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TTP will not attack Pakistan Army

Yep and that is every cause of concerns as the world does not need anymore Osama's and Zawahiri's.

Yes and what were women armed with dandas doing there at first place?
Yes for dands if you need Artillery and chemical weapons than re train your Army if your police will not stop prostitutes and other evils than people will rise and do it on their own and also your government destroyed masjids for no good reason
Yes and what were women armed with dandas doing there at first place?

Spreading Islam with sticks - the Saudi style ! Basically first challenge the writ of the Govt and then when the administration asks you to mend your ways , allows you to negotiate and surrender , fight against them and when killed , raise the victim card ... Easy trick , eh mate ?
No Sir many times they used bomb were you their who short them and by the way they didn't even existed before 2007 who was our Army bombing than Sir let me tell you civilians women and children and innocent man because their leader became dog of USA who is known as Musharraf

So Mushraff became a Stalinist and decided to reduce population by killing women and children with bombs. What else would be a justification for such an idioicy? Only mullahs can preach and believe such hilarious invented lies!

Give me proof they are terrorists

Give me proof that they were bombed by army?
Fundos can invent justification for everything - even when it contradicts the rules if Islam by their own explaination! hilarious..just hilarious!

Every bit evident that your loyalties and sympathies are with the terrorists!
Who told you they are terrorists let me guess master USA tomorrow they will tell something about your parents you will believe that too ?
also your government destroyed masjids for no good reason

Give us all a freaking break for all those imagined things that haven't happened , now dont go around claiming that the media wasn't allowed when the mosque was being destroyed ! :azn:
Just keepinmg the rehtoric aside... Let me tell you a great story about how Islam was spread in Indian Subcontinent. You know how qawwali and associated musical instruments were developed by muslims?

The legend tell us, An hindu ruler challenged a very famous Sufi that our we have great hindu singers in our courtship which can induce people towards their religion hinduism, what muslims got that can attract people towards their religion ISLAM. Sufi accepted challenge and asked for a time. After few days, he came back with his group of people and musical instruments and he sing a qawwali which was praising Allah and his prophet (PBUH) attributes,,,that's how qawwali attracted hindus towards Islam.

If there were fundos like you, Islam would not have spread in indian subcontinent. Sufi's adopted the local culture and traditions that's how islam was spread.

Sufi was Nizaam ud din Aulia and the leader of qawwal group who created musical instruments was Ameer Khusrow who was disciple of Nizaam Sahab.
So Mushraff became a Stalinist and decided to reduce population by killing women and children with bombs. What else would be a justification for such an idioicy? Only mullahs can preach and believe such hilarious invented lies!

Give me proof that they were bombed by army?
Sir your own Army says they bombed area and kill terrorists their ever second day ISPR man comes and give this statement

Sufi was Nizaam ud din Aulia and the leader of qawwal group who created musical instruments was Ameer Khusrow who was disciple of Nizaam Sahab.
Sir I know about sufis and what they taught Sir and they are not the authority the finally and only authority in Islam are Quran and Sunnah and what Sahabas did as a whole Sir when we have some clear order in Quran and Sunnah we don't care what sufis say the might have done some great things but if some of their action is against Quran and Sunnah we will say that it is haram
Sir your own Army says they bombed area and kill terrorists their ever second day ISPR man comes and give this statement

The problem being ?

They say they killed those who fought with the army and that automatically makes them terrorists , is it convenient ?
Who told you they are terrorists let me guess master USA tomorrow they will tell something about your parents you will believe that too ?
If they have evidence then I have no reason to deny the obvious truth!

Yes for dands if you need Artillery and chemical weapons than re train your Army if your police will not stop prostitutes and other evils than people will rise and do it on their own and also your government destroyed masjids for no good reason

Govt in Saudi has demolished number of private mosque after 9/11 and have taken over many. In any case a mosque built on occupied land and filled with armed students is not called a mosque but an "illegal property occupied by terrorists".
Sufi was Nizaam ud din Aulia and the leader of qawwal group who created musical instruments was Ameer Khusrow who was disciple of Nizaam Sahab.
and Nizamuddin Awlia was the student and disciple of HAZRAT BABA FAREED GANJ SHAKAR should I tell you more ?

If they have evidence then I have no reason to deny the obvious truth!

Govt in Saudi has demolished number of private mosque after 9/11 and have taken over many. In any case a mosque built on occupied land and filled with armed students is not called a mosque but an "illegal property occupied by terrorists".
Sir Islam is spreading and spreading fast **** from some people will not stop it only can make your lovely USA happy but Islam will spread Sir keep talking but Islam will spread

The problem being ?

They say they killed those who fought with the army and that automatically makes them terrorists , is it convenient ?
I say the didn't killed terrorists they killed civilians any problem with that
Govt in Saudi has demolished number of private mosque after 9/11 and have taken over many. In any case a mosque built on occupied land and filled with armed students is not called a mosque but an "illegal property occupied by terrorists".

If a mosque is built on illegally acquired land then it is allowed in Islam to demolish them ... Surprisingly , the God's viceroy to earth do not know that !
Sir your own Army says they bombed area and kill terrorists their ever second day ISPR man comes and give this statement

Sir I know about sufis and what they taught Sir and they are not the authority the finally and only authority in Islam are Quran and Sunnah and what Sahabas did as a whole Sir when we have some clear order in Quran and Sunnah we don't care what sufis say the might have done some great things but if some of their action is against Quran and Sunnah we will say that it is haram

A true Friend of Allah (Aulia Ullah) never do Haram and Sufi were and are friends of Allah. WHatever they do, do according to will and order of Allah.

But how will you believe you are the the only authority on Quran and Sunnah.

]and Nizamuddin Awlia was the student and disciple of HAZRAT BABA FAREED GANJ SHAKAR should I tell you more ?[/B]

Sir Islam is spreading and spreading fast **** from some people will not stop it only can make your lovely USA happy but Islam will spread Sir keep talking but Islam will spread

I say the didn't killed terrorists they killed civilians any problem with that

So how can you say A man who is already under the strict guidance and watch of Allah and his Prophet can do haram things?
and Nizamuddin Awlia was the student and disciple of HAZRAT BABA FAREED GANJ SHAKAR should I tell you more ?

Sir Islam is spreading and spreading fast **** from some people will not stop it only can make your lovely USA happy but Islam will spread Sir keep talking but Islam will spread

I say the didn't killed terrorists they killed civilians any problem with that

Can you talk one time without cursing? Looks like you do not know what Islam says about cursing other fellows!
Islam is spreading fast - yes in the ghettos of Bronx and Leeds where a mix of unemployed uneducated youth and GCC money is going to create next Osama's, Zawahiri's, Mullah Umar's etc.

A true Friend of Allah (Aulia Ullah) never do Haram and Sufi were and are friends of Allah. WHatever they do, do according to will and order of Allah.

But how will you believe you are the the only authority on Quran and Sunnah.

So how can you say A man who is already under the strict guidance and watch of Allah and his Prophet can do haram things?

Including singing, drinking and dancing?
And who will certify that strict guidance and watch of Allah? Do you have a special periscope?
Can you talk one time without cursing? Looks like you do not know what Islam says about cursing other fellows!
Islam is spreading fast - yes in the ghettos of Bronx and Leeds where a mix of unemployed uneducated youth and GCC money is going to create next Osama's, Zawahiri's, Mullah Umar's etc.

Including singing, drinking and dancing?
And who will certify that strict guidance and watch of Allah? Do you have a special periscope?

No Drinking.Moving in a circle with both hands up signifying there is One God while saying Allah Hu, Allah Hu. That's what sufi's do who are genuine. While TUQ type disco sufis have shamed the genuine one's and this type of people make matters controversial

Some, Wasif Ali Wasif and , Qudrutullah Shahab, Ashfaq Ahmad and Now a days, A clean shave business executive named Syed Sarfarz Shah lives in Iqbal town Lahore. These people own actions and attitudes certifies that they are under the watch of someone.




I absolutely agree. They've made us bleed too much.
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