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Turkey new entrant to FATF Grey List

hahhahaha... who said anything about China's victory becomes Pakistan achievement.... in-fact, the hurt in Afghanistan alone is good enough for kingdom to come. Speaking of Hindu Rashtra; do you think no one is reading you closely in this regard. It is just matter of time when it comes for Pakistan to get on top of the game in-case of India (Read Operation Swift Retort). Let me surprise you once here..... I am going to create a thread which will speak everything about the preparation of that Hindu only State of India.

Speaking of doing jack shit.... let me remind you once again... Pakistan didn't care of grey list when it comes to beat India black & blue... be it 27th February or Afghanistan. What India could do in this regard? whining, some media propaganda & to of all; a bollywood movie. :lol:
Lol. You had ban me and made this comment.

PS: I don't hate Islam but stupidity in the name of it. If you had gone through what the other person said then I am justified for what I said. But alas who cares.

28th Feb and your army chief legs as stated by your then speaker of the house. Enough said.
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FATF is a political tool to punish countries that don't follow Western line.

FATF has no sanctioning powers, and maintains a set of uniform standards for accounting financial transactions for countries that choose to participate in the global financial system. Any country can choose not to participate in meeting these standards. What seems to be the problem here?
Why is Turkey in grey list?
well, i know its not for managing ISIS For NATO.
fatf is fast killing its own credibility. they have proven themselves to be a political tool of western anglo-saxon manipulation rather than a technical forum. no one takes them seriously anymore.
I get what you're saying yo, cuz you're sharp about stuff like this, but isnt this a liiiil bit of a different issue? i'm basically saying that SOMETHING not legal put Turkey on this list....
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