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TTP refused to extend deadline

This catagorisation of Good and Bad can only be done by Uncle sam..... Reason they live thousands of kilometers away from these so called talibs..... But subcontinent cannot afford to do that.... because all of us live in this volatile neighborhood....
I dont agree with the term as well.

its thrown at us so I go with the flow (in using the term)
, I agree with you 100% both KSA and USA can play this good bad proxies because they are always thousands of miles way from conflicts. but we cant

time of proxies is gone we have learnt it the hard way
hope India does too (reference to Balochistan)
just lately my dear.. they called off the attacks.
the "good" taliban are in Afghanistan now. making deals with uncle Sam. they can look after themselves

you being cheeky here by the way you dodged my question about the new mentors.. they seem all Kosher to you?

The new mentors are merely taking advantage of the situation for their own designs, but they are able to do that only because the Army lost control of its creation. Blaming them will achieve nothing. Removing their influence, and their terrorists, completely, and without any distinction at all, is the correct thing to do for the Army.
I was responding to a post by Irfan that mentioned India, so you can STFU as it has nothing to do with you or your comments.

It's not as if all of Pakistan's neighbors - the Afghans (shelling and firing across the border), Iranians (threatening to send forces into Pakistan), India (fighting off insurgents on the LOC) aren't already complaining about Pakistan's inactions to manage its territory.
please note that this view is not shared by people who want to conserve the state of Pakistan and not make it another Syrian / Iraq experiment.

I recall Manmohan Singh's quote "we can chose our friends but not neighbours"
none of us can F off from the face other the others. we are joined together whether we like it or not. maybe in next 10 or 20 generations we will reach a point where the Europeans are today (or maybe we wont and will resemble a bigger version of Afghanistan)

The new mentors are merely taking advantage of the situation for their own designs, but they are able to do that only because the Army lost control of its creation. Blaming them will achieve nothing. Removing their influence, and their terrorists, completely, and without any distinction at all, is the correct thing to do for the Army.

does it now?

where does it say in the constitution of Pakistan that an elected government should push an organ of the state to the wall?



settle a personal score?
declare revolt against the military? a state institution? while under the oath of the very state?

it looks very cute and charming to propagate to the military that it should submit to the will of the parliament and the constitution of Pakistan but in the very next step it shoots on its own foot?

are you for real my dear?

I am sorry @waz @batmannow @Armstrong @fatman17 please help me out here

I missed the part where an elected government has the right to push the military to the Wall..?

Well the response I will give is that this government has failed on practically every parameter that is needed to keep the state running efficiently. It has, people amongst it who indulge in high treason (aiding and abetting terrorists), which in other countries would warrant a removal and new elections to be held.

They can "push" all they want, but to they have the answers to raging insurgency going on now? Nope and the only tool they have to successfully deal with it they are neutering.

So all in all if "pushing" involves taking away the state's ability to fight a menace such as terrorism, then they have no right at all. The survival of the country comes before any "elected" government.
The new mentors are merely taking advantage of the situation for their own designs, but they are able to do that only because the Army lost control of its creation. Blaming them will achieve nothing. Removing their influence, and their terrorists, completely, and without any distinction at all, is the correct thing to do for the Army.
you mean nawaz sharif?
he should hve learned from the, story of ZAB? right?
cause its not a westminstered damocrazy, where a unwritten sinstitution is in practice?
if a fakly elected puncturly created govt, & internationaly conspirated damocrazy, is found safe gurding the terrorists, then no one should not blame, pakarmy if it starts playing football with thier heads including thier protected terrorists?
Who is financing them, they been fighting against state for years now, thousands of armed mercenaries.Destroyed Pakistan economy and our two largest political parties afraid to come forward for further action against them.
Recently Punjab police said they can wipe out these terrorist within no time, if present govt give them order. So, invisible hand behind the security of terrorist.......
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Well the response I will give is that this government has failed on practically every parameter that is needed to keep the state running efficiently. It has, people amongst it who indulge in high treason (aiding and abetting terrorists), which in other countries would warrant a removal and new elections to be held.

They can "push" all they want, but to they have the answers to raging insurgency going on now? Nope and the only tool they have to successfully deal with it they are neutering.

So all in all if "pushing" involves taking away the state's ability to fight a menace such as terrorism, then they have no right at all. The survival of the country comes before any "elected" government.

Pakistan's private road to hell was paved with such misguided "good" intentions.
Pakistan's private road to hell was paved with such misguided "good" intentions.


What of now, the present? I'm still for letting the current civilian government see out its term. Let the people decide once hell becomes a reality for them.
please note that this view is not shared by people who want to conserve the state of Pakistan and not make it another Syrian / Iraq experiment.

I recall Manmohan Singh's quote "we can chose our friends but not neighbours"
none of us can F off from the face other the others. we are joined together whether we like it or not. maybe in next 10 or 20 generations we will reach a point where the Europeans are today (or maybe we wont and will resemble a bigger version of Afghanistan)



From a neighbors perspective -

Pakistan is again playing a dangerous game, getting into bed again with terrorist at the behest of it's petrodollar spewing master. The difference is now the administration is doing it against the wishes of the former handlers of terrorist groups.

We know what these terrorists want, and by weakening the only force that is willing to take down these networks - the high risk of terrorism spreading into neighboring countries have increased multi fold.

But the trust that Pakistan will sort out this mess hasn't gone away yet after all.
Pakistan's private road to hell was paved with such misguided "good" intentions.
sure by inviting the terrorsists on the peace talks?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:


What of now, the present? I'm still for letting the current civilian government see out its term. Let the people decide once hell becomes a reality for them.
peoples never punctured the whole system?
it was sehti?
if still let the thugs running the show next time it would be 135 punctures?
then what, dismentle pakarmy?
give up nuclear assests, & bow to a noora king, with a mullha sitting besides him as his newly found father?
No Sir its not blameless

not at all.

not blameless for its past (its use of wahabi madrassahs)
not blameless for the present (its mixed results in dealing with internal threats)

yes indeed it shares the blame for its misdeeds of the past. question is.. (which demands an honest answer) does its actions against the same terrorist deserve any recognition or not?

should the new mentors, apologists and financiers of the religious terrorists receive at least half the blame and criticism or not? I dont expect same intensity or same rhetoric against the political parties and media outlets that are self appointed mouthpieces of terrorists but at least recognise and pay attention to the instances when "free" judiciary is offering funeral prayers for Osama, refusing to charge a single terrorist and the government freeing the terrorists unilaterally even without consulting its judicial partners.

lets start and end our day by blaming the military leaders of the past and their actions, but lets not forget what the house of Sherif is doing.

"Constitution and parliament is supreme" roars the Nawaz league tiger

"we piss on your state and your constitution" responds the TTP

Analyse this

flip side my dear.. these "proxies" have new mentors .. the civilian mentors who have just been paid 1.5 Billion dollars to export the terror to Syria as well.
imagine what these same proxies without any control will do to India?

a cursory observation by an Indian should be a reason to celebrate that Pakistani Military is bogged down in dealing with the Pakistani terrorists but the more dangerous possibility is that these people are unpredictable, ruthless and dont believe in self preservation,. recall the time when few cleverly made phone calls by LeT terrorist brought India Pakistan almost at war footing few years ago?

Good point.
I dont agree with the term as well.

its thrown at us so I go with the flow (in using the term)
, I agree with you 100% both KSA and USA can play this good bad proxies because they are always thousands of miles way from conflicts. but we cant

time of proxies is gone we have learnt it the hard way
hope India does too (reference to Balochistan)

Well People believe in ideology (like taliban and its different versions of it) can never be used as a proxy..... I dont believe (or there is nothing to make me believe) India will ever be supporting such organisations ..... We had our share of experience long back....

But let us keep that part of disagreement away from this thread... because that might derail the thread...
sure by inviting the terrorsists on the peace talks?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

you mean nawaz sharif?
your best responses ever. Although VC is correct in principle but Nawaz doesnt play fair does he? deceit is a new trick he learnt from Zardari.

@VCheng Nawaz took an oath at the grave of gen Zia to uphold and carry on his mission of wahabification of Pakistan.. now thats one beast that has the protection of "democracy" as well and army " cant touch this ..."
your best responses ever. Although VC is correct in principle but Nawaz doesnt play fair does he? deceit is a new trick he learnt from Zardari.

@VCheng Nawaz took an oath at the grave of gen Zia to uphold and carry on his mission of wahabification of Pakistan.. now thats one beast that has the protection of "democracy" as well and army " cant touch this ..."

That is precisely why I have raised this question many times: What happens if a majority of the people want this wahhabification by choice? After all, they elected NS via a Constitutional process. What can the Army do?
its all due to the CIA plan, that they are in danger if pakistan remains a nuclear state, so thats why all this damocrazy was conspirated & lunched with the help of croupted politicians, who ate ready to give up, pakistan,s nuclear assests & its all plants ?
Asif zardari tried it, memo gate was blown up by ISI, so everything went inthe cover?
now its noora trun, both times its only PAKARMY is been made target, cause its the only power keeping pakistani nuclear assests safegurded , & out of reach from greedy politicians , who are ready to give up everything for thier noora ,or ghadari rules forever in thier dirty dreams?
just be called AMMIR UL MOOMENIN?
offcourse dirty mullha brigade called TTP , is thier army trying hard to fight pakarmy?
@Irfan Baloch sir!
target engaged, you can go bck to command center!
let us do our COINS!

hi dreamy damocrazy boy?
what happened to that, umwritten UK , constitution?
pakarmy is the only power these stupid sold politicians were shining the shoes for?
dont you remember?
the parents of NOORA king doesnt wants to finish any taliban s good or bad, thus noora king is protecting them ?
cause they want to use it against sirya, later against iran?
Please remember that our nations have lost thousands of brave soldiers in fighting terrorism on both sides of the border. Contrary to your opinion, the TTP have repeatedly issued warnings to the Pakistani government for working with the U.S. They’ve also targeted our convoys on several occasions. Conspiracy theories aside, it is easy to see that we face a common threat at the hands of the same extremist organizations. We have been hearing different conspiracy theories since the very beginning of our partnership, and people are starting to forget; we were regularly accused of pressuring Pakistan to go after the terrorist elements inside the country. It is interesting to read that many are now accusing the U.S. of employing these same terrorist organizations. At the end of the day, the facts allow us to separate truth from fiction. Conspiracy theorists have been suggesting for years that the U.S. is planning to take over Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. We’ve said this before and say it again: Pakistan is an independent partner nation and the U.S. fully respects its sovereignty.

We have made too sacrifices to leave behind an unstable region. It is our wish and desire to see peace prevail throughout the region, especially Pakistan. We remain optimistic regarding the future of our partnership with Pakistan. Our governments are working hard to build on our improving relationship, and we have full confidence in Pakistani government’s ability to restore peace in the country.

Ali Khan

Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
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