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Turkey new entrant to FATF Grey List

Turkey criticized India on Kashmir.

Yup, that is how Supa Puwa decided to punish the Turks. Maybe Supa Puwa isn't happy with the Turks for ruling them for 800 Years.
With more influential countries in the Greylist, this FATF is getting weaker and weaker. No worries, an alternative will be there very soon.
Its a mistake to side with China.

No other country has helped China as much as Pakistan yet we have to go to west for loans and help NEVER China. We don't even get any military tech.

Turkey should learn from Pakistan's mistakes.

Such a sad news, i really like Turkey but it seems they are going down a bad path like other Muslim countries too
Turkey criticized India on Kashmir.
Yup, that is how Supa Puwa decided to punish the Turks. Maybe Supa Puwa isn't happy with the Turks for ruling them for 800 Years.
With more influential countries in the Greylist, this FATF is getting weaker and weaker. No worries, an alternative will be there very soon.

Or, possibly, it’s an indication that Turkey, like Pakistan, has few allies in this world.
This is a god sent opportunity for Turkey to join SCO. I am sure Turkey will use this to her full advantage.

Turkey is also dealing with certain realities. As long as any country relies on the capitalist system it has no room to maneuver. As long as any country decides to participate in capitalism, they are bound by the rules imposed through its creators. Capitalism is fully controlled and owned by those that introduced the system to the world. They created and designed the rules in such a way that countries outside the system can never benefit nor prosper. China has been a major exception because the Western world couldn't live without their cheap and efficient labor. There is only one way to prosper by being part of capitalism. You must follow dictation from its creators. You must compromise on your own interests. You might have the privilege of enjoying some economic benefit in the process. The other choice is to remain in limbo.

Turkey will continue to remain in all camps even despite sanction threats, economic blackmail etc. Pakistan is no different. These countries have little choice because there is no alternative unless major powers like China and others provide an alternative.
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we have to go to west for loans
Wrong. You goto IMF for loans, not the west, note the stark difference. Though you may say IMF is kidnapped by the west, but working as a platform IMF's monies come from many member countries including China which is a significant contributor.
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Wrong. You goto IMF for loans, not the west, note the stark difference. Though you may say IMF is kidnapped by the west, but IMF's monies come from many member countries including China which is significant contributor.

He also claims China doesn't provide any military equipment to Pakistan.
what a way to thank turkey there NATO’s largest Cold War frontline state!

Its all Western game of using someone and then disposing off like a condom if someone doesn't toe their line. West is after Turkey as they feel Turkey is showing too much independence hence need to be tamed.

Those who opposed the western style enforced democracy and deny them any influence; are mostly in grey list. In short, bow down to NATO and their lackeys and enjoy white list status.

UAE comes to mind doesn't it, how they were threatened and made to sign Abraham accord which they dually obliged.
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I appreciate your efforts to correct. Now I am happy with that you have de-hyphenated both words.
I hate green that is personal choice of mine.

Disliking green now that is a contradiction. Thought cow dung is of dark green colour, which for some Indians is there pride and joy and can't have enough dips.
He also claims China doesn't provide any military equipment to Pakistan.
Well it's upto individual to believe what he/she wants to believe.

About borrowing it's common sense that you borrow from someone who holds net asset, i.e. he is a creditor, not a debtor who has net liability. Another myth is people always confuse "high-income" with creditor status, in fact that's two different things. "High-income" may in fact mean "high-spending" (the picture is more complicated if you take current exchange rate into account.), perhaps he has nothing left for you to borrow, that's why you may see so-called "high-income" guys live on borrowings, one famous example is world's sole superpower.

The largest creditor nation (measured in net int'l position) is Japan, next in line are Germany, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Norway, KSA, Singapore, Switzerland, South Korea. Other than oil-rich Norway and KSA, they are typically in advanced manufacturing/services, major exporter, relatively low domestic spending, high savings rate.

Since Germany focus on lending to a list of Euro zone debtors, so even if one insists "borrowing from the west", you have to goto a handful of specific countries, cos many others live on borrowings themselves.
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UAE comes to mind doesn't it, how they were threatened and made to sign

Think of a country that is not Muslim ruling. I mean, when it comes to strategical games and geopolitics, you have to look at it from every angle.
Yes it did, but don't for a minute think that India has any say/contribution in Turkey's demotion to FATF grey listing.

How do you know?

One can argue how much of a contribution India had in the decision but one cannot argue it had no contribution whatsoever. India is not without influence on the world stage.
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