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Turkey Demands Syrian Army Exit Rebel Areas, Threatens Force

1) Today there is no Azari or Ottoman ..... Turkiye and Azerbaijan = same nation / two state
and 2001 Turkiye saved Azerbaijan from Iran

2) Iran was ruled by the Turks between 960s and 1925
35/40 million Turks living in Iran. such as Azaris , Turkmen, Kashkays, Khorasan Turks, Halacs, Sungurs, Ebiverds, Kazakhs and Uzbeks


only watch but dont cry ok


Turkish Army blocked the US/France backed Pkk/Ypg terror corridor in N.Syria ...

You stupid sucker Rus never forget that The US invaded 1/3 of Syria and steal oil reserves from Syria including in Qamishli

Why are you not doing anything? Why dont you force them out? You are just sucking

the US Airforce killed over 200 Russians in Syria and pussy Russians sucked their dicks like always did. Good. Continue that way

pussy Russians can bomb only innocent civilians ... nothing else

Funny clown. We dont give a **** what US invaded. You are the one who is whining how Kurdish terrorists are the huge threat to you how they attack and kill Turks and yet doing nothing watching them being armed by US on your border. Good job. Know your place.

And US never killed 200 Russians. Stop repeating that fantasy nonsense story. It wont become real because of that.
Now US will start fucking Turkey even more hardly than they did ever before, while Haftar, Kurds, Cyprus and Greece will greatly enjoy the results of the upcoming events.

Don’t worry about Turkiye my hot-headed agressive friend but A friendly advice, You should watch your language while talking about entire nation. If you proceed using inappropriate language about Turkiye like you did in your last post, I will invite Mods to intervene your posts.

In Libya, Hafter just needed a leash and Turkey have given what he needed. He can not proceed one step further right now since SAM missiles are watching the sky. As you see Turkey has managed to stop fierce clashes for peaceful negotiation. E.Med issues are complex indeed and Turkey is ruling own EEZ with 2 drilling, 2 seismic vessel + TN warships in there. One more drilling ship will join into fest.

Besides, US won’t miss this chance to side with Turkey against Russia in order to recover the broken relations with Turkiye. They gave a strong message that is a clear indication of their willingness of not making same mistakes they have did in Manbic and Afrin operations. James Jeffrey is in Turkiye at present. He said “Our martyres” for Turkish soldiers that was targetted by asad regime. He underlined US full support with “It is enough” words. Turkish side have been waiting solid move indeed since we totally lost our thrust to US policies thanks to latest events and their support to YPG so I believe they will do their best to gain Turkiye’s respect. The first solid step they have achieved is to remove sanctions on the ministers they have issued cause of Afrin operation. I believe More to follow in next days. We will wait and see but If they have a secret agenda against Turkey, we will proceed showing finger to their policies. It totally depends on what they want.
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This is more of a fantasy than reality.

dont cry kid

Are we talking real life or movie?

Iranian warships and Warplanes ordered an Azerbaijan research vessel to stop exploring for oil in the Caspian Sea

in 2001 by threatening military force Iran focused new attention on the simmering dispute over how to carve up the resources of the Caspian

and Turkkiye sent F-16 Fighter Jets to Baku/Azerbaijan to warn Iran ... and Iran did back down

never forget that in ww1 the Ottoman Empire invaded Iran including Tabriz to fight Russian Empire and British Empire

and the Ottoman Empire withdrawal from Iran and Caucasia after signing of Armistice of Mudros
Don’t worry about Turkiye my hot-headed agressive friend but A friendly advice, You should watch your language while talking about entire nation. If you proceed using inappropriate language about Turkiye like you did in your last post, I will invite Mods to intervene your posts.

In Libya, Hafter just needed a leash and Turkey have given what he needed. He can not proceed one step further right now since SAM missiles are watching the sky. As you see Turkey has managed to stop fierce clashes for peaceful negotiation. E.Med issues are complex indeed and Turkey is ruling own EEZ with 2 drilling, 2 seismic vessel + TN warships in there. One more drilling ship will join into fest.
You are late. He started next phase of Tripoli operation today and advancing now. More to come. Your SAMs wont affect anything. Expect full support of Russia now.
Besides, US won’t miss this chance to side with Turkey against Russia in order to recover the broken relations with Turkiye. They gave a strong message that is a clear indication of their willingness of not making same mistakes they have did in Manbic and Afrin operations. James Jeffrey is in Turkiye at present. He said “Our martyres” for Turkish soldiers that was targetted by asad regime. He underlined US full support with “It is enough” words. Turkish side have been waiting solid move indeed since we totally lost our thrust to US policies thanks to latest events and their support to YPG so I believe they will do their best to gain Turkiye’s respect. The first solid step they have achieved is to remove sanctions on the ministers they have issued cause of Afrin operation. I believe More to follow in next days. We will wait and see.

LOL of course they will. US doesnt need you to cooperate with Russia, they want you to be enemy of Russia. They are also pitching you for war against Syria. Good boy, you are doing what they want. And no, they are not going to stop supporting Kurds, why should they? Thats a good leash for you. They will just tighten the screws on you even more now.
dont cry kid

Oh yes, I am crying over these random sporadic videos.

Iranian warships and Warplanes ordered an Azerbaijan research vessel to stop exploring for oil in the Caspian Sea

in 2001 by threatening military force Iran focused new attention on the simmering dispute over how to carve up the resources of the Caspian

and Turkkiye sent F-16 Fighter Jets to Baku/Azerbaijan to warn Iran ... and Iran did back down

Which game is that?

never forget that in ww1 the Ottoman Empire invaded Iran including Tabriz to fight Russian Empire and British Empire

and the Ottoman Empire withdrawal from Iran and Caucasia after signing of Armistice of Mudros

You're obsessed with the past? Iran 2500 years ago was this too:


Times change. What is important is being consistent in ones achievement and glory. Basking in reflected glory of past achievements is not useful.
Funny clown. We dont give a **** what US invaded. You are the one who is whining how Kurdish terrorists are the huge threat to you how they attack and kill Turks and yet doing nothing watching them being armed by US on your border. Good job. Know your place.

And US never killed 200 Russians. Stop repeating that fantasy nonsense story. It wont become real because of that.

the US killed over 200 Russian soldiers in Syria ... you slliy clown Rus

and We kicked Pkk/Ypg terrorists out of Afrin,Munbij,Telabyad,Rasulayn and we blocked terror corridor
now our border is safe

We dont give a fck what Pkk/Ypg doing in Raqqa , Deyzerzor ,, etc
its not our problem ,,, pussy Russia Iran and Assad
You are late. He started next phase of Tripoli operation today and advancing now. More to come. Your SAMs wont affect anything. Expect full support of Russia now.

LOL of course they will. US doesnt need you to cooperate with Russia, they want you to be enemy of Russia. They are also pitching you for war against Syria. Good boy, you are doing what they want. And no, they are not going to stop supporting Kurds, why should they? Thats a good leash for you. They will just tighten the screws on you even more now.

We will see who is black or white. Each side is distorting the facts in accordance to their benefits but at the end of the day, Only thing that will be considered as truth will be the reality of ground. Be it in Libya or Syria. Btw, I couldn’t count the number of Tripoli operations Hafter performed to take there. Each month, he declares a new operation. Do you have a real number of operations hafter failed ?
It is quite clear that the USA has given the go ahead for this move by Turkey. A days ago they released a supportive statement and now Turk Army go all in.
Yup...so ##hit and runs on TUrkish army in Syria is downloading.....

I stopped there and did not read further..

if you want you can also support bush family or trump.. or a **** star..
You think hes the only Sunni who supports Assad. I'm afraid there are many in Syria too.
You're obsessed with the past? Iran 2500 years ago was this too:

stupid persian , 2500 years ago the Turks were not in Anatolia but Iran was ruled bby the Turks between 960s and 1925

pathetic persians are still dreaming about 2500 years ago ...idiots

Great TURK

-- 6.000 km Great wall of China to stop the great warrior Turks
-- North of China was ruled by the Turks for centuries
-- India was ruled byy the Turks for centuries
-- Iran was ruled by the Turks between 960s and 1925
-- Anatolia was conquered by the Turks in 1071
-- Iraq,Syria,Egypt was ruled by the Turks for over 800 years
-- Russians were ruled by Turkic Tatars and Mongols until 1502
-- Roman Empire was destroyed by Turk-Hun and Germans
-- Byzantine Empire was destroyed by Turks
-- Greece,Bulgaria,Serbia,Romania,Hungary and all Balkans were ruled by the Turks for centuries
-- N.Africa including Libya , Algeria , Tunis were ruled by the Turks for centuries
-- and the Turks beat Crusaders ( British+French+Germans) in CRUSADES

TURK = WARRIOR with the best military history in the world
stupid persian , 2500 years ago the Turks were not in Anatolia but Iran was ruled bby the Turks between 960s and 1925

If you're going to question my intelligence, at least try to understand the context of that comment. It had nothing to do with Turkey. I am talking generally about talking about what happened in the past.
Turkiye has right to be in Syria
no you dont. where did you download the balls to declare that as Turkey;s right? Have u heard of International law? we Know US just gave you authority to "go ahead"..

-- to fight terrorism ( the UN article 51 self defense )
Who did you learn this tactic from? I assume Israel, your former buddy.

-- over 10 million Syrians are with Turkiye
Thats the payback for Turkey's also dirty part of the Syrian civil war. Turkey supported ISIS, etc , until they failed completely against Assad.Turkey is supporting HTS till now, providing them cover via Turkey's MOD. i am learning it all on twitter.
-- Radical sectarian Assad Regime is a terrorist who killed over 800.000 Syrian People and forced over 7 million Syrians to move from their lands to another countries including Turkiye
LOL...can you provide backup for your claim of 800K syrian people killed? i mean, even Assad probably thinks he killed 300 million syrians. where did u get those numbers from? how can it be that high if militants are excuded? you're just exaggerating bro.
the US killed over 200 Russian soldiers in Syria ... you slliy clown Rus

and We kicked Pkk/Ypg terrorists out of Afrin,Munbij,Telabyad,Rasulayn and we blocked terror corridor
now our border is safe

We dont give a fck what Pkk/Ypg doing in Raqqa , Deyzerzor ,, etc
its not our problem ,,, pussy Russia Iran and Assad

Keep that pathetic fake news propaganda for brainless American sheeple. That BS debunked long time ago.

PKK/YPG on your border protected by US. Deal with it.

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