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Turkey new entrant to FATF Grey List

Think of a country that is not Muslim ruling. I mean, when it comes to strategical games and geopolitics, you have to look at it from every angle.

Its so easy to bend over the Kings, dictators and autocratic rulers of the Muslim world reason being having no roots in their population and not seeing any hardships makes such a difference to a person character. When you earn your wings and go through the grind that gives you the spine which these rulers haven't got.

The rulers which do have roots in their population are either taken out prematurely or end up growing their head big too soon and fall the way side. Erdogan had the potential but he couldn't control himself and took punga with the West too soon and now West is peeling him off like an onion layer by layer. Thought he could have learned from the Saddam experience next door.

One don't have to follow the West just avoid confronting them for the time being. West is behaving like a Wolf pack until we have our own alliances confrontation is not an option. We need rulers like Singapore Lee who kept their head down for 20 years and made the difference to his country until Island grew out of the West hold, China did the same. UN,IMF, FATF, and human rights organisations are their weapons of choice and they are using them to tame the countries without firing a shot.
Its a mistake to side with China.

No other country has helped China as much as Pakistan yet we have to go to west for loans and help NEVER China. We don't even get any military tech.

Turkey should learn from Pakistan's mistakes.

Such a sad news, i really like Turkey but it seems they are going down a bad path like other Muslim countries too

Have occurred to you why we are taking loans as our own money is parked in other countries. Why not catch the corrupts and force them to return the dosh. The day country rulers decide to chop off those corrupt little toes money will be back but elite is in it too so its never going to happen. We rather beg and borrow but refuse to take any action and listen to their speeches with back ground music. Mujja quuuuuuuue Nikkla. S*B.
Dost bhi saath fail ho tau phir apnay fail honay ki tension nai hoti.. Erdogan bro.
Your source is FETO ?

And Greece is progressing day and night? 😂 Greece is a hell hole that everyone is leaving!
There sure is corruption here,but not like in the late '90s and early 2000s! That was when the big money was "eaten".

I only mentioned all that because some people here think that there's no corruption in Turkey and everything is great.

ahwalnews is belong to FETO

others are anti-Erdogan losers which are belong to zionist media

FETO and their lies
So, Pak has lost 1 vote out of minimum 3 required to save her from being blacklisted. I think China and Malaysia were other ones. Can't do anything to China, and Malaysia is an ally in South China Sea.
There sure is corruption here,but not like in the late '90s and early 2000s! That was when the big money was "eaten".

I only mentioned all that because some people here think that there's no corruption in Turkey and everything is great.

Corruption is everywhere. Erdogan is doing just fine. Clearly many people do not like that he is a strong muslim leader. Hence the attempts to overthrow him. And hence the attempts to fuel conflict in the country. This happens with every Islamic country where there is a slightest of independent thinking strong leader. And muslims are fed up of that propaganda.
Corruption is everywhere. Erdogan is doing just fine. Clearly many people do not like that he is a strong muslim leader. Hence the attempts to overthrow him. And hence the attempts to fuel conflict in the country. This happens with every Islamic country where there is a slightest of independent thinking strong leader. And muslims are fed up of that propaganda.
So you didn't like Kemalist Turkey?
So you didn't like Kemalist Turkey?
Kemalists are pro-EU , Pro-Europe, and west. And yet, not even the EU likes them.. It was the Kemalists that pushed to join EU... but the EU said no lol.
So yeah, no one likes Kemalists, but they're necessary evil to have, so all can see what kind of enemies we're dealing with.
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