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ttP with firing arty guns at Pak Army


Jan 1, 2010
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IT IS 76 MM but the shell size suggests it to
most probably they got it when they raided and took over a fort in waziristan which the army afterwords took back
(EDITED: confirmed 76 MM, I didnt see the beginning of the video & only viewed the firing sequence to estimate its type & size)

the firing can be staged because in real war they would shoot and scoot. whereas they have a luxury to stage the entire shooting and dramatize it too which "might" mean they are not really engaged in a real fight. the logistical challenges of moving this gun unnoticed will be substantial because its harder to conceal and move about without arousing suspicions form Pakistan army observation posts and areal patrols.

TTP have time and again demonstrated that they are very resourceful and now that some of their colleagues are fighting in Syria under the patronage of the Saudis, there is a high chance that they might return with ample knowledge of anti aircraft fighting skills and might bring back Saudi anti aircraft missiles recently bought from America. instead of draining the brain and chocking the throats over alleged Saudi / UAE fundning of TTP, the real worry should be how to disarm and neutralise the TTP.
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So these are the fighters for Islam, right? I dont understand which Islam they are fighting for? But once I see a masked man proclaiming Islam, I have strong conviction Islam is just a fig leaf to hide an ulterior motive. After all, Islam teaches to stand for the right, no matter how adverse the situation. So if you have right Islamic conviction, you wont hide your face.

And what has Pakistan done to harm their 'Islam'? Understand the bigger game of instability being played in the region, of course with the roof of patronage provided by US occupation across the border.
Why is Army fighting them? Do a recon over these terrorists, and smash them to pieces with 1000lb bombs from JF-17. Would be a great target practice.
One wonders what would happen if a fire finder radar or two were shifted off from the border and brought to the hinterlands, counter battery barrage might just shock the black turbans out of their smugness.
they also use street polls as mortar canon.

by the way, I am sure ttp is almost dead or disbanded.
Illiterate retards playing with stuff they dont understand.....and where the f are they firing lol

probably dead by now :lol:
cant tell if its 76 MM but the shell size suggests it to be near 76 or 50 mm mark.
most probably they got it when they raided and took over a fort in waziristan which the army afterwords took back

the firing can be staged because in real war they would shoot and scoot. whereas they have a luxury to stage the entire shooting and dramatize it too which "might" mean they are not really engaged in a real fight. the logistical challenges of moving this gun unnoticed will be substantial because its harder to conceal and move about without arousing suspicions form Pakistan army observation posts and areal patrols.

TTP have time and again demonstrated that they are very resourceful and now that some of their colleagues are fighting in Syria under the patronage of the Saudis, there is a high chance that they might return with ample knowledge of anti aircraft fighting skills and might bring back Saudi anti aircraft missiles recently bought from America. instead of draining the brain and chocking the throats over alleged Saudi / UAE fundning of TTP, the real worry should be how to disarm and neutralise the TTP.

See @Irfan Baloch; the whole plot seems to be getting murkier still. Even what you say above; will make things even worse.

The time to "grasp the nettle" is now. Later, will be even more worse.
See @Irfan Baloch; the whole plot seems to be getting murkier still. Even what you say above; will make things even worse.

The time to "grasp the nettle" is now. Later, will be even more worse.

reminds me of the recent report which states that Saudis are buying American hardware anti Tank Misisles and MANPADs to hand over to FSA which consists of Al Qaeda, TTP and other JIhadist cannibals rapists & beheaders. the MANPADs given to Lybian rebels have already found the way into Mali, ALgeria, Syria and else where so they can also find their way into Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Why is S. Arabia buying 15,000 US anti-tank missiles?
No one is expecting a tank invasion of Saudi Arabia anytime soon, but the kingdom just put in a huge order for US-made anti-tank missiles that has Saudi-watchers scratching their heads and wondering whether the deal is related to Riyadh’s support for the Syrian rebels.

That’s a tough question to answer. A military engagement with Iran, the most immediate potential threat faced by Riyadh, would be largely a naval and air engagement over the Persian Gulf. Saudi Arabia has fought a series of deadly skirmishes with insurgents in northern Yemen over the years, but those groups have no more than a handful of military vehicles. And Iraq, which posed a real threat during Saddam Hussein’s day, is far too consumed by its internal demons and the fallout from the war in Syria to ponder such foreign adventurism.

But one Saudi ally could desperately use anti-tank weapons — the Syrian rebels. In the past, Riyadh has been happy to oblige: It previously purchased anti-tank weapons from Croatia and funnelled them to anti-Assad fighters, and it is now training and arming Syrian rebels in Jordan. Charles Lister, a London-based terrorism and insurgency analyst, said that rebels have also received as many as 100 Chinese HJ-8 anti-tank missiles from across the border with Jordan — and indeed, many videos show Syrian rebels using this weapon against Bashar al-Assad’s tanks.

The Saudis can’t send US anti-tank missiles directly to the rebels — Washington has strict laws against that. Recipients of US arms are not allowed to transfer weapons to a third party without the explicit approval of the US government, which in the case of Saudi Arabia has not been granted.

But while the latest American anti-tank weapons might not be showing up in Aleppo anytime soon, that doesn’t mean the deal is totally disconnected from Saudi efforts to arm the Syrian rebels. What may be happening, analysts say, is that the Saudis are sending their stockpiles of anti-tank weapons bought from elsewhere to Syria and are purchasing US missiles to replenish their own stockpiles.

read more : Why is S. Arabia buying 15,000 US anti-tank missiles? - DAWN.COM
Missiles flow into Syria, risk falling into hands of al Qaeda
Complicating the matter is Saudi Arabia, which is buying arms for the Free Syrian Army.

A military source briefed by the administration said Washington has put pressure on the oil-rich kingdom not to follow through with plans to provide MANPADS, adding that Saudi Arabia already has sent anti-tank missiles.

“The Saudis have been giving the moderate rebels weapons for over a year, and to anybody’s account none of those weapons found their way into jihadists’ hands,” said the source, who asked not to be named because his discussions are confidential. “There are shoulder-fired missiles in the hands of the rebels. They’re not ours. They’re not as good as ours. They’ve had some success with them.”

Meanwhile, there are unconfirmed reports of Libyan MANPADS showing up in Algeria, Mali and the Gaza Strip, which is governed by the U.S.-designated terrorist group Hamas.

Besides Syria, there are confirmed reports that Libyan missiles showed up in Lebanon and Tunisia.

Read more: Missiles flow into Syria, risk falling into hands of al Qaeda - Washington Times
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Damn! The background song was so catchy! DJ Talibaba hits all the right notes. :lol:

I was about to ask who gifted these chutiyas a tractor...till I saw what was tied at it's rear. :ph34r: Their Backchodi has reached new heights!
Damn! The background song was so catchy! DJ Talibaba hits all the right notes. :lol:

I was about to ask who gifted these chutiyas a tractor...till I saw what was tied at it's rear. :ph34r: Their Backchodi has reached new heights!

Don't worry. Harder to hide a big towed gun then a talibunny in a cave system:
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