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TTP will open a front against India if its army did not stop

This will never happen unless it is done by force.

Kashmiris are loyal to Pakistan because our soldiers have given our lives for them, not the TTP.

Ideologically they are Pakistanis and think like us, TTP is alien to them like it is to us in mainland Pak.

yada, yada, yada...
India should hire TTP to fight the Marxist insurgency- all parties would benefit in this arrangement: common people of Pakistan would breathe peace, Pakistan would earn a lot of foreign currency, TTP guys would be financially solvent and in case they die without a doubt they would directly go to heaven.
:woot: You would??

And, all that infighting happening in our territory is more desirable to you?...I don't like it one bit.

You know...it's always better living with a known enemy then taking on a really twisted one. I would like to keep them engaged and always on the brink with somebody else and keep them at bay rather than take them on ourselves for no rhyme or reason.

That is because you don't choose to accept the reality of Pakistan. This is a country being ravaged by natural disasters, political blunders, militant bombings every 12 hours, Islamist extremists, poverty and illiteracy...but still a nation that finds the time and expertise to smack us into submission with her "spectacular" attacks .

Face it, Pakistan is the kind of enemy that will chew her arm off to take a bite out of you. The kind of enemy you wouldn't wish on anyone, the kind of enemy you'd want dead in any scenario.
That is because you don't choose to accept the reality of Pakistan. This is a country being ravaged by natural disasters, political blunders, militant bombings every 12 hours, Islamist extremists, poverty and illiteracy...but still a nation that finds to smack us into submission with her "spectacular" attacks .

Face it, Pakistan is the kind of enemy that will chew her arm off to take a bite out of us. The kind of enemy you wouldn't wish on anyone, the kind of enemy you'd want dead.

The concept of necessary evil works here - ever wonder why the Americans are still engaged with them?
The concept of necessary evil works here - ever wonder why the Americans are still engaged with them?

And how exactly do we compare to the Americans with regards to Pakistan? What carrot or stick do we possess to bribe Pakistan into complying?
India should hire TTP to fight the Marxist insurgency- all parties would benefit in this arrangement: common people of Pakistan would breathe peace, Pakistan would earn a lot of foreign currency, TTP guys would be financially solvent and in case they die without a doubt they would directly go to heaven.

Nice and novel idea :lol:
And how exactly do we compare to the Americans with regards to Pakistan? What carrot or stick do we posses to bribe Pakistan into complying?

Surprisingly we do, by not over engaging ourselves in Afghanistan, by not doing with their separatist and terrorist groups what the ISI does with our separatist groups, by holding on to IWT, by not over exerting pressure, by keeping the diplomatic and talks channel open, by assuring a solution to problems by talks, by giving them breathing space to continue with their fight with terrorists etc.

and, we are exactly doing that.
Surprisingly we do, by not over engaging ourselves in Afghanistan, by not doing with their separatist and terrorist groups what the ISI does with our separatist groups, by holding on to IWT, by not over exerting pressure, by keeping the diplomatic and talks channel open, by assuring a solution to problems by talks, by giving them breathing space to continue with their fight with terrorists etc.

and, we are exactly doing that.

We are in agreement. That's what I suggested one page ago:

By making them turn their focus on us. I know it sounds crazy, but we need to give Pakistan the time and space to disintegrate without us butting in.

Although, we must admit that we're deliberately missing out on a lot of chances. At the same time when the United States was announcing a bounty of Hafiz Saeed, we were busy fortifying our trade channels with Pakistan. Would Israel have reacted the same way had it been an Iranian extremist? It's funny to note when the West was increasingly looking to crucify Pakistan for their mistakes, it was India who threw her a lifebuoy.
Although, We must admit that we are deliberately missing out on a lot of chances. When the United States was offering a bounty of Hafiz Saeed, we were busy fortifying our trade channels with Pakistan. Would Israel have reacted the same way had it been an Iranian extremist?

We are not on the edge of how Israel is - they are practically pushed to the wall right now and have to fight it out, we have a lot of options open plus we have a lot of weaknesses both internal and external and our interests directly collide with both the US's and China's in that region, so any direct actions will have indirect consequences on us.

It's funny to note when the West was increasingly looking to crucify Pakistan for their mistakes, it was India who threw her a lifebuoy.

That's a good enough indicator of what to expect. I would even go to the extent of betting on that India might join Pakistan in it's fight against terrorism if it wasn't for their support to militants who attack in Kashmir.
I hope TTP is successful in liberating Pakistan from its evil Govt ad\nd bringing their true vesion of islam to pakistan.

Your post is just one line long yet I always end up looking for longer than needed. Who is she?
Your own soldiers are getting killed by these scumbags and you are praising them:disagree:

That's how Pakistanis have been made a fool of by their respective leaders for last 67 years. One can commit any crime in Pakistan and get away with it as long as he makes anti India speeches at regular intervals. That's why Pakistani dictators used to start a war with India every time the domestic situation in Pakistan became untolerable..Things are going in that same direction now..
We are not on the edge of how Israel is - they are practically pushed to the wall right now and have to fight it out, we have a lot of options open plus we have a lot of weaknesses both internal and external and our interests directly collide with both the US's and China's in that region, so any direct actions will have indirect consequences on us.

What I meant to convey is that, regardless of whether it is facing an existential crisis or not, Israel pounces on the opportunities given to it. Case in point: while Israel's last speech at the UN was about Iran's weapon building capacity, India's last UN address was a scathing criticism of Western interventionism. What did that get us? Nothing. And then we wonder why the United States refuses to play ball with us? Ridiculous.
What I meant to convey is that, regardless of whether it is facing an existential crisis or not, Israel pounces on the opportunities given to it. Case in point: while Israel's last speech at the UN was about Iran's weapon building capacity, India's last UN address was a scathing criticism of Western interventionism. What did that get us? Nothing. And then we wonder why the United States refuses to play ball with us? Ridiculous.

Of course, the Nehruvian BS mindset hasn't left us yet.
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