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Turkey Could Evaluate Russian Su-57 Aircraft If US Blocks F-35 Sale


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Turkey Could Evaluate Russian Su-57 Aircraft If US Blocks F-35 Sale
Our Bureau

08:32 AM, May 28, 2018


Russian Su-57 stealth fighter aircraft
Turkey could consider buying Sukhoi Su-57 fifth generation fighter jets if the United States abandons a deal to sell F-35 aircraft to Ankara as punishment for procuring S-400 missiledefence system from Russia.

Pro-government Turkish military experts voiced in favour of the Russian plane to local media over the weekend, an opinion which Ankara quickly said did not reflect the official view of the Turkish government "not yet."

Significantly, the Russian military tested a couple of Su-57 jets in a missile firing configuration in March over Syria,an exercise which raised eyebrows as the Su-57 is still at a prototype stage and generally prototypes are not flown in a hostile airspace. The move could an attempt to demonstrate its various prowess, including radar evading capability and networking with ground battle-stations, to potential customers.

"Indeed, they were there for a while. Two days. During that time, they completed a program of trials, including combat ones," Russian Defence minister Sergei Shoigu had commented then.

US politicians, including some Congressmen and Senators have come together demanding that Turkey be sanctioned for buying Russian military equipment despite being a part of NATO. Sanctioning Turkey means abandoning a deal to sell some 100 F-35 aircraft, for which Turkey has already started the acquisition process.

A US Senate committee passed its version of a $716 billion defense policy bill on May 24, including a measure to remove Turkey from the F-35 program over its detention of US citizen Andrew Brunson besides purchasing S-400 missile defence system from Russia.
Why not? LOL The Yanks feeling the heat from every nook.
After India ditched pakfa for lack of stealth Russia has spare ones.
We will see a S-400 like scenario.

Turkey agrees with Russia for SU-57, the US starts crying again and offer us the F-35 maybe cheaper then before.

But i don't think that Trump rejects a deal worth billions of dollars...
If the US sells weapons worth billions of Dollars to a country that is responsible for "9/11" then why not to Turkey?
f 35 is sheet only f 22
well i think it politicks reason because the aid we get

if it was so good usa wasnt sell it to almost every one who want it
The thing about f35 is it can send BVR missiles first and will have advantage on that, but if it will have another stealth aircraft, they both will need to fight close to each other and run away from missiles with their maneuver, which f35 lacks... i think, until 2030, f35 is fine..

Turkey purchase f35 to build its own stealth jet which US is afraid of.. But, Turkey might get experince through UK too.. Thats why its complicated..
The thing about f35 is it can send BVR missiles first and will have advantage on that, but if it will have another stealth aircraft, they both will need to fight close to each other and run away from missiles with their maneuver, which f35 lacks... i think, until 2030, f35 is fine..

Turkey purchase f35 to build its own stealth jet which US is afraid of.. But, Turkey might get experince through UK too.. Thats why its complicated..
On History channel the team of F35 engineers said, once a plane is made it takes around 10 or less years to meet the required demands.

U.S. Senate defense bill would bar Turkey from buying F-35 jets

Patricia Zengerle
3 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee passed its version of a $716 billion defense policy bill on Thursday, including a measure to prevent Turkey from purchasing Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets.
On History channel the team of F35 engineers said, once a plane is made it takes around 10 or less years to meet the required demands.

U.S. Senate defense bill would bar Turkey from buying F-35 jets

Patricia Zengerle
3 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee passed its version of a $716 billion defense policy bill on Thursday, including a measure to prevent Turkey from purchasing Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets.
i didnt get your point? any guy here probably knows that.. Thats why i said after 2030 as first Turkish 5th generation fighter will fly in 2023.
This is just Turkey's way of telling the US that they have options. I'm surprised they haven't approach the Chinese on the FC-31.
Its surprising Turkey is foolish enough, after all it is doing, to depend on the US and EU. All this independent production story just hits the rocks with the foolishness of this. MTU engines for Altay, giant expenditure on F-35, knowing tomorrow they could be blocked or sanctioned. This is just not understandable to me.
After India ditched pakfa for lack of stealth Russia has spare ones.

According to you the pak-fa can only drop dumb bombs too. The the only thing you’re capable of is trolling and being a fool.

India, has not been given access to the pak-fa including source codes. The IAF is full of bureaucracy and as usual complains about everything and gets nothing achieved, there is not a single aircraft that they have not complained about wether it be Rafale or Typoon or SU-30. According to sources the IAF is trying to scare Russia into bargaining for a better deal.

Every aircraft can be seen on radar depending on range and frequency, even if we assume the T-50 has much worse RCS then the F-35, it can launch its weapons from 300kms away, thus it will be well out of harms way and still be undetected. It’s long range also insured that it doesn’t need to rely on vulnerable and costly refuelers that will give away its possition.

It can also super cruise with cruise missiles. You will never admit it but the pak-fa has major advantages over the F-35.

In specular radar simulations the SU-57 has lower RCS then the F-35 in some aspects. The point is this, the RCS is good enough for Russia, unlike aircraft like the F-35 Russia relies on very long range standoff weapons which is in itself ‘stealth’ because it allows the aircraft to be far away to stay undetected but if you think “stealth” means invisible then you are wrong, they can all be detected at certain frequencies and ranges. Flight profits also is important, certain parts of an aircraft will be more easily ‘eliminated’ by radars, thus even stealth aircraft fly around radar and choose the most optimal vector in order to avoid being detected.

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According to you the pak-fa can only drop dumb bombs too. The the only thing you’re capable of is trolling and being a fool.

India, has not been given access to the pak-fa including source codes. The IAF is full of bureaucracy and as usual complains about everything and get nothing achieved, there is not a single aircraft that they have not complained about wether it Rafale or Typoon of SU-30. According to sources the IAF is trying to scare Russia into bargaining for a better deal.

Every aircraft can be seen on radar depending on range and frequency, even if we assume the T-50 has much worse RCS then the F-35, it can launch its weapons from 300kms away, thus it will be well out of harms way and still be undetected. It’s long range also insured that it doesn’t need to rely on vulnerable and costly refuelers that will give away its possition.

It can also super cruise with cruise missiles. You will never admit it but the pak-fa has major advantages over the F-35.

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Actually, it is very risky to open your radar in a war..
even if you use datalink to get the picture of warfare, it will get jammed or still give your location..

the future for jets will depend on the IRST system and probably BVR IR missiles, may be fitted with ramjet in the future...

if anybody here want to prove the opposite, im ready to discuss..
Actually, it is very risky to open your radar in a war..
even if you use datalink to get the picture of warfare, it will get jammed or still give your location..

the future for jets will depend on the IRST system and probably BVR IR missiles, may be fitted with ramjet in the future...

if anybody here want to prove the opposite, im ready to discuss..

Who mentioned anything about radar? you’re quoting the wrong person. I talked about radars, jamming and so on extensively in the past. I’m not in any mood to debate these subjects with people that don’t know what they are talking about.
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