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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

How is Palestine better, when you are constantly bombed, tracked, your land is occupied for building settlements, and you are killed for drinking coca-cola?
The range of the Turkish F-16s is 2000 miles and the distance from Turkey to israel is not more than 500 hundred miles. That should take care of my 'weak argument'.

Bookish and naive talk my dear poster. This is precisely the childish stuff that got Egypt / Syria in trouble over and over and over and over again.

Having a weapon like F-16 is one thing. However it is altogether different when it comes to using such weapons against one of the best trained Air Force and Navy in the region. As usual you are following Islamists dimwit approach and gravely underestimating your adversary.

Sending F-16 over Israel is not a matter of range, or miles. It is a matter of defeating the air defenses and counter measures by Israel.

Israeli army like any modern army in the world may look a bit clueless against urban-guerrilla warfare, but believe you me, it can face off a regular army in the region.

Sure Turks can beat Arabs' pathetic armies such as Syrians, Lebanese, etc any day of the week, but Turkey muscling through to Israel is totally different.

So be careful of what you ask for, you may get it and then you may be crying for Nani Ammah's help.

I doubt Israel is going to take any actions against Turkish Navy if they escort the Aid ships to Gaza. Just goes to show how foolish those remarks about Israel's artificial courage and "pro-active" stance and getting tough on those who violate Israel. Israel is "pro-active" because it knows it can get away with it, fighting weak armed factions incapable of posing a military threat to Israel.

The same cannot be said for the Turkish Navy.

After skirmishes the US will certainly broker a ceasefire, but things most probably will never be the same again for the Turkish-israeli alliance. So, how could that be a successful israeli defence?

You answered my question. Lets see how Israel gives a damn about turkish relations when this thing blows out of control.
I doubt Israel is going to take any actions against Turkish Navy.....

As usual my dear poster, your "Iman" aka faith is hinged upon the "best case scenario" from Islamists point of view.

However the military history teaches us to be ready for the "worst" possible outcome even worse than what you can normally think off.

Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians have lived for 60+ years while planning for the "best case scenario", so your line of thinking is not new.

What if Israeli gun boats sink the aid ship, What will Turkish navy do? try to sink the Israeli ships? What if they are then attacked by Israeli Air Force? Who will they call for? Turkish air force?

Have you thought about escalation? or just dreaming while taking a nap on a heap of sand?

500, a Palestinian boy was killed for drinking coca - cola in January, by an Israeli infantry fire.
500, a Palestinian boy was killed for drinking coca - cola in January, by an Israeli infantry fire.
I`m sure once the Israeli soldiers saw this "child" with a coca cola, they immediately called the Air Force.
It is known we like Fanta here.
On a serious note, Turkish PM backtracked again and decided he won`t be visiting Gaza.
Bookish and naive talk my dear poster. This is precisely the childish stuff that got Egypt / Syria in trouble over and over and over and over again.

Having a weapon like F-16 is one thing. However it is altogether different when it comes to using such weapons against one of the best trained Air Force and Navy in the region. As usual you are following Islamists dimwit approach and gravely underestimating your adversary.

Sending F-16 over Israel is not a matter of range, or miles. It is a matter of defeating the air defenses and counter measures by Israel.

Israeli army like any modern army in the world may look a bit clueless against urban-guerrilla warfare, but believe you me, it can face off a regular army in the region.

Sure Turks can beat Arabs' pathetic armies such as Syrians, Lebanese, etc any day of the week, but Turkey muscling through to Israel is totally different.

So be careful of what you ask for, you may get it and then you may be crying for Nani Ammah's help.


Israel's invincibility is a myth. Israel has gained the invincible impression by fighting against the poorly equipped and poorly trained Arab armies led by despots. If hostility breaks out between Turkey and israel, for the first time in the post second world war middle east, it will be a conflict between two equals, this is how wise people see it. So, the israelis should be careful of what they ask for, this time around they might not be so lucky!

Israel's invincibility is a myth. Israel has gained the invincible impression by fighting against the poorly equipped and poorly trained Arab armies led by despots. If hostility breaks out between Turkey and israel, for the first time in the post second world war middle east, it will be a conflict between two equals, this is how wise people see it. So, the israelis should be careful of what they ask for, this time around they might not be so lucky!

What art tho smokin' my dear poster?

Israel is not the one threatening Turkey. Israel is not saying it will send its navy into Turkish waters? Is it?

So why on earth you say " israelis should be careful of what they ask for".

Perhaps you are in need to a logic 101 course or something.

p.s. No army in this world is "invincible". However certain armies are better trained to fend off attackers while primitive tribal armies of Egyptians / Syrians cannot hold at their own. That's all. No need to make gods and devils out of ordinary mortals.
What art tho smokin' my dear poster?

Israel is not the one threatening Turkey. Israel is not saying it will send its navy into Turkish waters? Is it?

So why on earth you say " israelis should be careful of what they ask for".

Perhaps you are in need to a logic 101 course or something.

p.s. No army in this world is "invincible". However certain armies are better trained to fend off attackers while primitive tribal armies of Egyptians / Syrians cannot hold at their own. That's all. No need to make gods and devils out of ordinary mortals.

You need to learn to distinguish between facts and fictions. Israelis did not cross into Turkey, they just raided a Turkish aid vessel in international water. You're too immature to realise the implication of such blatant violation of Turkish sovereignty. BTW are you one of those Pakistani buddies of Mr. Raymond Davies?

You need to learn to distinguish between facts and fictions. Israelis did not cross into Turkey, they just raided a Turkish aid vessel in international water. You're too immature to realise the implication of such blatant violation of Turkish sovereignty. BTW are you one of those Pakistani buddies of Mr. Raymond Davies?

LoL First see what he is saying, you just declare him a traitor. Everyone here knows about the international water; He just said you can't fight with Israel due to there superior technology and he is not taking the side of Israel. You are one here who talking with immature and emotional misadventure idea.

You need to learn to distinguish between facts and fictions. Israelis did not cross into Turkey, they just raided a Turkish aid vessel in international water. You're too immature to realise the implication of such blatant violation of Turkish sovereignty. BTW are you one of those Pakistani buddies of Mr. Raymond Davies?

He wants to play the smart-a$$ role while kissing Israeli butt. Nothing new.
You have NO ARGUMENTS except mouthing off politically-correct 'peace' vibes while all the while conveniently ignoring that the root cause of the problem is Israel's settlement building which are slowly, but surely, killing off any viable Pal state in future and subjecting the Pals to an eternity of being cheap, subjugated labor for Israelis.
I am not supportive of the Erdogan move at all--I think we -may be- getting close to some kind of agreement of a Pal state--even Netanyahu 'supports' it now. But, of course, as I said, 'the devil is in the details'.
A Bantustan which Pals don't even have E. Jerusalem is unacceptable to the vast majority of the world--not just 'Islamists' you keep parroting like a Fox News troll. And that's why--despite INTENSE AMERICAN PRESSURE--at least 130 of the UNGA is supposed to vote for a Pal state.
.... root cause of the problem is Israel's settlement building ....

Only a completely non-violent approach is the way for solving long term Palestinian-Israel issue.

And my dear poster I am glad you agree that Islamists from Turkey are not helping the matter, in fact making it worse.

Settlements are bad for Palestinians. Hopefully one day there will be a peaceful land swap. May be it will bantustan or may be a viable state. Who knows? But lobbing rockets and throwing rocks or sending a flotilla to Gaza is not going to stop the settlements. Or perhaps you think otherwise.


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