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TTP only want to get out of US war, not impose sharia by force: Imran Khan

What you are not sure about, cant hurt you.. is the idea.
Keep the whole idea of this twisted interpretation Shariah vague.. and people wont even know its happening.. as we speak.

Just like Hitler promised the glory of a Thousand Year Reich, eh?

The signs of what is happening are quite clear for those who chose not to be blinded by their own prejudices.
do you know what my dear?
Hitlers Nazi party only needed 10% approval rating of the people and they were in power and made it look like the entire nation was behind them. the neutral sheep normally follow suit. thats revolution for you .. its true in Bangladesh and its true in Pakistan as well.. a hyper active minority with a medieval ideology (sorry for using the cliché line again) with the 21st century technology of media and weaponry at hand.

well when when Hitler got popular he got in power and then he put his jihad on the entire world. thats what happened. a serious miscalculation of critical mass needed for nuclear fusion by Nazi scientists meant that he lost the war otherwise we would have been speaking German.
here you go super again?:dance3:
A proper militia may send the wrong signals to the TTP in the sense that they would then focus on the militia and its members.

they did very badly against well armed and organised taliban. IK keeps saying the Tribal people will be able to handle the TTP but they were no match for the Taliban and were left to fend for themselves and butchered mercilessly until they begged for mercy. such militia needs close support and presence of para military forces to provide the much needed firepower while the locals can provide the local knowledge, intel and recon to fight the hidden enemy
any ideas, some thread!
in the same thread he is talking about doing a "sheriah" on the Taliban and their active supporters

the kind fo Sheriah people of Sawat , Kuram agency, Hazaras of Quetta, people of Karachi and rest of Pakistan have suffered at the hands of these brothers of Jamat islami and Nawaz league
thats exactly what @Hyperion is talking about
You can only fight a movement that draws on religion.. with another that draws on religion.

they did very badly against well armed and organised taliban. IK keeps saying the Tribal people will be able to handle the TTP but they were no match for the Taliban and were left to fend for themselves and butchered mercilessly until they begged for mercy. such militia needs close support and presence of para military forces to provide the much needed firepower while the locals can provide the local knowledge, intel and recon to fight the hidden enemy
That might work better, somewhat as the ANA was used to fight the Talibs in Afg. But that would require identification of concrete leadership and ensure that defections are kept to a minimum.
Just like Hitler promised the glory of a Thousand Year Reich, eh?

The signs of what is happening are quite clear for those who chose not to be blinded by their own prejudices.
like I said he would have succeeded had the Nazis realised that they only needed 25 grams of enriched Uranium for the Nuclear bang not 5000 KG.

so in an alternate timeline it would have been London and New York that would have had been nuked to end the war.
in the same thread he is talking about doing a "sheriah" on the Taliban and their active supporters

the kind fo Sheriah people of Sawat , Kuram agency, Hazaras of Quetta, people of Karachi and rest of Pakistan have suffered at the hands of these brothers of Jamat islami and Nawaz league
you mean talbani-mollha-imran khani NOORA AXISS OF EVIL? right?
So we have a solution. Hyperionism. How does that sound? :D

You can only fight a movement that draws on religion.. with another that draws on religion.

That might work better, somewhat as the ANA was used to fight the Talibs in Afg. But that would require identification of concrete leadership and ensure that defections are kept to a minimum.
thats exactly what @Hyperion is talking about

Any chances of proposed militia/anti-Taliban group resuming the office of Taliban if it succeeds eliminating Taliban, given past history? Actually we have had enough experiments, all fire-back at the end of the day. Taliban of today would safeguard borders of Pakistan till recently similarly recently turned foes used to be assets of great value. Either you attain your targets politically or militarily or by means of both - there's no other effective and manageable way under current circumstances IMO .

Do you honestly believe Pakistanis would be able to fight back TTP? Our armed forces was supposed to protect us but they can't be in all mosques, temples, markets and crowded places. Some sort of a counter Taliban movement is needed on the national level. Not just a political movement but an armed one which could help our armed forces.

There's no any national level I am afraid. Any such movement will become ethnic very next day, you know holocaust of Kabail and stuff like that.
Talibaboons are evil, if they don't want to impose their sharia at gunpoint, Imran must answer the question why are they killing innocent civilians who have nothing to do with America's war, 70 to 100 thousand innocents have been killed. I think its unfortunate this nation is being confused.
You can only fight a movement t used to fight the Talibs in Afg. But that would require identification of concrete leadership and ensure that defections are kept to a minimum.
Ideally its the best combination and blunts the TTP tactics that are hit and run and hide

they cant hide, they will be given away. so many eyes looking out for IED being planted. helping in covert raids on houses containing taliban since there wont be anyone to raise the alarm the moment strangers appear in the streets.

just to let you know about sparsely population communities. we can tell from miles if a person walking is a local or a stranger, or if that civilian vehicle is local or from out of town without even needing the binoculars
people keep track of who came and who went out of the town. so this makes it really hard for successful raids. but when the local population is on your side and know that its family members wont be paraded in the street and beheaded after the forces go away then these same people will actually help you to come in quietly and catch the TTP with their pants down.

its all wishful thinking. what anti taliban people are doing is "apni madad aap.. in KPK and in Karachi" but they seriously lack the firepower and men
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