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TTP only want to get out of US war, not impose sharia by force: Imran Khan

IK has no clue and should stay out. I am glad he did not become the prime minister because TTP would got deeper into our cities. Foolish man.

If Pakistan agrees on a peace deal with TTP and not dismantle this mafia group then what is stopping them returning when something happens which they don't like? More bloodshed.

Only agree on a peace deal when TTP are ready to disarm and are happy with Pak army bases all across Waziristan.

If TTP reject these terms then military operation. We need bases in those area, needs to be droned and border to Afghanistan needs to be mined. If TTP are ok with that and want to make peace sure go ahead.
Still, our less than adroit(along with informed) members would like to support IK not knowing the closet Taliban he is.

If IK is able to get his views supported by a majority of the people, then what happens?
It has always been easy to indulge in the blame game but that has not stopped our common enemies from moving forward with their deadly agenda. The ones left suffering are the families of those who have fallen victim to terrorists’ atrocities. The simple truth is that the blame game only puts our nations at disadvantage and provides leeway to those who are working against our peace objectives in the region. We forget the simple fact that our common enemies have repeatedly shown displeasure over our alliance. We forget that we’ve lost thousands of brave soldiers fighting the same terrorists on both sides of the border. It was our common stance against terrorism that brought us together in the first place. Our shared principles against terrorism refuse to let us bow down to the terrorists. We remain committed to restoring peace in the region, and wish to see peace prevail throughout the region, especially Pakistan.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
Then we call you back and pay you twice what US is paying you to spread false propaganda. Oops, win hearts and minds! :D

If IK is able to get his views supported by a majority of the people, then what happens?
He is right Mr most TTP guys are pakhtoon they are more concerned about Tribal areas and Army being their than implementing Shariah as for this constitution most of these laws are joke in the name of Islam Sir only few things are according to Islam and its rejected by really huge number of people Sir

Oh bhai, you do understand that if we re to implement 100% shariah in Pakistan than the likes of Taliban and their supporters are likely to get the first chop for butchering innocent men, women and children. They broke the rule of war set down by Islam, cmon sir, you probably know about Islam than me, tell me, did they not repeatedly break the laws of war set down in the Qur'an, hadith and by the Khulafa Rashidun.
Don't indulge the fundoz. They seek your attention, deny it to them! :D

Oh bhai, you do understand that if we re to implement 100% shariah in Pakistan than the likes of Taliban and their supporters are likely to get the first chop for butchering innocent men, women and children. They broke the rule of war set down by Islam, cmon sir, you probably know about Islam than me, tell me, did they not repeatedly break the laws of war set down in the Qur'an, hadith and by the Khulafa Rashidun.
wrong quotes .. mulanan is not the part of TTP .. imran khan have his own solution for resolution of this war .. all parties support talks .. including NS how got 2/ 3 majority ... it shows people of pakistan are pro talks

Please re-read both of them. They contain statement by a spokesperson of the Taliban. Imran Khan's solution is to bury your head deep in the sand in the hope that the elephant will walk by without causing any damage. As for all parties support peace talks, can we not talk about PTIs stance here as this is a thread about PTI. I thought PTI was different in that when it is accused of something it doesn't attack other parties but answers its own accusations. We don't know what the people of Pakistan think. Just above a quarter of Pakistan's population is registered to vote. And if we divide the "mandate" given to each party then we'll see how many people even support a single political party.
Imran is not a visionary and certainly not a leader. He is merely a reactionary who shines in apposition. He was too eager to take up the KPK government, though people like Haoorn Rasheed, and Hassan Nisar urged him not to get himself trapped into KPK mess. He is too arrogant, and from the time when he used to play cricket. Unfortunately, he thought running a province or country was also like running a cricket team of 12 players. He was darn wrong, and those of us who supported him were plain stupid.

I agree that he is a reactionary and is a slave of his own words that he uttered in opposing Musharraf. Now his ego demands that he should not back down, otherwise he will be considered foolish and that he can not accept.

But, on the other hand I still believe that he is definitely better than those thieves (ANP) who were looting the KPK. At least he is not interested in money and that may bring something good to the people. He is inspired and determined, so, he is good for governance until someone better comes out.
Don't indulge the fundoz. They seek your attention, deny it to them! :D

I'm currently doing a project in which I am attempting to understand how the brain of narrow minded bigot works. For his work I am currently conducting field experiments. I must give them attention to create a reaction.;)
What is 100% Shariah? Whose version? Which interpretation?

Mixing religion with statecraft is an impossibly difficult task that is best avoided.

I agree to a certain extent. My comment was just a general term which the supporters of fundamentalism in Pakistan use in debates, especially when they are trying to give the impression that there is a census on what constitutes Shariah law. I was just trying to show that according to any sect's (apart from one) thinking, what the Taliban are doing cannot be justified.
THEN "Democracy" will pay a visit to Pakistan and ..it will hurt us all really bad

All the hurt that would be seen in any such scenario where extremist right wing views gain a hold in mainstream Pakistani society would be self-inflicted. All the world has to do is contain the fallout (no pun intended) and just watch the show.
hate to say it but I cant ignore such statements for much longer. he knows full well they don't need an excuse to murder Pakistanis, their agenda is on a different plane than such a moralistic standpoint as US war or fixing justice system. my only guess, and i admit hope, is that he's trying to soften the position of ttp, isolate the hopeless kharjiites while persuading less thoroughly brainwashed factions to come into the fold of normal citizens. it may be admirable but in these days and times we need results on ground not idealism in hawaayi baatein. personally i think things are moving way too fast anyway, we need to wait this period out not rush into either war or negotiations.

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