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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

I have very little knowledge about the Flotilla incident ,confrontation of these 2 regional powers will be nothing more than a pissing contest . Israel should just normalize ties.
Trukey has every right to protect its citizens from suffering the same fate as the 9 executed Turkish humanitarian workers in the Mavi Marmara.....

There is a much better and cheaper method to protect Turkish citizens in this affair.

Send the humanitarian supplies to Egypt or Israel. Both of these passages are safer and non-violent and they both will help Gazans in need.

Picking fights with the Israeli army while calling it a "humanitarian" mission is devious at best.

So what? I think China should support the two-state solutions all the times and I have never changed my position. I support the two-state solutions as well.

However, that is nothing to do with hatred against those terrorists. BTW, the new palestinian state will be in no way controlled by hamas, which is a terrorist organization so far.

Hahaha bad news for you right? That China recognized the Palestinian state, despite the strong opposition of Israel?

China announces support for Palestinian UN statehood bid - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Second, China is the largest buyer of IRANIAN OIL. China has also helped Iran with their missile program, despite the crying of Israelis such as yourself.

Iran's link to China includes missiles - Washington Times
I would like you to really to have a try on Israel. Let's see how the mighty turkey destroy Israel or its blinded airplanes get shot down by IAF like falling birds.

Do not just chant here. Go ahead and do it. Sending your ships and see what will happen. Let's see who the heck is the first one chickening out: turkey or Israel. :)

It looks like all the serious members agrees that in a war with Israel, strong Turkey will just destroy them easily. All those, israel supporters were falseflags pretending to be Chinese or Pakistani shame on them.. those falseflaggers appears to be more fanatic pro-Israel then the Israelis themselves. what a joke
So what? I think China should support the two-state solutions all the times and I have never changed my position. I support the two-state solutions as well.

However, that is nothing to do with hatred against those terrorists. BTW, the new palestinian state will be in no way controlled by hamas, which is a terrorist organization so far.
Do you know that HAMAS is the legitimate representative of palestinian people? Hamas won in the 2006 elections held in Palestine for your kind information. This is DEMOCRACY, which West loves to preach about.

But because HAMAS opposes Israeli policies, it is a terrorist organization? :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------

I would like you to really to have a try on Israel. Let's see how the mighty turkey destroy Israel or its blinded airplanes get shot down by IAF like falling birds.

Do not just chant here. Go ahead and do it. Sending your ships and see what will happen. Let's see who the heck is the first one chickening out: turkey or Israel. :)
What happened in the past does not proves that same would happen in the future.

As an example; US fought two wars against Iraq. The recent one has been far more costly to US in terms of casualties and loss of military hardware. And Iraq was much weaker in the recent conflict. The only difference this time was EXPERIENCE.

Also, consider the debacle of recent Isreali military action against 'insignificant' Hezbollah, which achieved nothing concrete.

And Turkey is a very strong nation. No need to underestimate its military capabilities. Turkey is recognized as one of the most powerful NATO member states. It possessed the guts to refuse US military forces to use its territory to attack Iraq from North. Do not underestimate its guts either.
Do you that HAMAS is the legitimate representative of palestinian people? Hamas won in the 2006 elections.

What happened in the past does not proves that same would happen in the future.

As an example; US fought two wars against Iraq. The recent one has been far more costly to US in terms of casualties and loss of military hardware. And Iraq was much weaker in the recent conflict. The only difference this time was EXPERIENCE.

And Turkey is a very strong nation. No need to underestimate its military capabilities. Turkey is recognized as one of the most powerful NATO member state.
But because HAMAS opposes Israeli policies, it is a terrorist organization? :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------
Because their charter says that destroying Israel is their goal, something about Jews being monkeys and pigs.

Chinese-Dragon, what happened to neutrality? Tipped to the "Israel is evil* rhetoric i see, oh well... Shame.

Really, i don`t think Turkey will do anything besides possibly sending their Navy to escort any future ships to Ashdod(Forced to go to Ashdod and then head back to Turkey) and them claim "We have defied the Jews!!! High-Five!"
Because their charter says that destroying Israel is their goal, something about Jews being monkeys and pigs.
I was expecting this kind of response. The difference between your situation and that of palestinians is that Uncle Sam caters to every move and demand of yours. The Isreal wants everything to happen its way. No concessions and ifs and buts. Every resolution passed against Isreal in UN gets Veto'ed by US. This unfair treatment gave rise to radicalism in palestine because palestinians understand that they cannot expect anything favorable or good from Uncle Sam. End of story.
I was expecting this kind of response. The difference between your situation and that of palestinians is that Uncle Sam caters to every move and demand of yours. The Isreal wants everything to happen its way. No concessions and ifs and buts. Every resolution passed against Isreal in UN gets Veto'ed by US. This unfair treatment gave rise to radicalism in palestine because palestinians understand that they cannot expect anything favorable or good from Uncle Sam. End of story.
Oh so having Britain, France, Russia and China and nearly 85% of all world countries voting in constant favor for the Palestinians and against Israel is a unfair?

How dare Israel have 5 friends amongst hundreds who are in favor of Palestinians.

Trust me, they are not Palestinian friends because they care what happens to these lovely people, it is for one reason and one reason only, natural resources(Oil and Gas).
If Israel had the amount of natural resources that Arab and Muslim nations have, there would be no conflict between Israel and Arabs, there would be no one who knew what "Arabs" were.
The whole Arab world would be one big Somalia, out of mind out of sight.
Size of the military is one thing. Quality, Tactics, Information, and Experience are also important ingredients.

Turkey is among the quality sides.

I just posted that thread to show the juvenile mentality of Redbeard

I have no opinions about Turkey vs India military strength ,since its pointless to compare.
Trukey has every right to protect its citizens from suffering the same fate as the 9 executed Turkish humanitarian workers in the Mavi Marmara. If the Turkish Navy is the way to protect the Humanitarian workers from a massacre then so be it.
Rights comes with responsibilities. Yes, Turkey does have the right and responsibility to protect Turkish citizens, but only if those citizens are not violating other countries territories or legitimate actions. The UN judged the naval blockade is legal under international laws. That mean any violators of that blockade loses their rights and protections of the law.

Hitler had won the elections in germany as well. We all know what had happened.

As long as hamas is in control of gaza, there won't be a two-state solution. The palestinian state is just a dream. Israel will not have any peace deal with hamas unless hamas dramatically changes its positions and remove all of those anti-israel items in its "constitution".

Do you know that HAMAS is the legitimate representative of palestinian people? Hamas won in the 2006 elections held in Palestine for your kind information. This is DEMOCRACY, which West loves to preach about.

But because HAMAS opposes Israeli policies, it is a terrorist organization? :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------

What happened in the past does not proves that same would happen in the future.

As an example; US fought two wars against Iraq. The recent one has been far more costly to US in terms of casualties and loss of military hardware. And Iraq was much weaker in the recent conflict. The only difference this time was EXPERIENCE.

Also, consider the debacle of recent Isreali military action against 'insignificant' Hezbollah, which achieved nothing concrete.

And Turkey is a very strong nation. No need to underestimate its military capabilities. Turkey is recognized as one of the most powerful NATO member states. It possessed the guts to refuse US military forces to use its territory to attack Iraq from North. Do not underestimate its guts either.
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