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Turkey new entrant to FATF Grey List

Awww you must have such a pitiful life, taking joy from such things. But hey, I get it. Being a military fan and watching your men getting smashed twice in two years does need an outlet, hence your comments here. What the hell does 'green' mean, you mean Muslim sanghi?

You are quoting some feelings that only shows here on this occasion otherwise, you wouldn't hear them at all after beatings in Afghanistan or be it Laddakh or Arunachal Pradesh.

That must be hurting since world has started to see the real Hindutva.
You are quoting some feelings that only shows here on this occasion otherwise, you wouldn't hear them at all after beatings in Afghanistan or be it Laddakh or Arunachal Pradesh.

That must be hurting since world has started to see the real Hindutva.
How is that China's perceived victories become those of Pakistan when it comes to India? lol.

India is 1/6th of the world. World can do jack if India does become Hindu Rashtra. And the world can see through duplicity, hence Pakistan is in grey list and not India.
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How is that China's perceived victories become those of Pakistan when it comes to Pakistan?

India is 1/6th of the world. World can do jack if India does become Hindu Rashtra. The world can see through duplicity, hence Pakistan is in grey list and not India.

Your time is ticking sanghi, another Muslim invasion of India is coming soon near you.
Well done for doing so.

Hopefully they completely leave western block.
they won't. the fact is that Turkey is america's life line as far as the black sea is concerned. end of the day, they can't fully piss off Turkey cuz that would spell Russia's dominance on the shores of ukraine and georgia.
Seriously, this is rich coming from people who converted to invaders religion and somehow think they were the invaders. You were the lay down and bend over types not us. Lol. Shuu Joker.

We accepted Islam with open arms and then turned around and ruled you Hindus many times over. Sometimes I wonder if the rulers of that time would've just gotten rid of some people we wouldn't be having problems these days.

No worries next time won't repeat the same mistakes!
Welcome to 50 shades of gray club Turkey! :D
Clearly this is India's defeat that Pakistan couldn't be blacklisted. I'm sure India must have tried hard. This clearly proves that Pakistan has better, strong and influential foreign policy.
Seriously, this is rich coming from people who converted to invaders religion and somehow think they were the invaders. You were the lay down and bend over types not us. Lol. Shuu Joker.
You made a bend over type your president not to forget that those bendover types sat in Delhi for decades while your sourmas did nothing. While we are at it, share your genome map explain why you have Iranian genes inside you.
Lol millions of pajeets exited to see pak remained in grey list ,but dont know how this will effect 13th day of poonch encounter ? :rofl:
Clearly this is India's defeat that Pakistan couldn't be blacklisted. I'm sure India must have tried hard. This clearly proves that Pakistan has better, strong and influential foreign policy.
Leaving aside the sarcasm, this was your end goal....was it not? In fact your leaders and media use to brag everytime before a FATF meeting that this time Pakistan will get black listed. Grey list is fine, we are not coming out of it and we know that already, not because we are not complying, in fact we are complying on more points than many countries in the white list but the western butt hurt is very evident. But this is the extent you and they can go. So keep enjoying this puny victory while it changes nothing for us or the ground reality.
How is that China's perceived victories become those of Pakistan when it comes to India? lol.

India is 1/6th of the world. World can do jack if India does become Hindu Rashtra. And the world can see through duplicity, hence Pakistan is in grey list and not India.
Keep telling yourself this..meanwhile open defacation is all you have perfected and the world can't do jack even after 1000s of years of trying g to educate you.
How is that China's perceived victories become those of Pakistan when it comes to India? lol.

India is 1/6th of the world. World can do jack if India does become Hindu Rashtra. And the world can see through duplicity, hence Pakistan is in grey list and not India.

hahhahaha... who said anything about China's victory becomes Pakistan achievement.... in-fact, the hurt in Afghanistan alone is good enough for kingdom to come. Speaking of Hindu Rashtra; do you think no one is reading you closely in this regard. It is just matter of time when it comes for Pakistan to get on top of the game in-case of India (Read Operation Swift Retort). Let me surprise you once here..... I am going to create a thread which will speak everything about the preparation of that Hindu only State of India.

Speaking of doing jack shit.... let me remind you once again... Pakistan didn't care of grey list when it comes to beat India black & blue... be it 27th February or Afghanistan. What India could do in this regard? whining, some media propaganda & to of all; a bollywood movie. :lol:
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