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TTP will open a front against India if its army did not stop

Sounds like Pakistani Government and the Military are pulling out of America's fictitious war and its back to business as usual.

I'm sure America must've asked Pakistan to shift Taliban Tehrik-e-Pakistan to India so Nato can have a victory parade in Afghanistan and a safe passage through Pakistan for their troops - with their heads held high.

India and it's new role as International Qurbani Ka Bakra.


India is not Qurbani Ka Bakra, Instead sometimes conditions forces us to become "Jhatkai" or "Kasai". But unfortunately, they would miss 'jannat flight' as India did not do 'halal' instead we do 'jhatka'.
India has everything to deal with these jombies. In Kashmir India was taken by surprise in the initial stage as low intensity mountain & urban warfare was new to us. These jombies were battle hardened and experienced in similar conditions of Afgan jihad. Secondly India uses only light weapons in Kashmir & did not use heavy weapons, jets, attack helis & armor on Indian soil, against Indian citizen & in civilian areas due to possible collateral damage.

Against these jombies, we can use every weapon on our disposal. They can't imagine Intensity of our brute force. The type of conventional war they are fighting in FATA, IA can clean them in days not in months. This announcement is just a lip service, to gain sympathy of Pakistani public against PA's possible operation by establishing their nationalist & ****** credentials.

The USA couldn't fight them in those areas for 10 years, and you are talking about mighty Indian Army that couldn't see Kargil infiltration (again, mountain warfare) and when the war started, it ran out of artillery shells?

Kid, do some research before you start praising your IA. This is not Bharat Rakshak. I'll let you off with a slap on the wrist this time.
It cuts both ways.

They are based inside Pakistan and are trying to provoke a fight with the IA. This would mean striking inside Pak held regions.
This would galvanise anti India sentiment in Pak which in turn would strengthen them & their cause.

Its a " heads I win , Tails you lose' situation for them & a Lose - lose situation for Pakistan.

Perhaps, perhaps not.

In the end, this is an empty threat, so we'll never find out.

Good send them to India.

Dumbest crap I have ever heard.

They know that it will drive Pakistan and India into war. That's what they want.

No, India won't risk going to war with Pakistan, when even Pakistan itself is fighting the same enemy.
The USA couldn't fight them in those areas for 10 years, and you are talking about mighty Indian Army that couldn't see Kargil infiltration (again, mountain warfare) and when the war started, it ran out of artillery shells?

Kid, do some research before you start praising your IA. This is not Bharat Rakshak. I'll let you off with a slap on the wrist this time.

IA is not PA, which is getting slaughtered by TTP on daily bases and still a division strong force of PA stationed at DI Khan dared to come out and face lightly armed 100 talib lunatics with AKs & RPGs and they let them go without firing a single bullet. Your elite police force commando deployed in and around jail in advance, became 'Ussain Bolt' on first glimpse of Talibs and also leaving behind their weapons. It shows, how traumatized you are by these TTPians.

Afghanistan is not motherland of USA, but India is our motherland. Pappu you have memory problem. Your suppa-duppa talibs are a bunch of low life lunatics, who can only scare you even in your dreams not us. As I told you, we already faced these type of MFs in 90's and they got smoked by IA, we buried them in dozens together to reduce their cost of travel to hell. We promised you that this time if they dared to step foot in India, we will tear them apart. About Kargil, smell the beans Pappu, its 2013 not 1999 and a lot of things have been changed since then. Its very unfortunate that India was deceived and stabbed in the back by you, but none the less it was a valuable lesson learned by us. Who flushed you from Kargil heights.....hm,,,,,,I think heavy rain...Na, It was IA, Pappu. No shells? Then its a shame for you, India scared you away with Diwali fire crackers!!!!!
IA is not PA, which is getting slaughtered by TTP on daily bases and still a division strong force of PA stationed at DI Khan dared to come out and face lightly armed 100 talib lunatics with AKs & RPGs and they let them go without firing a single bullet. Your elite police force commando deployed in and around jail in advance, became 'Ussain Bolt' on first glimpse of Talibs and also leaving behind their weapons. It shows, how traumatized you are by these TTPians.

Afghanistan is not motherland of USA, but India is our motherland. Pappu you have memory problem. Your suppa-duppa talibs are a bunch of low life lunatics, who can only scare you even in your dreams not us. As I told you, we already faced these type of MFs in 90's and they got massacred by IA, we buried them in dozens together to reduce their cost of travel to hell. We promised you that this time if they dared to step foot in India, we will tear them apart. About Kargil, smell the beans, its 2013 not 1999 and a lot of things have been changed since then. Its very unfortunate that India was deceived and stabbed in the back by you, but none the less it was a valuable lesson learned by us. Who flushed you from Kargil heights.....hm,,,,,,I think heavy rain...Na, It was IA genius. No shells? Then its a shame for you, India scared you away with Diwali fire crackers!!!!!


Ask the taliban what Pakistan Army did to them in Swat and Tirah valley.
Interesting comments. They ask for talks then say this wow some brilliant strategist must be sitting with them. All those saying kill TTP will have to back off to some extent.
Now the mighty Nuclear PA has use TTP to scare off India.

what TTP has forgotten unlike their Pak counterparts Indian soldiers wouldn't hide in gutters to save their skins.
fighting Indians--- ---no, never ever,

because NATO forces are few miles away in Afghanistan
yet Not even a single time TTP has ever EVER attacked NATO

and it wants us to believe that it will go all the way to Fight India?

sniff sniff.... Bull Shiite

Nothing but a failed populist stunt.

TTP fights Pakistani army because its help USA , but never ever going to Afghanistan to fight NATO/ US forces
the same NATO forces that come all the way into Pakistan with their drones and Navy Seals.

now it wants us to believe that it will make an entire journey over the breadth of Pakistan to Fight India if it Invades Pakistan?

how convincing.... NOT
I still have to understand why the media is keen to present the Talibani terrorists as some sort of heavenly tame creatures who do nothing but eat hay all day long and squeal and mewl at the sight of Pakistanis. The terrorists are a major threat. This claim by the TTP means nothing. They are enemies of Pakistan and they should be utterly eliminated. They never have nor ever had any interest in attacking India as this article states but are keen to kill Pakistanis. We must destroy the Taliban.

We have to clear out South Waziristan of terrorists, sooner or later it has to happen.
TTP fights Pakistani army because its help USA , but never ever going to Afghanistan to fight NATO/ US forces
the same NATO forces that come all the way into Pakistan with their drones and Navy Seals.

now it wants us to believe that it will make an entire journey over the breadth of Pakistan to Fight India if it Invades Pakistan?

how convincing.... NOT

No Irfan bhai, thats actually 'cute' that they expect us to believe their propaganda.
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