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Turkey concerned over Xinjiang incidents

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The problem is when people interject their political views and ideologies in human rights affairs, political ideologies tend to skew people's perspective on who should be treated with human rights and who shouldn't, this creates double standards, hypocrisy, etc.

Even international strategic loyalties will override people's judgment when it comes to basic human rights issues.

That is the bitter truth...
What incidents? they first rape their women, kill their people and when people go out to protest these crimes they label them separatists and the Han Chinese mobs armed and organized by the goverment go out and murder them on the streets? Is this incident? What about Kurds? Im Kurdish myself and we are proud to call ourselves Turks.

LOLed, the news is from germans, u should expect much more than that from Chinese, we will do it more cleverly, we r just like retarded in the germans mind, hell, rape their women???? kill their people???? huh???? i would like PLA to rape germans woman first.
How can people expect Turkiye not to speak up for Uyghur Human rights? Uyghurs are ethnic Turks, brothers of Turkish people in Turkiye.

Only real thing they have in common is language, they are all "Turkic" people. Which is a Linguistic term.

They(Uyghur) are closer to other Central Asian people like the Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, etc.

Isn't this the fabled Turan nation's map? I once googled and got this picture. Ya know, to get that sort of empire, you will have to fight with Iranians, Russians and Chinese simultaneously. That would be a military suicide.

No, that map shows all the Turkic speaking people. The Turk family.
Brother, discuss this in another thread, you are derailing.

Originally Posted by A1Kaid: Most Balochis are not asking for
separate state, Balochis voted for
Pakistan. Though there remain
genuine unresolved grievances in
Balochistan like in other parts of
you brought balochis in this thread , i just replied
, we treated them much better than what you did to the Armenians, so get off your high horse.

Oh yeah i know, if this is your good treatment i wonder how will be the bad one? You skinn them alive what can be worse.
How would turks feel if china offered free Anti Tank, MANPADS, Machine guns to the kurds ? where was turkey when their Bangladeshi Muslim brothers were being slaughtered up to 3 million by the pakistani army ?
, we treated them much better than what you did to the Armenians, so get off your high horse.

Oh yeah i know, if this is your good treatment i wonder how will be the bad one? You skinn them alive what can be worse.

The Armenian genocide.

But don't worry, you'll get political support from your closest brother, Israel.
, we treated them much better than what you did to the Armenians, so get off your high horse.

Oh yeah i know, if this is your good treatment i wonder how will be the bad one? You skinn them alive what can be worse.

what....??? Any proof
Then why do you complain about Xinjiang incidents????Give freedom to Kurdistan first and then complain about ughyrs.

Turkiye has given Kurdish citizens of Turkiye freedom, right to vote, public schools, public services, etc. In fact AK Party has been heavily investing in eastern Turkiye where the Turkish and Kurdish population both live. Kurds enjoy a better living standard in Turkiye than a Kurd in Iraq. Turkish citizens of Kurdish origin enjoy more political rights than their counterparts in in N Iraq.

You have to learn about the full story, otherwise you would know it's certain groups like PKK and Iraqi Kurds that are fomenting trouble.
Turkiye has given Kurdish citizens of Turkiye freedom, right to vote, public schools, public services, etc. In fact AK Party has been heavily investing in eastern Turkiye where the Turkish and Kurdish population both live. Kurds enjoy a better living standard in Turkiye than a Kurd in Iraq. Turkish citizens of Kurdish origin enjoy more political rights than their counterparts in in N Iraq.

You have to learn about the full story, otherwise you would know it's certain groups like PKK and Iraqi Kurds that are fomenting trouble.

even the name itself 'turkey' seems to ignore the huge pop of kurds living in turkey
Turkiye has given Kurdish citizens of Turkiye freedom, right to vote, public schools, public services, etc. In fact AK Party has been heavily investing in eastern Turkiye where the Turkish and Kurdish population both live. Kurds enjoy a better living standard in Turkiye than a Kurd in Iraq. Turkish citizens of Kurdish origin enjoy more political rights than their counterparts in in N Iraq.

You have to learn about the full story, otherwise you would know it's certain groups like PKK and Iraqi Kurds that are fomenting trouble.

even the name itself 'turkey' seems to ignore the huge pop of kurds living in turkey
If Turkey cares so much about the Muslim Uighurs so badly why no support for Chechen ? ingush ? where was turkey when Pakistan killed 3 million Bengali Muslims ? this seems more like pan turkism.
China has Hui Muslims who have been very loyal ,it's not a religious issue it's a separatist issue, the Uighur want all of xinjiang.

I dont think majority of Uyguyrs are asking for separate state, this is a human rights and political issue in which you have failed to highlight. This is also a social issue, Uyghurs don't seem to have any problem with the 40+ ethnic groups in China but only the Han Chinese.

Many countries need to improve their human rights, Pakistan, China, CARs, Israel, Hind, SE Asian states, etc...

It just happens the issue in West China has turned to violence with the Government possibly favoring Han Chinese over Uygyur Turks who are also citizens of China. Chinese Government should be even handed.
The Armenian genocide.

But don't worry, you'll get political support from your closest brother, Israel.

Hey listen im from Van region were all these massacres happend, im etnically Kurd,the Armenians were ethnically cleansing eastern part of Turkiye killing off all Kurds just because Kurds believe in Islam okay? they wanted pure Orthodox country only for Armenians, i hope you understand what they were doing to us.. If it wasnt for the Turkish army we were all dead!!!
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