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Turkey faces threat of ‘grey-listing’ by global finance watchdog

Without Turkey Nato pursuits of taking on, Russia will collapse in a heartbeat. The black sea is Turkeys backyard if Nato is found disconcerting Turkey it will compel Turkey into Russian camp now that's a challenge no one wants to take up.

Turkey is not interested in fighting Russia.

Turkey is planning to join SCO and has been strengthening her relations with Russia and China.

Remember Turkey is part of Chinese BRI, Russian TurkStream Oil pipeline, procured Russian S-400 and now planning to procure Russian SU-57 fighters.
Turkey is not interested in fighting Russia.

Turkey is planning to join SCO and has been strengthening her relations with Russia and China.

Remember Turkey is part of Chinese BRI, Russian TurkStream Oil pipeline, procured Russian S-400 and now planning to procure Russian SU-57 fighters.
Yes but still firstly turkey is nato so in case of war turkey will be the most valuable asset for Europe. All those ships that go to harrass Russia enter through turkey with Turkish permission now imagine a blockade.
Yes but still firstly turkey is nato so in case of war turkey will be the most valuable asset for Europe. All those ships that go to harrass Russia enter through turkey with Turkish permission now imagine a blockade.

Yes Without Turkey, NATO is dead.

Turkey already has a plan B to join SCO. Turkey is already a Dialogue Partner of SCO.

NATO members may not like Turkey but they are helpless as there is no provision to revoke NATO membership of Turkey.

Only Turkey has the power to relinquish her NATO membership but Turkey will not relinquish but will join and partner with SCO, Russia and China against the interests of NATO.

NATO members are stuck with no options.
Without Turkey Nato pursuits of taking on, Russia will collapse in a heartbeat. The black sea is Turkeys backyard if Nato is found disconcerting Turkey it will compel Turkey into Russian camp now that's a challenge no one wants to take up.

Currently US cannot to sail into black sea freely due to Bosporus strait treaty requirements.

US has been working with Turkey on Istanbul canal to checkmate Russia by bypassing Bosporus strait limitations.

If Turkey gets ticked off then NATO will no longer be a player in the Black Sea.
Indians getting an orgasm over this story is to be ratified you sods don't like challenges
Nah, I don't care much for Turks one way or the other. Just saw this thread about Turkey being under FATF scanner and had a recollection that they had helped Pakistan in the past. Nothing more, nothing less.
The world will believe in FATF once it will crack down on money laundering hubs; Dubai and London and Terror Financing of India, without it is just BS

Yes. FATF is just a political tool but it does not work against major powers like Turkey and Pakistan.
Yes Without Turkey, NATO is dead.

Turkey already has a plan B to join SCO. Turkey is already a Dialogue Partner of SCO.

NATO members may not like Turkey but they are helpless as there is no provision to revoke NATO membership of Turkey.

Only Turkey has the power to relinquish her NATO membership but Turkey will not relinquish but will join and partner with SCO, Russia and China against the interests of NATO.

NATO members are stuck with no options.
Damn the Indians bought Pakistan into this hahaha.
But hey, after the photos of their troops mass surrendering, after a powerful beating, I guess this gives them comfort.:undecided:
Ghazni in Afghanistan was ruled by a Turkish family called Gamini of Ghaznavid dynasty. Muhammed Ghazni was the first Turkish conqueror of North India. He attacked India seventeen times between 1000 and 1027 AD
Looool I think as a Greek u are rather emotional....save the plates

My emotions have no influence of the facts, that Turkey is cut off the newest tech, doesnt get classified information and that NATO members openly call Turkey an enemy. France, Austria for example. France even makes defense pacts with Greece against Turkey.

Whats left of the turkish NATO membership, is a paper and a flag on a pole.
Yes. Tukey did a lot for Pakistan. Pakistan owes Turkey a big time.

Turkey tried to open a back door for Pakistan at FATF, China bailed out
Pakistan can get off the FATF grey list only after the watchdog concludes that it has not only created the legal framework to curb terror financing but is also enforcing the laws.
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has been accused by the opposition of pushing stringent laws, ostensibly required to fulfil its FATF commitments, that can be used to target them(REUTERS)

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has been accused by the opposition of pushing stringent laws, ostensibly required to fulfil its FATF commitments, that can be used to target them(REUTERS)
Updated on Oct 26, 2020 06:05 PM IST

Hindustan Times, New Delhi | By Shishir Gupta
Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey, the only country to back Pakistan at the plenary meeting of the global anti-money laundering watchdog, had proposed a special visit to Islamabad to make an onsite assessment of the Imran Khan government’s implementation to plug holes in its legal framework to curb terror financing.
The suggestion at the plenary last week before February 2021 was seen as an effort to let Pakistan off the hook for now and immediately place it on the white list but was not supported by any other country including ‘all-weather ally’ China and Malaysia. Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia have been trying to emerge as a new radical Islamic axis to upstage the established order led by Saudi Arabia.
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) eventually decided to retain Pakistan on its grey list, comprising countries whose controls over terror financing are deemed inadequate and are placed “under increased monitoring”. It was also handed out a sharp warning by FATF president Marcus Pleyer, who told Islamabad that it couldn’t take forever to deliver.
Indian counter-terror officials said Turkey’s unsuccessful attempt to pull Pakistan out of the grey list reflected a lack of diplomatic support across the member states for Pakistan that is often described by India as an epicentre of terrorism in South Asia.
“It does appear that Pakistan’s efforts to exit the grey list have reached a dead end, not unless it takes substantive and not cosmetic steps to tighten control over terror financing over the next four months,” a top counter-terror official in New Delhi said. Prime Minister Imran Khan, who already faces a combined opposition offensive, hadn’t said a word on the FATF decision.
Global dirty money watchdog FATF is scheduled to review Pakistan’s status again in 4 months.
If the FATF’s plenary concludes that Pakistan has completed the 27 action points, the watchdog will move to the next stage to send a team to Islamabad to evaluate if the measures in place are working effectively. It is only if Pakistan clears this test that the FATF would consider letting Pakistan emerge out of the grey list.
Indian officials said this is going to be a big ask that Islamabad is unlikely to be able to deliver on, particularly given the deep linkages between the terror groups and the establishment that uses them as tools to serve its interests in Jammu and Kashmir and Afghanistan.
Enacting laws is the easier part. Enforcing them on the ground will be difficult, an Indian official said, pointing to allegations from the opposition that Imran Khan went on an overdrive not to get out of the FATF grey list but arm himself with laws to target opposition leaders.
“It is going to be unlikely that Pakistan will crack down on terror groups that the establishment has conceived, birthed and nurtured,” a second official said. By way of example, he pointed to the long list of terrorists designated by the United Nations who have a free run in Pakistan.
“The UNSC 1267 Sanctions List has 130 names from Pakistan, which claims that it can locate only 19,” the second official cited above added, wondering if the Pakistan Army - which the opposition alleges holds the remote control to the government - can throw Pakistan’s terror leadership behind bars.

China bailed out.....not the first time a superpower ally of Pakistan has ditched them.
Don't worry Turk brothers, FATF is a Political tool anyway... Welcome to the club but I wish that they don't get into it.
My emotions have no influence of the facts, that Turkey is cut off the newest tech, doesnt get classified information and that NATO members openly call Turkey an enemy. France, Austria for example. France even makes defense pacts with Greece against Turkey.

Whats left of the turkish NATO membership, is a paper and a flag on a pole.
The white people have always been two faced. They have always served their own purpose no matter what the right is. They supported polpot in Cambodia during genocide. They murdered native Americans to extinction and even now racism. They were barbaric in Africa hell even to each other just look at European history. Hell look at Greek history. You are and have always been treacherous. So there is no surprise. France can't fight. They are only brave against an enemy that has nothing and even then they can upon all the white to get together and lie lie lie. Just like America did in Iraq on WMD. So Turkey being isolated is no issue. Pakistan is cut off from tech. Its the best thing that can happen.
Look at pakistans jf17 programs. Look at its saab surveillance aircraft. When they were damaged saab said beyond repair. PaF engineers good to work and now guess what?? So sanctions on Turkey and cut off from tech will lead to strides.
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