger. People will unite if you start a war in their city where their family and friends live.

Yes, economical centre is in Turkey. And last I checked, a small group of 50 TAK members were able to plant bombs in cities like Istanbul, Antalya, Antep, Izmir, Marmaris and Mersin. How are you going to cope with the thousands of PKK members once they start mendling in the civilian population both in east and west when you have difficulties fighting 50 TAK members who can plant bombs whenver they want? I dont believe you are thinking rationally.
You can do this but only once. After that Turkish Armed Forces will hunt down every last member. In addition you can say goodbye to PKK basis in Erbil. Erdogan will use these terrorist attacks like US used 9/11, he will just it as a propaganda to invade Iraq.

You never tried? That has got to be the biggest jokes. There has been numerous cross border attacks where tens of thousands of soldiers were deployed in the mountain areas. But again, they never penetrated. If you had the chance, you would penetrate the mountains and bomb the PKK bases. But it is very simple; you simply cant. All partys but MHP accept that no military force can cope with PKK.

You are a funny guy. Just find me one of my posts that is either anti-Arab or pro-Israeli. Happy hunting.
No military force can cope with PKK? haha, you really made my day, haha. Turkey never conducted a full military operation in North Iraq. Your brain probably doesn't render what will happen if 50-100 000 Turkish Soldiers cross over to Iraq and start blasting out every cave there. You have no defence. Your only defence would be to give up or be blasted in one of those caves. On what do you base North Iraq can't be cleared?
And what would you do once PKK starts a civil war in the cities? And what will you do when PKK starts warfare in the cities? We know they are capable of it. Turkey can not even fight the PKK in the mountains. How the hell are they going to cope with them in an all out war situation that would hit cities too? Are you even thinking about the consequences or are you just living in your chauvanist fantasy world?

Airplanes, armor etc. will not work in the mountains. The only way for Turkey to defeat PKK in the mountains is either by dropping a small nuke there or try to take over the mountains with infantry.

Barzani would not start a war with Turkey. Instead he would send Peshmerga heavy weaponry to PKK and further strengthen PKK.

You are seriously, over-estimating PKK. PKK is only good at hit&run tactics, blowing IEDs from a distance.

In June 2012 PKK tried to make a "front war " in Şemdinli and they utterly get destroyed.

I wonder what is your perception of heavy weaponry ?? Tanks, Artillery will be easily spotted and destroyed by Tuaf, that would be a bad decision for PKK. :)
You are seriously, over-estimating PKK. PKK is only good at hit&run tactics, blowing IEDs from a distance.

In June 2012 PKK tried to make a "front war " in Şemdinli and they utterly get destroyed.

I wonder what is your perception of heavy weaponry ?? Tanks, Artillery will be easily spotted and destroyed by Tuaf, that would be a bad decision for PKK. :)

Yeah, utterly destroyed according to Turkish propaganda media. If you looked at neutral medias, PKK managed to take over and hold big parts of Hakkari for two weeks. I can send you videos and pictures of PKK members making routine walks down amongst the people there. No soldiers or police to be spotted. The front war was a success and Erdogan quickly realised this. Why do you think it only took MIT and AKP two months after the Hakkari clashes to go and see Ocalan?

What are you going to do if PKK comes down into Kurdish and Turkish cities? You cant even cope with 50 TAK members ( I dont support them btw), how are you going to cope with the thousands of PKK members in the cities all over the country? Are you going to bomb your own cities with F16 and artillery shells?
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