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Turkey faces threat of ‘grey-listing’ by global finance watchdog

The white people have always been two faced. They have always served their own purpose no matter what the right is. They supported polpot in Cambodia during genocide. They murdered native Americans to extinction and even now racism. They were barbaric in Africa hell even to each other just look at European history. Hell look at Greek history. You are and have always been treacherous. So there is no surprise. France can't fight. They are only brave against an enemy that has nothing and even then they can upon all the white to get together and lie lie lie. Just like America did in Iraq on WMD. So Turkey being isolated is no issue. Pakistan is cut off from tech. Its the best thing that can happen.
Look at pakistans jf17 programs. Look at its saab surveillance aircraft. When they were damaged saab said beyond repair. PaF engineers good to work and now guess what?? So sanctions on Turkey and cut off from tech will lead to strides.

Please spare me your racism. Beside that Turkey is "white" as well.
Please spare me your racism. Beside that Turkey is "white" as well.
That's not racism...deny anything I have said. Fact are NOT racism..you have been learning from your Jewish masters .... commit heinous crimes and play the victim
Never going to happen. Turkey is the backbone of NATO. Without Turkey, NATO will collapse in a day.
No Sir...It is not...Turkey has been playing double games for quite a while...It is under Radar for long. Imagine if Turkey is cooked on Thanks giving day....
No Sir...It is not...Turkey has been playing double games for quite a while...It is under Radar for long. Imagine if Turkey is cooked on Thanks giving day....

Turkey is working with Russia and China as a backup plan. If Turkey leaves NATO, NATO will be dead. US knows this and has been strongly supporting Turkey to remain in the NATO. The issue is not between US & Turkey but countries like France
Never going to happen. Turkey is the backbone of NATO. Without Turkey, NATO will collapse in a day.
Bullshit, Turkey is not even a full NATO member anymore. Its cut out of tech and informations.

Without Turkey - I mean Erdogan's government and his military and intelligence - NATO and GCC cannot support their transnational "Syrian" "moderate rebel" criminals so Turkey is important for NATO at the moment.
Without Turkey - I mean Erdogan's government and his military and intelligence - NATO and GCC cannot support their transnational "Syrian" "moderate rebel" criminals so Turkey is important for NATO at the moment.

Turkey's presence can be felt in all NATO missions. Turkey saved NATO in Afghanistan when it took control of the Kabul airport to help NATO forces leave.
Turkey's presence can be felt in all NATO missions. Turkey saved NATO in Afghanistan when it took control of the Kabul airport to help NATO forces leave.

NATO left Afghanistan within a full understanding with the Taliban. Turkey by itself had nothing to do with it.

And days after the Taliban's Kabul takeover there were still British forces inside Kabul airport. There are those famous scenes of Afghans passing baggage and babies to British soldiers over barbed wire.

Taliban rules the country with full consent of NATO.
That's not racism...deny anything I have said. Fact are NOT racism..you have been learning from your Jewish masters .... commit heinous crimes and play the victim

So you are not just racist against europeans but also an antisemite. Kayyyy
When people say white they mean anglo saxons understand?

So scandinavians, germans, slavs, italians, french, greeks, spanish, portoguese ect are not white ...okayyyyy
Bullshit diplomatic bla bla. Doesnt change the fact turkey is cut out of NATO and NATO members isolate it into oblivion (where it belongs anyways)

You only need to look at a map to realize importance of Turkey to NATO, apart from being 2nd largest member. Turkey though, should leave NATO as the real evil enemy is the west. No matter how much Turkey tries to befriend them, the westerners will never see them as equals. They are strong and should leave NATO so the scumbag westerners can be put in their place.
That's a Turkish source. The infographic is made by "Anadolu Agency".

Seems like the Greeks desperately wants Turkey out of NATO and campaigning for it in here.. While Turkey is actully the main leader of NATO high readiness task force. Meaning greeks take order from the Turks in dealing with high readiness task force:lol: This is from NATO's website and they will lead this force until december 2021 there is 2 months to go. All tho Turkey doesn't need NATO but it is the other way around or let me put it this way the US needs Turkey in NATO not greeks who are technically irrelevant and weak element within NATO when it comes to the defense sphere. The US is thinking along world power competition lanes not pointless greek sentiments.

Turkey takes charge of NATO high readiness force
The Turkish army will take the lead of NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) on Friday (1 January 2021), placing thousands of soldiers on standby, ready to deploy within days.


Turkey takes over from Poland, which provided the core of the force in 2020. Built around Turkey’s 66th Mechanised Infantry Brigade of around 4,200 troops, a total of around 6,400 soldiers will serve on the VJTF. Units from Albania, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, the UK, and the United States will also serve on the force, which is part of the Alliance’s larger NATO Response Force. Turkey has made substantial investments into the unit – amongst the most mobile in NATO - particularly in its logistics and ammunition requirements planning. The latest models of Turkish armed vehicles, anti-tank missiles and howitzers have been allocated to the force.

NATO heads of state and government decided to create the VJTF at the Wales Summit in 2014 in response to a changed security environment, including Russia’s destabilisation of Ukraine and turmoil in the Middle East. NATO members take turns heading the VJTF. Poland led the VJTF in 2020, Germany in 2019, and Italy had rotational control of the force in 2018.
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You only need to look at a map to realize importance of Turkey to NATO, apart from being 2nd largest member. Turkey though, should leave NATO as the real evil enemy is the west. No matter how much Turkey tries to befriend them, the westerners will never see them as equals. They are strong and should leave NATO so the scumbag westerners can be put in their place.

Turkey falls out of NATO for the same reason why Iran is not part of NATO, untrustworthy regime which is hostile and does more damage than good.
No Sir...It is not...Turkey has been playing double games for quite a while...It is under Radar for long. Imagine if Turkey is cooked on Thanks giving day....
Double games or was it the racists whites who played the double games by refusing Turkey the missiles it needed for its defence
Threat seems real ...

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Turkey is set to be “grey listed” by a global finance watchdog this week for failings in its approach to combating money laundering and terrorist financing, according to two western officials. In a move that risks further denting Turkey’s already limited ability to attract crucial foreign capital, members of the Financial Action Task Force were likely to approve the decision during discussions in Paris on Thursday, the officials said. They said an FATF review had recommended that Turkey should be subject to special monitoring by the taskforce’s International Co-operation Review Group — a process known as “grey listing” — joining 22 other states including Albania, Morocco, Syria, South Sudan and Yemen. The 39-member plenary was “very likely” to endorse the recommendation, according to one of the officials. The other said that approval was expected to be a mere formality. The decision is due to be formally announced on Thursday. The move comes as foreign investment in Turkey is already close to the lowest level reached during President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s almost 20 years at the helm. Political instability and concerns over political interference in monetary policy and rule of law have served to scare away foreign money vital for financing the country’s chronic trade deficit and fuelling economic growth.
A grey listing could strike a further blow at a time when the Turkish lira, which has lost about 20 per cent of its value against the dollar this year, has hit a succession of record lows and could fall further on Thursday if, as markets expect, the country’s central bank cuts its benchmark interest rate again. Turkey’s grey-listing will heap pressure on the EU to add the country to its own money-laundering list, which identifies high-risk non-EU jurisdictions that threaten the bloc’s financial system. An IMF study published in May this year found that FATF grey listing had “a large, significant negative effect” on a country’s capital inflows. Its authors estimated that it caused a reduction in portfolio flows — a form of short-term investment sometimes referred to as “hot money” — equivalent to 3 per cent of gross domestic product, plus a similar reduction in foreign direct investment. A 3 per cent decline would be equivalent to about $23bn in Turkey’s case. The impact is likely to be limited, however, by the exodus of foreign capital that the country has already suffered in recent years. Total foreign investment in stocks and bonds stood at just $30.6bn at the start of August, according to central bank data. Foreign direct investment totalled $5.7bn last year, compared with more than $19bn at its peak in 2007. But even small outflows could strike a blow to a country whose currency is under heavy pressure and whose foreign exchange reserves are already widely considered by analysts and investors to be too low. The sliding lira has led to spiralling inflation and an erosion of living standards that has sent public support for Erdogan’s ruling party to historic lows. The FATF was founded in 1989 to combat money laundering, terror financing and other similar threats to the integrity of the international financial system. Recommended Turkish economy Turkish tycoon calls for economic policy overhaul Turkey was put on notice by the body in a report published in December 2019. While it said that Ankara understood “the risks it faces from money laundering and terrorist financing”, it found “serious shortcomings in the country’s framework to combat these crimes”. The Turkish government introduced controversial new legislation, passed by parliament in December last year, that it said was a response to the FATF recommendations. The move was criticised by opposition parties and civil society activists who said the FATF recommendations were being used by the Turkish authorities as an excuse to target the non-profit sector and further hamper freedom of expression and association. A Turkish official said it was inappropriate to comment before Thursday’s vote, but added: “Despite full lockdown measures taken due to the [Covid-19] pandemic, Turkey has achieved significant progress in terms of compliance with FATF standards, and fulfilled its responsibilities regarding legislation.” The FATF said that its plenary discussions, which began on Tuesday, were under way but that the talks were confidential.
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