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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

Dude I think he meant as*es LMAO

Where is your mind? :lol:

Yes, you are have a better knowledge of profanities than I do. Well done. :P

Anyway, I was only looking for singular form not plural, and I think those are the only ones that are both singular and five letters long.

But considering plurals, there are a lot of other possibilities, it could have been "sh*ts" as well.
Yes, you are have a better knowledge of profanities than I do. Well done. :P

Anyway, I was only looking for singular form not plural, and I think those are the only ones that are both singular and five letters long.

But considering plurals, there are a lot of other possibilities, it could have been "sh*ts" as well.

LOL no.. wouldn't kicking as*es be the first thing to pop in your mind? Kicking bit*ch and the other one.. well you must have had a pretty interesting weekend :P
One wonders if Kurdish people are any less Muslims than the Gazans.

If Turkey ups the rhetoric in Gaza,

Others can create the similar problems in Kurdish areas.

What they say! Those who live in glass houses ........

taking into account that you are just another false flagger bharati, let me ask you one question, is there any moral ground for bharati to stand because its already famous for mass killings and genocide in kashmir, mass graves have been discovered, and now supporting the mass killings in gaza??? is it not purely evil of one bharati to act like that???

gaza and kurd rebellion are two separate cases, gaza and palestine inherit the whole zionist state while kurds remain in their homes and create troubles for others thats why pakistan understands the problem and doesnt stand for neither kurdish rebels nor xinjiang rebels
It looks like all the serious members agrees that in a war with Israel, strong Turkey will just destroy them easily. All those, israel supporters were falseflags pretending to be Chinese or Pakistani shame on them.. those falseflaggers appears to be more fanatic pro-Israel then the Israelis themselves. what a joke
What a shamefull comment i nver would expect this from a Russian! Listen we dont even affraid of Russia who the hell is Israel? Scaring off some Arabs doenst mean anything for us.. the point is we (Turks) are not like those others. Remember our leader Erdogan (Born soldier) warned Israelis and the world that nobody should make the mistake to compare Turkiye to any other country! we are totally different Military is part of our culture it is in our genes we are a military nation we Turks can even fight you Russian and Israelis combined with Greece and all others really no big deal no problem at all its an honour for us even if we die all.. Read some history about our wars in the past, Russia never dared to attack Turks alone. Always made deals with UK, French from the west, you came from east combined you make chance. alone you lost all wars. Today not much changed, If you wanna test the battlefield is there.. Also Turkey-Russia,Greece, Cyprus we almost had war in the 90s for those Cyprus S-300 your navy would come to fight us? why did they abort the mission? Did we ever stepped back? did we ever fear to fight? About professionalism CIA worldfactbook stated Turkish military most disciplined in the world only after JAPANSE DEFENCE FORCE

xMustiiej70 welcome back.

People enjoy some of his wisdom from here.

there is a small minority of about 2-3 million PKK supporters the rest of 17-18 million are muslim Kurds who are loyal to the country.. Thats a difference our enemies want to ignore!! claim that all kurd are PKK is just a propaganda!! Our loyal Kurds hate those PKK to death they dont represent them, so they also dont have the right to speak for all Kurd!!

The majority who are loyal to the people and country they are muslim and same as us Turks they look almost the same. there is almost no difference there. You cannot separete them and reconize Turk or who is Kurd nobody knows that!

The muslim majority Kurds are the loyal ones to the country and they do their military duty for 15-18 months like any other citizen of Turkey.. No problem there!! They are our brothers we're mixed with them. I also have Kurds in my family due to marriages.. We marry their girls they marry ours. No problem there.. but you have also the other Kurds...

Those PKK Kurds are mostly from mountian areas, they lived in the mountians and caves for centuries. They always hated everything about civilization, state, citizenship.laws, rules They dont obey laws just apply their own. A example they kill their daughters (honourkillings) sometimes even very brutally stone them to death!!for long time these people resisted everything they dont want to be civilized and continue to live like wild animals. And the state wanted to change that that so they wanted to teach them but they resisted for a long time since the past so the military wanted to discipline them the hard way military discipline you know!! and there the Marxist Leninist PKK came to benifit from the situation because of the poor and uneducated people they very easy fooled and brainwashed easily in to believing that the army is an enemy of the Kurd!!. They already hated everything about the state so. One day they started to kill our teachers, doctors, police, soldiers, they blew up trainrails, on one hand they accuse the goverment of not investing there and go on attack the investments like blew up construction vehicles, bridges kiddnapp businessmen etc all kind of terrorism. It is not about racism, opression those are most part lies and propaganda. Communist are very good with propaganda u know!!

So difference is PKK supporters and member hate Islam and the weird part is they also hate everything about their own feodal culture wich is their true Kurdish culture they claim to fight for :D but they infact are fight everything that is Kurdish identity Its culture, Religion everything.... They hate everything that is Kurdish and fight against it and forcing communism to their people and they brainwash them that it is the right way for the Kurds, they kill lots of Kurds who doesnt agree with them about 40.000 died more then 30.000 are innocent Kurdish civilians killed by them because they dont agree with them and dont wanna be communist!! While doing this at the same time they have the nurve accusing the Turkish state of bieng not democratic.. Other countries like USA would bomb the shi... out of them all!!

If you take up arms, how can you ask for democratic rights? if you take up arms you will be killed.. Like every other country in the world.. but PKK funny goats attack the military personel and the soldiers return fire a kill some of them.. they goo whining that Turkey is again killing Kurds and racism bla blaa blaaa.. We are also human if you attack us, Kill our boyz, If you dont lay your weapons we also get hurt and we also will come for revenge!! we have this right!! I hope all the country that support the PKK will stop their supports because terror is wrong. Your terrorist are good ours are bad thts wrong one day it will hit you!!
I don't think US can afford that right now.

They can. Apparently they have just bought some new printing presses from China (on credit of course) and are going to print some lovely crispy dollars for the Israelis so they can stop the Turks! lol
Pay attention to this!! never ever ask me anything about KURDS or PKK again!!
Trukey has every right to protect its citizens from suffering the same fate as the 9 executed Turkish humanitarian workers in the Mavi Marmara. If the Turkish Navy is the way to protect the Humanitarian workers from a massacre then so be it.
Some more on this... Some simpletons here blaming everything on the 'Islamist' AKP. There may be some truth in that but people forget other factors like frustration in joining the EU, the long ended-Cold War mentality going away, the new-found courage in Turkish civilians viz a viz their military, the contribution of the internet toward making the Palestinians' plight more visible, the desire (and immediate benefits) of opening up to the neighbors...

The Israel-Turkey crisis - Hurriyet Daily News

When Turkey says it will take all the precautions it deems necessary for the freedom of navigation in the eastern Mediterranean, it is obvious that these are not words that will hang or should not hang in the air. Consequently, we may just as well witness a chain of developments that may cause even clashes between Turkey and Israel starting next week.

Turkey, Israel: Quo vadimus? - Hurriyet Daily News

Turkish-Israeli relations are likely to hit rock bottom with the steps that Ankara is planning to take this week, breaking the record of 1980.

In 1980, just two weeks before the military coup on Sept. 12, Turkey downgraded its diplomatic relations with Israel in protest at Israel’s annexation of east Jerusalem and then transferring its capital to the ancient city.
This is not something particular to a political party or ideology in Turkey. For example, in April 2002 social democratic Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit had claimed that Israeli army attacks on Palestinian civilians resembled “genocide.” The word was too heavy to use, so Ecevit then corrected it to “tragedy” following reactions, and everything was back on track once again when Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party, or AK Party, took power a few months later.

But it started to go sour gradually from 2005 on when Israeli operations against Hamas-led Gaza began to escalate. There was the Lebanon intervention in 2006, more Gaza in the meantime, the “One minute” affair in 2009 where Israeli President Shimon Perez was grilled by Erdoğan and then the flotilla affair, in which nine Turks were killed on board the Mavi Marmara ship as they were trying to carry aid to Gaza and break the Israeli blockade there.
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