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TTP only want to get out of US war, not impose sharia by force: Imran Khan

we sure about that?
look around you man
our soldiers and police men are mocked
their blownup and headless bodies are ignored
and their killers are invited for cricket match

Not only a cricket match, negotiating raises their profile and grants a certain legitimacy to their demands. A weak position at the table and with moronic leadership does not bode well for the outcome.
What Taliban Khan needs to be doing is, compiling the names of family members of the terrorists and realeasing them online. We need those lists by intelligence agencies to make the war more fair!!!!

40 innocent citizens die, same day we take out their 40 family members. Is that too difficult to comprehend?????
What Taliban Khan needs to be doing is, compiling the names of family members of the terrorists and realeasing them online. We need those lists by intelligence agencies to make the war more fair!!!!

40 innocent citizens die, same day we take out their 40 family members. Is that too difficult to comprehend?????

Do you honestly believe Pakistanis would be able to fight back TTP? Our armed forces was supposed to protect us but they can't be in all mosques, temples, markets and crowded places. Some sort of a counter Taliban movement is needed on the national level. Not just a political movement but an armed one which could help our armed forces.
People need to get sufficiently pissed. That's all that is needed. I'm already there. I will stop once 400 bearded men are dead by my hands! :D

Do you honestly believe Pakistanis would be able to fight back TTP? Our armed forces was supposed to protect us but they can't be in all mosques, temples, markets and crowded places. Some sort of a counter Taliban movement is needed on the national level. Not just a political movement but an armed one which could help our armed forces.
still not gona asnwer .. as i maintianed my stance that u need treatment .. after u get one and show me the evidence we can start arguing again
im treating you bit by bit, as i hve treated the other monsters before, you?
now you cant defend him, just told you, its getting worse, IK been fooled, after bieng called or told by , NOORA king?
thats why, he is supporting NOORA kings rule, TTp terrorism for further 5 more years?
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People need to get sufficiently pissed. That's all that is needed. I'm already there. I will stop once 400 bearded men are dead by my hands!

Although there are many Pakistanis ''pissed'' at Taliban but they are not the ones with power. :lol:
Quite a dis-balanced analogy.. but what happened when Hitler got popular?

Actually, that analogy works here, for a wrong direction chosen by a leader, even if wildly popular, can lead a whole nation astray. Imagine if IK were PM when he said this. People would be thinking that there will be" no sharia by force" and conclude between the lines that it means "sharia by coercive stealth" would be coming instead.
Do you honestly believe Pakistanis would be able to fight back TTP? Our armed forces was supposed to protect us but they can't be in all mosques, temples, markets and crowded places. Some sort of a counter Taliban movement is needed on the national level. Not just a political movement but an armed one which could help our armed forces.

THis might backfire. While the idea of a citizens defence has long been there(and albeit totally disorganized and neglected). A proper militia may send the wrong signals to the TTP in the sense that they would then focus on the militia and its members.
How come they aren't? Dude, Talibs power is at the barrels end of an AK. I have several of those. So, who's more powerful? :D

Although there are many Pakistanis ''pissed'' at Taliban but they are not the ones with power. :lol:
Actually, that analogy works here, for a wrong direction chosen by a leader, even if wildly popular, can lead a whole nation astray. Imagine if IK were PM when he said this. People would be thinking that there will be" no sharia by force" and conclude between the lines that it means "sharia by coercive stealth" would be coming instead.
What you are not sure about, cant hurt you.. is the idea.
Keep the whole idea of this twisted interpretation Shariah vague.. and people wont even know its happening.. as we speak.
THis might backfire. While the idea of a citizens defence has long been there(and albeit totally disorganized and neglected). A proper militia may send the wrong signals to the TTP in the sense that they would then focus on the militia and its members.

I think MQM is the only political party which can seriously go on an all out war with Taliban in Karachi but they have held back due to rangers operations against them. But then again Taliban enjoy support from Karachi's Pushtun population. So yeah civilian militias can quickly turn into ethnic or just simply revenge seeking killing machines.

Taliban cannot be underrated either, they have proven time and time again that they have the capability to strike anywhere and a section of our armed forces and civilians are definitely sympathetic to them.
Don't indulge the fundoz. They seek your attention, deny it to them! :D
uncle just wished you hve married faster then that, baji ney damagh durast kar diya hai!
man you, are just became unbeatable!
Quite a dis-balanced analogy.. but what happened when Hitler got popular?

do you know what my dear?
Hitlers Nazi party only needed 10% approval rating of the people and they were in power and made it look like the entire nation was behind them. the neutral sheep normally follow suit. thats revolution for you .. its true in Bangladesh and its true in Pakistan as well.. a hyper active minority with a medieval ideology (sorry for using the cliché line again) with the 21st century technology of media and weaponry at hand.

well when Hitler got popular he got in power and then he put his jihad on the entire world. thats what happened. a serious miscalculation of critical mass needed for nuclear fusion by Nazi scientists meant that he lost the war otherwise we would have been speaking German.
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