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TTP refused to extend deadline

Well, we tried the 'negotiations' route; so no one in the future can cry about it anymore. Now it's time for full fledged hunting of these beghairat khinzirs!

Have seen the news both the participants are ready for talks,so still no chance of strike.
Irfan saab, as always..

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A salute to you.
we all "suspected" that Pak military and previous governments were double dealing the world specially after American raid in Abbotabad. Pak military/ ISI was mocked and criticised for training and breeding the terrorists against Pakistani neighbours that turned their guns on it once it took the U turn.

but the current government has left no doubt where it stands when it comes to all Lashkers be it Jhangvi or Tyabah or tehriks.. it considers them all as its brothers. the Arab financiers of these organisations have sweetened nawaz league with 1.5 Billion Hallal dollars to ensure that no harm comes to these lashkars .. Pakistan military and its people can continue to pay in blood for the years to come.. the House of Sherifs will gladly escape to its peaceful and safe retreats in other parts of the world.

Nawaz is all smiles because he has 2 out of 3 potential adversaries under his belt. the main opposition party has assured him of their support (for now as long it suits it), Judiciary is obliged and thankful to the nawaz league's financial and "moral" support in the recent past which leaves the military that is hounded by Taliban, judiciary and the rest of the "democracy" .. the icing on the cake is good investment in some private channels and the opinion makers who have brought the image of the Pakistani military to the point where it finds itself scorned & ridiculed. A simple but well established rule of the conquers which is to make the population hate its own forces and defenders that they willingly or unwittingly become accomplices or silent spectators when the state is invaded.

my analysis seem harsh but the past 10 months or nawaz party dont show any "shining" examples to prove that it cares for the state or its people. even its scripted one liner "condemnation" or "concerns" have stopped whenever there are news of terrorism.

the comments of general Rahil are the key here
he said that Pakistan faces multidimensional threats .. the role of hostile media, judiciary and the government is clear where even the state ministers are openly hostile towards it and have declared revolt against it.

its no time for military to feel pity for itself. it has to rise up to the challenge of asymmetric warfare or step aside and let the outside world to sort things out and it might hurt a little
@Irfan Baloch,

There is major discord between both - that much is plain obvious. Enemies are at the gates and within and maneuvering the same enemies to fight your own soldiers over own citizen's dead bodies is a recipe for major disaster, what would be the outcome - another Bangladesh in the making or a taliban state?.

Sir, what's the solution? another coup or rapprochement between the league and the army? the attempt is to make the army toothless - but that's what a traitor does - not the elected govt.
@Irfan Baloch All the efforts made by the government is to secure their position? I don't think by destabilizing the image of army could be beneficial for them,what would they get by this?
my analysis seem harsh but the past 10 months or nawaz party dont show any "shining" examples to prove that it cares for the state or its people. even its scripted one liner "condemnation" or "concerns" have stopped whenever there are news of terrorism.

the comments of general Rahil are the key here
he said that Pakistan faces multidimensional threats .. the role of hostile media, judiciary and the government is clear where even the state ministers are openly hostile towards it and have declared revolt against it.

its no time for military to feel pity for itself. it has to rise up to the challenge of asymmetric warfare or step aside and let the outside world to sort things out and it might hurt a little

No attempts to end the increasing criticism against the army by media or HR organizations.
reluctance to order strikes against the TTP.
questioning the army's capabilities.
Increasing propaganda against the army.
Going against express suggestions given by the army to not do any dialogues with the TTP.
Not initiating action against religious leaders who malign the soldiers directly....list goes on.

why would they extend it now, snow is melting!
now mazkrat will start next winter
No attempts to end the increasing criticism against the army by media or HR organizations.
reluctance to order strikes against the TTP.
questioning the army's capabilities.
Increasing propaganda against the army.
Going against express suggestions given by the army to not do any dialogues with the TTP.
Not initiating action against religious leaders who malign the soldiers directly....list goes on.

and as this list goes on, Indian new administration might find it essential to strike the breeding grounds of terrorism in some parts of Punjab that are Sherif's votebank.

not sure how Sherif will balance the risks of loosing his business interests in India vs turning the blind eye to the terrorist brothers that cross the border and kill Indian soldiers and civilians.

fortunately for Nawaz, even if India takes the desperate and extreme step of targeting wahabi madrasahs in Kamoki etc then the brunt will be faced by the Pakistani military.

once again I find myself being harsh to House of Sherif but there is a logical reason to that assertion.

Nawaz party considers TTP and LeJ as its long lost brothers and agrees and supports their ideology and shares the common hatred for Pak military....
and there is unanimous world and domestic opinion that TTP poses an existential threat to the state of Pakistan (in case some wahabi apologist gets butt hurt I strongly urge him to look up the repeated statements b TTP leadership about their aims towards Pakistan and how it sees Pakistani constitution)

so what does it make Nawaz league? a "democratically" elected party which is partner to the TTP terrorism. hence a danger to Pakistan.
Nawaz is all smiles because he has 2 out of 3 potential adversaries under his belt. the main opposition party has assured him of their support (for now as long it suits it), Judiciary is obliged and thankful to the nawaz league's financial and "moral" support in the recent past which leaves the military that is hounded by Taliban, judiciary and the rest of the "democracy" .. the icing on the cake is good investment in some private channels and the opinion makers who have brought the image of the Pakistani military to the point where it finds itself scorned & ridiculed. A simple but well established rule of the conquers which is to make the population hate its own forces and defenders that they willingly or unwittingly become accomplices or silent spectators when the state is invaded.

Once again, an important question to consider is whether the military itself is totally blameless in any scorn and ridicule directed its way? Is it all propaganda only, or where there is smoke, there is some fire too?
Lets get one thing straight

However scummy, and pathetic our politicians and goverment are or can be, we are a democracy and have elected officials to govern the nation, only over a period of sustained democratic rule will we be able to govers ourselves more efficiantly

The military is subserviant to the state, the people and the elected goverment (we are not friggin egypt), whilst politicians need to stop being dumb and making anti army statments the army needs to wind its neck it and not make ANY statements in relation to goverment and goverment policy.

If the people of Pakistan feel that goverment policy is a failure, then the people of Pakistan will vote for polticians who will have a more effective policy

Negotiations are ongoing and need keep going and we need to peacefully remove as many TTP or other militants as possible leaving aonly a hard core whilch we will need to destroy with full public support and ONLY at goverment approval
No attempts to end the increasing criticism against the army by media or HR organizations.
reluctance to order strikes against the TTP.
questioning the army's capabilities.
Increasing propaganda against the army.
Going against express suggestions given by the army to not do any dialogues with the TTP.
Not initiating action against religious leaders who malign the soldiers directly....list goes on.


Damn indeed Sir,

at this rate we wont have to bother about Pak army's anti India proxies very soon.

We need to thank Nawaz indirectly.
Once again, an important question to consider is whether the military itself is totally blameless in any scorn and ridicule directed its way? Is it all propaganda only, or where there is smoke, there is some fire too?
No Sir its not blameless

not at all.

not blameless for its past (its use of wahabi madrassahs)
not blameless for the present (its mixed results in dealing with internal threats)

yes indeed it shares the blame for its misdeeds of the past. question is.. (which demands an honest answer) does its actions against the same terrorist deserve any recognition or not?

should the new mentors, apologists and financiers of the religious terrorists receive at least half the blame and criticism or not? I dont expect same intensity or same rhetoric against the political parties and media outlets that are self appointed mouthpieces of terrorists but at least recognise and pay attention to the instances when "free" judiciary is offering funeral prayers for Osama, refusing to charge a single terrorist and the government freeing the terrorists unilaterally even without consulting its judicial partners.

lets start and end our day by blaming the military leaders of the past and their actions, but lets not forget what the house of Sherif is doing.

"Constitution and parliament is supreme" roars the Nawaz league tiger

"we piss on your state and your constitution" responds the TTP

Analyse this

Damn indeed Sir,

at this rate we wont have to bother about Pak army's anti India proxies very soon.

We need to thank Nawaz indirectly.
flip side my dear.. these "proxies" have new mentors .. the civilian mentors who have just been paid 1.5 Billion dollars to export the terror to Syria as well.
imagine what these same proxies without any control will do to India?

a cursory observation by an Indian should be a reason to celebrate that Pakistani Military is bogged down in dealing with the Pakistani terrorists but the more dangerous possibility is that these people are unpredictable, ruthless and dont believe in self preservation,. recall the time when few cleverly made phone calls by LeT terrorist brought India Pakistan almost at war footing few years ago?
@Irfan Baloch All the efforts made by the government is to secure their position? I don't think by destabilizing the image of army could be beneficial for them,what would they get by this?

a dish best served when cold.

since when did you think that any sanity logic goes through the mind of this party? Nawaz is a very vindictive person and has the animosity like that of a camel.
he has, in his private conversations expressed his desire to push military to the wall.

he is encouraged by Judiciary, media and PPP's support and a collective hatred by the talibanized population for the military so he can afford to be ruthless. he is banking on the belief that military doesnt have the support or the will to topple him so while its down he continues to jump on it for his personal gratification

Khawaja Asif and Khawaja Saad Rafique are speaking the language of Nawaz.
No Sir its not blameless

not at all.

not blameless for its past (its use of wahabi madrassahs)
not blameless for the present (its mixed results in dealing with internal threats)

yes indeed it shares the blame for its misdeeds of the past. question is.. (which demands an honest answer) does its actions against the same terrorist deserve any recognition or not?

should the new mentors, apologists and financiers of the religious terrorists receive at least half the blame and criticism or not?
I dont expect same intensity or same rhetoric against the political parties and media outlets that are self appointed mouthpieces of terrorists but at least recognise and pay attention to the instances when "free" judiciary is offering funeral prayers for Osama, refusing to charge a single terrorist and the government freeing the terrorists unilaterally even without consulting its judicial partners.

lets start and end our day by blaming the military leaders of the past and their actions, but lets not forget what the house of Sherif is doing.

"Constitution and parliament is supreme" roars the Nawaz league tiger

"we piss on your state and your constitution" responds the TTP

Analyse this

Look at it this way: The Army created and nurtured these terrorists for its own short-sighted goals. And then it lost control. The "new mentors" are not to blame as much for they are only taking advantage of the military failures that has given them the platform. The Army created this mess and it has to be held accountable in cleaning it up.

a dish best served when cold.

since when did you think that any sanity logic goes through the mind of this party? Nawaz is a very vindictive person and has the animosity like that of a camel.
he has, in his private conversations expressed his desire to push military to the wall.

he is encouraged by Judiciary, media and PPP's support and a collective hatred by the talibanized population for the military so he can afford to be ruthless. he is banking on the belief that military doesnt have the support or the will to topple him so while its down he continues to jump on it for his personal gratification

Khawaja Asif and Khawaja Saad Rafique are speaking the language of Nawaz.

Your talking B.S now,, your talking like the elected goverment dosent have the right to push the military to the wall.

If you look at your above statment yoiur saying the elected goverment (PMLN), PPP (opposition), Judiciary, Media & the population (which you call talabnized) cant dictate or push the military, thats just nonsense.

You end you statment saying that nawaz is banking that the military does not have the will to topple him, lets hope they dont, those days have passed, the Pakistani population hasent suffered though a decade of democracy and 5 years of the PPP to have it all thrown away by another ill thought out coup
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